Anonymous ID: 07d9a1 Oct. 7, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.21725017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5034 >>5053 >>5104 >>5116 >>5229 >>5322

Hurricane Helene Exposes A Deep Betrayal Of America


Americans across several states are suffering and attempting to survive under unimaginably harsh conditions, without food and water, in that aftermath of Hurricane Helene which tore across ten states in the Southeast last week, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. And a week later, these people have found that they are largely on their own, as all the real help that has arrived has come through the efforts of individuals and nonprofit groups such as Samaritan Purse, Mountain Mule Packers Ranch, Save Our Allies and Aerial Recovery, which has exposed the fact — to anyone who didn’t already know — that the Biden regime doesn’t give a good damn about them, as Biden and his minions have engaged in not just dereliction of duty but the worst betrayal of the American people ever witnessed, since the birth of the nation.


Joe Biden, the placeholder-in-chief, showed up in Georgia [10-3-24] to give lip-service to the disaster and made promises of money to come, some twenty million dollars, and a recovery that will supposedly be totally undertaken by the federal government. No one should hold their breath waiting on that help to arrive, but if it does, they can bet the farm it will come with the intent of helping Biden special interest groups and supporters first.


Americans should note: $20 million for the victims of Helene and well over $640 million for illegal aliens and approximately $180 BILLION for Ukraine. When does THIS Damned MADNESS Stop!?!


It’s an astounding matter that despite assertions of nineteen thousand National Guardsmen and FEMA workers already being on the ground in those states most severely affected, from Florida to Tennessee and Georgia and on to the horrific situation near Asheville, North Carolina, no one can find them, as FEMA workers are simply sitting in their trucks and sending out mass emails with an app for the victims of Helene to use to apply for financial help, rebuilding their homes, and most importantly finding a way to have food and water and medicines sent their way as soon as possible — THIS in areas where there currently isn’t electricity or any cellphone reception and internet.


It’s a curious thing to witness this tragic situation compounded by the inaction of the federal government and federal workers, agencies and the U.S. military all missing in action as the victims keep asking where all these mysterious government workers are supposedly delivering aid and much needed necessities to anyone.


Where is the federal government? No one has seen much of an inkling from it yet.


This is beyond unconscionable once one considers that the 82nd Airborne can be up and on their way to any hotspot in the world between eight and eighteen hours. It’s simply a lack of a president and any leadership in the federal government, as one should note that in 1990, a brigade of the 82nd Airborne was deployed to Saudi Arabia after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in less than three days, followed by all the armaments of a full division, including light armor, within the week.


Adding insult to injury, all America heard Joe Biden say his regime has “done all we can do” in regard to this crisis and the misery the victims of Hurricane Helene are enduring, as the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas — the biggest anti-American traitor next to Biden — told the country that the money for FEMA to respond had simply run out for the fiscal year, after FEMA has spent more than $1.4 BILLION since the fall of 2022 to provide necessities for illegal alien invaders. There remain billions of U.S. taxpayers’ dollars setting dormant in other programs, especially those associated with covid that could be taken for this national emergency, and yet, everyone who could do something simply refuses to take effective, efficient and proper action.


But goddamned if they don’t pull out all stops to find financing for homes, food and clothing for illegal alien invaders, who are murdering our sons and daughters as we speak and spit on our American flag, and two wars approximately six thousand miles away each, while Vice-President Harris parties in L.A. with Hollywood celebrities in order to beg campaign funds.

Anonymous ID: 07d9a1 Oct. 7, 2024, 8:28 a.m. No.21725122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't know what to say anymore. The world has gone insane and I fear there is no stopping another massive world war and the death knell of peaceful civilization as we once took for granted. Best be prepared for the worst, no matter what happens, maybe even save an extra bullet for yourself if all becomes destroyed and hopeless.

Anonymous ID: 07d9a1 Oct. 7, 2024, 8:32 a.m. No.21725136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5147 >>5148


This is the new glow op narrative. Before then the glowies were here shilling for FEMA claiming thousands of citizen victims are all lying and the government and media is to be trusted. Fucking despicable assholes all of them.