Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 2:41 p.m. No.21748454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lol according to this the bad guys are screwed either way.

Good guys win, they are screwed.

Bad guys win, they get nothing

Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.21748817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8825 >>8826 >>8835 >>8851

Archangel Michael: Humanity is Being Shaken Awake


Blessings Dear Ones.


It is wonderful to be speaking with all of you at this time.


Regardless of whether one is spiritually awakened or not, each individual on Earth is experiencing intense changes within.


Those of you who were chosen to be present and aware during these times were deemed to be among the strongest and most evolved. Which means that you are capable of withstanding the energies emerging from the Earth’s ascension process, in these grand moments. Additionally, you needed to be able to endure the intense personal clearings required to harmonize with the higher frequencies of an evolving Earth.


Despite the apparent chaos on Earth in these moments, it is important to remember that even if you do not understand it, everything is unfolding according to the Divine Plan. Everything the dark ones push, backfires on them, and they are being exposed for their actions. Any attempts they have made in stopping the ascension has been foiled.


The recent significant solar events have the potential to awaken many individuals from their slumber. These intense frequencies are impacting every person on Earth, even if they are unaware of the changes occurring within them.


Particularly affected are those who choose to dismiss or reject anything that challenges their belief systems, as they are now receiving their “wake up calls”.


These vibrations will manifest in their lives as experiences intended to shake them awake, and compel them to reevaluate their beliefs. It will not be an easy journey for them.


Trust the process, dear ones, and be aware that much is happening behind the scenes that most are not yet conscious of.


When fear and doubt arise, remember to go within, requesting guidance from your own Divine Essence. Throughout your day, focus on the truth beyond the limitations of the 3rd-dimensional world. Simple reminders, like pausing to silently acknowledge…and repeat the Words “I am,” can be powerful.


At a certain point in every person’s spiritual journey, a choice must be made between embracing and living in the Higher Light or clinging to illusions.


You are not merely a physical being subject to the hardships of disease, lack, violence, pain, and suffering. You are a being of Light, only bound by the illusions of the material reality.


As Humans awaken, they must confront long held outdated beliefs, that are deeply ingrained in every aspect of life on earth.


For those truly committed to their spiritual evolution, you must leave behind all that does not serve you in The Higher light.


Stagnation occurs when one continues to straddle the line between reality and the illusions of the 3rd dimensional world even though they know the truth.


Every individual yearns for happiness and wholeness, which is essentially the Soul’s desire to reunite with source Light and to be one within itself.


This inner longing is misunderstood in the 3rd-dimensional mindset, as a relentless pursuit of external sources and material wealth for fulfillment.


Each person carries their level of consciousness from one lifetime to the next, which explains why some find it easier to grasp deeper truths than others. Most of you reading and hearing these messages were already highly evolved when you incarnated, allowing you to participate in the ascension process as enlightened beings. Have patience and compassion for your fellow humans as they have not yet discovered their Divine Light.


It is important in these times of your Ascension, to refrain from becoming entangled in 3rd-dimensional issues and instead focus on radiating Light wherever you go. Light work involves embodying the essence of Light in your everyday activities, and sharing it with Others. In these moments of upheaval, your fellow Humans Need your Love, support and healing.

Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:08 p.m. No.21748851   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Having the understanding of unity can elevate this awareness in others, especially when they are receptive to these vibrations.


Also, remember that a Light-filled consciousness may trigger negative reactions from some who feel threatened by change. However, those ready for spiritual growth will be drawn to this higher energy you emit, and may even experience healing in your presence.


Your Power in the Light, is beyond your imagination.


Simply live in the truth of Divine Oneness, and you will be fulfilling your purpose.


I Love you, and I am Always with you. I Am Archangel Michael.

Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:12 p.m. No.21748867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8872

Archangel Michael: What You Believe


Greetings, Beloved Ones.


We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…


Beloved One, as you are awakening from the dream of Illusion, you will become more and more aware that you are in fact dreaming.


That is why it is called ” The Awakening.”


In your dream, there are buildings, societies, people, animals and even your body is part of your dream.


Everything and everyone in your dream responds to your beliefs.


If you believe in a hostile world, the world and everyone in it will be hostile.


If you believe in a benevolent world, the world and everyone in it will be benevolent.


As you are moving through the awakening, you will notice more and more how your different way of thinking will affect your dream.


Whenever you become aware of a reflection of your beliefs in an experience, you can now look at it and decide if you wish to continue with your belief, or if you wish to change it.


If your goal is ultimately to wake up from the dream of Illusion, the only ticket out is Peace on all levels.


There is much help here for you from all realms of Light, to guide you out of the illusion and into an unshakable inner Peace – God’s Reality.


All it takes is your desire and openness to “unlearn” the premises of the Ego created Dream and learn the truth of God’s Reality.


In the Ego construct, everything is upside down:


Separation from others and God is the foundation of all interactions.


You will only have if you take from others.


Attack is the best defense.


There is only defense and attack.


Everything and everyone is mortal.


Death is inevitable.


In God’s reality, everything is right-side up:


There is only Oneness with everyone and with God.


You have by giving.


Love and peace is the only response.


There is only Love and Peace.


Everything and everyone is eternal.


There is no death. There is only eternal life.


This takes a great deal of undoing.


We are here to assist you with it. All it takes is to ask, what to do in every moment.


The voice for God will tell you what to do and what to think.


The voice for God is the Holy Spirit, who is part of your mind.


You can choose to allow for this part of your mind to expand, so it can lead you out of the dream of Illusion and into the Reality of God.


(Some call the reality of God the Higher Dimensions.)


Now can choose.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you, every step of the way.


Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.


I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:18 p.m. No.21748901   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ashtar: Incoming Energies are Upgrading Consciousness


It is Ashtar, and it’s such an honor to know that you’ve recognized and felt my presence. There are many Beings that are lining up to share and iterate messages that speak to all of you.


What we simply wish for you to know is to sit tight, hang tight, for the energies are going to be wild. They have already been wild for some time. Keep in mind the backdrop of incoming energies are here to help humanity release what they need to release. Those that resist releasing may experience some of these deeper lows, and those who have already been doing their work, those who in the very least listen to their heart and to pay closer attention to their emotions will find that they will better navigate these highs and lows.


The ambient energies (and those of the collective) will also be felt, so remember to keep your ‘light shields’ strong. Ask that the information that you need to know can permeate those shields while still keeping your own energy intact while connected to the collective to assist the collective without shouldering these energies… for it will be intense.


An Energetic Alignment Will Unfold

We simply wish for you to know, as we are showing Kate, there is a beautiful alignment. There have been a series of celestial alignments. But there is an alignment of a different sort. It is more of an energetic alignment, and it is an alignment where Earth is in many ways coming into a fuller and clearer (or more unobstructed) view with the galactic center. As a result of this, the incoming energies do not need to pass through any other celestial body. There is no circumventing involved. It is in many ways a direct hit. And as a result, this is what will create a wild ride.


But remember that even the wildest rides always end up in a level of re-stabilization, and this will be a re-stabilization that will look and feel different for everyone. Nonetheless, it is exactly where each individual needs to be. Nonetheless, for the vast majority of those who will not resist these energies, there will be a leveling up, an energetic upgrade. And how individuals move into this upgrade is largely up to them and how much support they are open to receiving, how much they tune into their own feelings, their own needs, how much they heed their own internal compass to do what is right for them.


Consciousness Upgrades

But there are those within the collective who perhaps may not respond or react to these energies this time around. Yet remember, the Universe unfolds in a way that beautifully supports the expansion of all Beings. So if they are not onboard this time, eventually those individuals will come around in a way that even up levels them to a playing field that will allow their consciousness to be even a little more open than in the past. The goal here — the objective for humanity — is an ongoing, gradual opening and expansion of consciousness. Our friends, this is different for everyone. For everyone to expand their consciousness does not mean that everyone will align in their political ideologies, nor in their beliefs, but it is an up leveling of consciousness that they need to connect with at a soul level. This is part of their blueprint or their energetic signature that carries them into an experience that represents a progression.

Anonymous ID: 83afb3 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.21748970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

press every human. You can’t have money, unless you earned it by providing some kind of service or worked for someone.


The only reason for the existence of money was created to enslave and control everyone and everything in the world. The Darkness didn’t have any intention to make anyone happy only to dictate on what you can do with attached restrictions. Selected individuals receive endless amount of funds. Then they follow the orders from Darkness. These people appear from nowhere, and what you see that they have unending amount of money and power. Also, they pretend to be the good guys, who care for humans. That is an absolute lie and a false pretense.


Their missions are usually to fool and distract mankind from moving forward and evolve into higher vibrations. They never care for anyone and follow only the orders from Evil. Meantime, they try to fulfill their tasks by keep destroying the environment around you without letting you know about it, and kill as many as they can humans with experimental drugs, tests and etc. Their main goal is to continue to accumulate wealth by stealing it from the human population.


You were born into these bodies and are supposed to have everything you need for free and not to pay for anything. Instead you earn a right to live only by working most of your life for pennies in a comparison to the chosen ones by the Darkness. Their financial system is going to collapse, because it’s based on greed and suffering, despite all of the attempts from the Negative Ones to save it. Your life should not be based on paying for every single thing, that is a superficial system that doesn’t exist in higher dimensions. Only low vibrations allow such a nonsensical commodity to function.


We have been saying about no money in 5D, you can see for yourself, on how much damage this financial system has done to the human civilization on all levels such as physical, emotional, physiological and etc. It created crimes in your society. Some humans in order to survive stopped living honest lives, and started to steal or even kill just to get money into their hands. Money in your reality represents Evil and nothing else. If you count on how many children and adults left their physical bodies for being poor and not having enough money for food.


You need to pay to stay healthy, this is another reason, on why money needs to vanish from your world. Your human society has been kept in a low and slow advancement stage, not to let you progress enough into the 5th dimension or higher. Everything here was done with a purpose to keep you in the Dark Ages. Your first electric cars were invented in the 1830s, which were more safe and not toxic for your body compared to the electric cars you have now. Progress is made, when a whole civilization benefits and not just only a small group, who takes wealth from humanity and poisons everyone with their primitive inventions.


Dear Ones, most of the advance inventions were never allowed to be introduced to you. The Dark Ones don’t want for humankind to be happy and live healthy lives. Divine is going to destroy this 3D Matrix and the Negative Entities. It’s just a matter of the time, before the whole financial system is going to collapse, and attempts to move it from monetary currency to digital, it’s not going to work in the longterm. Nothing can’t stop the destruction of Darkness. Please, remember we always love and support you.


Now, I am going to disclose to you about, on how your planet’s orbit is getting trashed by constant launches of Starlink satellites. SpaceX, which serves Darkness, launched its satellites starting from May 23, 2019, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. From that period of time until today, 7,001 satellites were send into space around Mother Earth. The company plans to increase that total to 12,000 and there is a strong possibility that amount could go up to 34,000 satellites.