>>21719614 (pb)
Climate change, as currently referenced by science is a hoax. If you had the right job, at the right time, with the right clearance, you (were) taught this in class. It's a hoax for so many reasons, one of which, the earth vents it's atmosphere all the time. W/the exception of assholes diddling w/the weather on purpose, the Sun is the arbiter of everything on this planet. Our electromagnetic field that protects the earth can be collapsed on a whim by the sun. It happens all the time, but unless it's your job to understand the electromagnetic spectrum and it's effects on critical military infrastructure nobody is going to tell you this. It's so important, so critical, it's monitored in realtime, 24/7/365. It's the reason we experience temperature inversions, random transformer explosions etc.
This knowledge is so sequestered that while stationed at (a military base) transformers across base explode damaging building/cars, etc. Civil Engineers were baffled and our base was ordered into an Emergency Lockdown/Shelter in place. Once word got to me as to what was going on, I pulled out my cell phone, called NORAD and asked for the "Geo-Planetary Index", (I think in civilian terms it's the K-Factor, unsure) then relayed to MOCC (publicly over the flight line radio), to notify all personnel it was simply a geo-magnetic incursion, the index was high, no threat of a terrorist attack. Turns out, casually dismissing everyone's fear/anxiety pisses a lot of people off so I was plucked from working on an aircraft on the flightline and plopped in front of the Emergency Operation Commander (EOC) who was dumber than a box of rocks. Took some doing, a few phone calls but finally got everyone to calm the fuck down and lift the lockdown/shelter.
People don't know, PhD climate scientists don't know, your kids science teacher doesn't seem to know. It's mind boggling especially when you understand the only reason it's (supposedly) kept classified is that it plays a key role in placing satellites into geo-synchronous orbit . I think our enemies have that figured out at this point.