Anonymous ID: f18a33 Oct. 6, 2024, 6:02 a.m. No.21718903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909 >>8917 >>8933 >>9008 >>9123 >>9237 >>9596 >>9648 >>9707



Sue Gray resigns in the u.k, but not really.

Who is she?

she is the controller of the unions and has huge power in westminster.

A real piece of work.

she has now been given a job called


what that is at the moment, no one knows, but you can bet it has a massive salary and huge benefits.

Failing upwards.



Major blow to Keir Starmer as Sue Gray quits as his chief of staff

This comes after weeks of speculation around tensions between Ms Gray, outoging cabinet secretary Simon Case and Sir Keir Starmer’s director of political strategy Morgan McSweeney Millie Cooke David Maddox

17 minutes ago

Sir Keir Starmer has been forced to accept the resignation of his chief of staff Sue Gray in the latest attempt by the prime minister to regain control of the political agenda.

After less than three months in office since the election, the loss of Ms Gray who he personally recruited to ensure he could drive through his policies through Whithall once in power, is a major blow for Sir Keir.

But it follows weeks of infighting almost from the moment Labour won an historic election result coupled with questions over gifts for the prime minister, Ms Gray and senior cabinet ministers and fears that the government has lost control of its own agenda.

Already, Starmer has been forced to try to rset the agenda three times with announcements over restricting gifts in the future and paying back some of them. Now he is being forced to reset his top team.

Ms Gray will take up a new role in government after admitting that she had become a distraction for the government not least over revelations that she had insisted on a £170,000-salary, more than the prime minister gets..

It is a similar position that Tony Blair’s director of communications Alastair Campbell found himself in the wake of the Iraq War as well as David Cameron’s director of communications Andrew Coulson during the phone hacking scandal.

The outgoing chief of staff said her decision to step down came as a result of “intense commentary” around her position, admitting it risked becoming a “distraction to the government’s vital work of change”.

“Throughout my career my first interest has always been public service”, Ms Gray added.

For many it had become obvious at a miserable Labour Party conference in Liverpool that Ms Gray’s position was becoming increasingly untenable.


Anonymous ID: f18a33 Oct. 6, 2024, 6:03 a.m. No.21718909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8917 >>8933 >>9008 >>9237 >>9596 >>9648 >>9707


Cabinet ministers had tried to rally in support for her with those in favour describing Ms Gray as “absolutely brilliant” and “the engine of so much that is good”. They were “horrified” that she “has been subjected to these poisonous briefings against her”.

One described her as “a calming influence” and someone “who knows the civil service and which buttons to press inside out”.

But while a majority of senior ministers were backing her to stay on not all of them were happy about her being a distraction for the government.

Most hoped that decisive action by Sir Keir in quickly removing cabinet Simon Case would resolve the problem with Case and Gray’s animosity dating back many years. It was revealed when she quit her senior role in the civil service to be Starmer’s chief of staff that she had done so because Mr Case had blocked her promotion.

However, despite Mr Case agreeing to leave his post by the end of the year with serious ill-health being given as the risen, Ms Gray has been unable to cling on.

It is being speculated that her departre is linked to tensions between the former chief of staff and Sir Keir’s director of political strategy Morgan McSweeney, who has since been parachuted in to replace Ms Gray.

Earlier this month, Ms Gray was the subject of criticism after it emerged she was paid £3,000 more than the prime minister.

In September, Labour figures condemned the party’s preparations for government, as well as Ms Gray’s outsized influence as chief of staff.

Mr McSweeney will take over as Sir Keir’s chief of staff, Downing Street confirmed today, as part of a wider attempt by the prime minister to bolster his operation in No 10.

In a statement, the prime minister thanked Ms Gray for her work to “prepare us for government and get us started on our programme of change.”

She has been appointed as the prime minister’s envoy for nations and regions, an advisory role to help the government “develop and maintain strong relations between central government and other devolved authorities”.

In a statement, she said: “After leading the Labour party’s preparation for government and kickstarting work on our programme for change, I am looking forward to drawing on my experience to support the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to help deliver the government’s objectives across the nations and regions of the UK.”

She said it had been an honour to “play my part in the delivery of a Labour government” in her role as chief as staff.

The Conservative Party said the changes are evidence that Sir Keir’s government has been “thrown into chaos” in fewer than 100 days, adding: “He has lost his Chief of Staff who has been at the centre of the scandal the Labour Party has been engulfed by.

“Sue Gray was brought into deliver a programme for government and all we’ve seen in that time is a government of self-service. The only question that remains is who will run the country now?”


Anonymous ID: f18a33 Oct. 6, 2024, 6:50 a.m. No.21719123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9237 >>9596 >>9648 >>9707



Note; Anon does not fully agree with a.a but tony blair not only has his blair institution, but also trained the young leaders program and is hell bent on bringing in digital i.d and has his assets everywhere, by the way, kier starmer was coached by blair leading up to the election.

The Real Power Behind UK Politics Revealed


6 Oct 2024

Sue Greys resignation reveals who really controls British politcs.

Anonymous ID: f18a33 Oct. 6, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.21719576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9707


Note: This is a good report looking at storm mapping from the usa, europe, german and other storm mapping.

direct hits on florida, definitely weather warfare knocking out those areas where they have the most electoral votes. This guy only covers where the storms are heading, anons can use pattern recogination to fill in the gaps.

runtime 23 minutes.


Milton gets Stronger and will be a Direct Hit…