Based on my 3 minute study of online databases, the only reason that "qanon" is a thing is because of twitter hashtags.
When twatfags would spread their seed on the face of social media, they would use the hashtag #qanon.
In the 1st 100 QR generals, "qanon" is barely used, and mostly in reference to hashtags. Often in conjuction with #TheStorm & #FollowTheWhiteRabbit
>#qanon is the hashtag for Q on twitter
Oh yeah I forgot Gene H0 uses YourNewsWire to push false stories. He doesn't help.
>#qanon is a whitehat AI
>"The bunker" is where a rival blackhat AI is housed
>#qanon and other whitehats are battling CIA AI entities (the seven dwarves)
>Dopey is in reference to one of the CIA AI supercomputers NOT the Saudi Prince
Dayum the early threads were golden!