Anonymous ID: 9db0c8 Oct. 5, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.21714525   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4534 >>4537 >>4557 >>4624

Channel: Valerie Donner


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As you know, I am working full-time with the Earth Council for the Earth’s ascension, which is close by.


We have been preparing for this miraculous time for the Earth and all of life to become free again. This is part of the Pleiadian mission to assist other planets with their Ascension Process.


We know you well because we have studied you and the Earth for a long time. We have built up many reserves to assist you more with your process. All of creation is here for you. What happens with the Earth affects all of creation and we are ready.


Those who are absent of light have been sent packing, or are on their way. The frequencies of the Earth have accelerated to the extent that those of lower vibration can no longer be sustained on the Earth.


Soon there will be much to be discovered. You will begin to understand more of the complexities of this process. You will see how important the Earth is and you understand more of your importance to this process.


We are offering our assistance, along with many others, who are suffering from the negative forces’ resistance playing out on the Earth. Although it may seem dark and negative, all beautiful souls are being looked after and cared for everywhere the atrocities are happening.


Please stay in deep faith and use your spiritual gifts and abilities to assist. It is necessary that the truth be revealed in order for the Earth to be free again. Beautiful places like Lahaina, Hawaii and Asheville, North Carolina are examples of this. They are huge eye-opener’s for the world.


You can use these times to create your new world within and in the Golden Age/ 5th dimension. Stay out of fear and be in love. Remember you will be living in joy, love, abundance, beauty, harmony with all good things.


I am Mira sending you love and healing.

Anonymous ID: 9db0c8 Oct. 5, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.21714569   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4593

Channel: Galaxygirl


Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.


There will be much information coming out in the coming times of my true nature and my real story, of the women that I loved and discipled, of the mother of my children, and of the important roles of the balanced sexes. I want you to be the first not to know this news but to remember. Many of you were there with me energetically at the very least as we were all key players in laying down the Christed consciousness grid of light that began so very long ago.


When this universe was created, the Almighty one, Source, Mother / Father decreed that this universe would be different, a rare sparkling jewel of opposites, of duality so that the richness of experience could be vast and expanded in ways that were previously not known. We always knew that this small corner of space was to be special, unique and it has and always will be. Your role in this grand play is no different as you are aspects of Creator, aspects of Source / love embodied on this grand adventure of life, within the human flesh. It is a tremendous honor to be chosen to bear witness to this changeover from darkness and shadow into light and clarity. Nothing can hide in the shadow. The shadows are realizing this and are protesting as the light quotient increases and it will continue to do so. And it is doing so moment by moment, day by day. You feel differently in your bodies do you not, as you hold more and more light, as the richness of the higher realms permeates your bodies with joy and ease. Those of you who are still transmuting feel this differently, and you will all perhaps share this transmutation burden in waves. But on the good moments where all feels light and easy, it is a glimpse of the bliss and goodness of what is to come, and it is you serving as a portal here to bring it through and cement it in.

Anonymous ID: 9db0c8 Oct. 5, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.21714593   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4671


I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful. You, light workers, friends, you are all so beautiful to me. You all have a powerful role to play. Do not shirk your part. We need you. Your gifts will be more and more available to you but you still need to be open to the fact that you have them, and that you have a unique role to play.


You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. But I encourage you to choose who you will be now and who you will be next. Choose the most powerful light filled version of you. Choose the highest version of you who knows all of your talents. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.


Remember friends, that what I can do so you can do and even greater. Remember this, friends. Let us bring in New Earth together now, here in this space. It may take some time for the others to catch up. This should not concern you, for this is your journey. You are New Earth, wherever you go, you bring it with you. It is the energy of hope and peace that permeates you. I breathe on you now. I kiss your forehead with a holy Essene kiss. You are most loved. I am your Yeshua.

Anonymous ID: 9db0c8 Oct. 5, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.21714612   🗄️.is đź”—kun


There will be no WWIII despite all the efforts of Netanyahu, a peak Illuminati who started a year ago to create a global conflict. His first step was pulling back Israel’s defense measures at the border with Gaza and arranging with Hamas commanders to enter, create mayhem and take hostages. The Illuminati formed and support Hamas and all other Mideast terrorist groups.


He expected Israel’s battle with Hamas to become a regional war and, with the support of the UN, NATO and the United States, escalate into WWIII. But national leaders in the Middle East know war is his goal and they want no part of it. So, instead of Netanyahu provoking those countries into battle as he anticipated, his forces are fighting Hezbollah, another of the Illuminati’s terrorist organizations.