Anonymous ID: f33cd6 Oct. 11, 2024, 2:29 p.m. No.21748392   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8402 >>8405 >>8422 >>8686 >>8756 >>8815 >>8856 >>9014 >>9069



Note: This is where the venezuelan gang TDA took over the apartments by force

dough below


LIVE: President Trump in Aurora, CO


djt takes the mike at 3.44pm e.t

President Trump: We're here, finally, in Aurora, Colorado, to call the attention of the world, and, unfortunately, the world has already got it's attention, to one of the most egregious betrayals that any leader, in any nation, has ever inflicted on it's own people…they're destroying, they are ruining our country.

President Trump: Kamala has imported an army of illegal alien gang members and migrant criminals from the dungeons of the third-world…and she has had them resettle to beautifully enter your communities, to prey upon innocent American citizens.

DJT: that's the most beautiful piece of paper i've ever seen

President Trump: My message today is very simple, no person who has inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris has inflicted on this community, can ever be allowed to become the president of the United States. We're not gonna let it happen.

President Trump: Polis. [Colorado governor], he's a coward, he's a fraud, he's pathetically trying to deny; he's pathetic. He doesn't see. You know, they don't wanna see. They wanna stay with Washington, because otherwise they'll get indicted. They'll find they did something wrong. They'll get indicted if they don't. So he's afraid. They're all afraid. They're all cowards.

DJT, referring to knee pads: she's committed crimes against your state by letting these criminals in

President Trump: [Governor Polis] doesn't see people bursting into buildings with AK-47s. Military-style weapons. Sometimes better than our own military. You have to ask, they're illegal migrants, they come from poor areas. Where the hell do they get these guns? The best guns. Where do they get 'em? Who gives them better guns than our military has? Who is giving them the guns? [Harris] has committed crimes against your state. She has committed crimes by allowing these people in, and many of these people are murderers.

President Trump: And now America is known all throughout the world as Occupied America. They call it occupied. We're being occupied by a criminal force…To everyone here in Colorado, and all across our nation, I make this pledge and vow to you, November 5th, 2024, will be Liberation Day in America. It will be Liberation Day…I will rescue Aurora, and every town that has been invaded and conquered. These towns have been conquered…and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail, or kick them out of our country,and we will be very, very effective in doing it. It's going to happen very, very fast.

President Trump: I hope that Colorado will show a tremendous protest vote for what they did to try and keep me off the ballot, and more importantly, for what they have done to the fabric of your culture.

President Trump: In three local apartment complexes that Kamala has infected with TDA [Tren de Aragua], that's the gang that we talked about, the prison gang. They come out of prisons. Eighty percent of the residents are now living with their relatives in different states and other places; they've been forced out of their building. Twenty percent of the residents stayed, and they're fearing for the life. They had no choice but to stay. They're being threatened every day…January 20th, those guys are going to be out on their asses, and they're going to be out of this country. Members of the gang now beat down doors with hammers, and engage in open gun battles with rival groups in this once peaceful, beautiful, crime-free community.


Anonymous ID: f33cd6 Oct. 11, 2024, 2:30 p.m. No.21748402   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8405 >>8422 >>8686 >>8756 >>8815 >>8856 >>9014


POTUS: ' They say women dont like me.. i think they do like me.. i think women like me because I will be your protector and protected you for four years… and I will be your protector.. you know where else I protect you… i knocked out ISIS.. we have the greatest military in the world, but you have to know how to use them '

POTUS: ' Its the enemy within… all the scum who hate our country, thats a bigger enemy than Chyna and Russia '

President Trump: It's the enemy from within, all the scum that we have to deal with, that hate our country. That's a bigger enemy than China or Russia.

POTUS: ' They take the worlds criminals, gang members, crime members.. and deposit them into the United States, bus after bus after bus… they took the criminals out of Caracas and put them at the border and told them if you come back we will kill you '

President Trump: Kamala's policy is to release and resettle all illegals without checking. Without check.

POTUS: ' Aurora is really infected by Venezuela '

POTUS: ' They came from 168 countries '

POTUS: ' Some of them have killed 3 people.. others were on death row. .. they thought lets just send them to America '

POTUS: ' They had 21 million people come in… if you had four years of that you would have over 200 million people.. she shouldnt be allowed to do this… she shouldnt have been chosen…btw… biden hates her!.. theres a small possiblity that he hates her more than he hates Donald Trump '

POTUS: ' Shes crashing like a rock… oh i just thought, from a very brilliant mind… they might put a third person in.. please be nice to kamala… theyre going to put a third person in… who would it be… hillary!… hillarys back!!!… she has serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.. '

President Trump: You know it's interesting; if Trump, talks about the 2020 election, they say, 'Indict him! He's a conspiracy theorist!', but Hillary's still talking about 2016. She has got serious Trump Derangement Syndrome.

POTUS: ' the migrant flights dont count… they dont count.. she forgot to tell anybody they have massive boeing aircraft flying them in,, and they have apps… the heads, the drug cartel heads.. they call up and ask "where do we drop the illegals?" she actually created an app… shes a criminal, shes a criminal '

President Trump: She [Harris] actually created an app [CBP One], a phone system, where they [illegals] can call up. I mean, she's a criminal. She's a criminal. She really is if you think about it.

POTUS: ' Venezuelan illegals … do it through their phone app.. you know if you look at Springield Ohio… they have about 50,000 people, … everything nice.. they dropped in 32,000 people.. they took them in through probation… now if you want to go to the hospital, you cant get in… the mayors looking for interpreters … this community was hit with 32,000 illegal migrants.. they have to go back to where they came from.. im sorry'

President Trump: The good thing about this four year period; it's a horrible period. It's a shame it happened. It should have never happened. It shouldn't have happened. They've done so badly, that we'll be able to do it, and we'll be able to do it with cheers, because people see how bad it is, and how bad it's been run.

[they must be shown]

POTUS: ' Within 24 hours.. all within 24 hours.. im going to make border safe… we are also going to do something else… drill baby drill… on that same day we will make the task to find and deport every illegal… ICE… they are tough as hell… they should be fighting for Dana White, UFC '

POTUS: ' NYT… totally corrupt.. i cant stand that paper.. when you read something in NYT think the opposite.. they are the enemy of the people… '

POTUS: ' Peddling drugs, guns and women all across all 50 states… what was once tranquil.. YOU were once tranquil '

POTUS: ' Aurora has got a lot of publicity.. but theres a lot of other states that got it tougher.. you will have 25 migrants with weaponry youve never seen… '

POTUS: ' San Antonio police have named their operation "Operation Aurora", "Operation Aurora".. in honor of whats happening in colorado… and at a national level we will have an "Operation Aurora".. and i will instigate "??? of 1798…. '

POTUS: ' If they come back into our country, they will be told it will be an automatic 10 years sentence in jail with no possibility of parole.. and i am hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant who kills a citizen or a police officer==


Anonymous ID: f33cd6 Oct. 11, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.21748405   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8422 >>8425 >>8686 >>8756 >>8815 >>8856 >>9014



President Trump: President Trump: I'm announcing today, that upon taking office, we will have an Operation Aurora at the federal level to expedite the removals of these savage gang, ==and I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798…to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American soil…we will send elite squads of ICE, Border Patrol, and federal law enforcement officers, to hunt down, arrest and deport, every last illegal alien gang member, until there is not a single one left int his country. And if they come back into our country, they will be told it is an automatic ten year sentence in jail with no possibility of parole. And I'm hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer.

POTUS: ' Kamala lost 325,000 migrant children that are either dead or gone… the parents will never see them again,… and theyre either dead, in slavery or just plain missing '

POTUS: ' Before Kama-la harris… before she came… denver schools enrolled an average of 500 new students a year.. and now it has been reported that they are enrolling 500 migrant students every two weeks.. and to tell the truth they dont even want to be here.. they dont want to be here… theyre taking care of their children before they take care of our children '

President Trump: Emergency rooms in Denver, beautiful Denver; think of this, six thousand percent increase in patients. Six thousand percent increase. You're not gonna get a room, you know, when you go to hospitals…a hospital only fifteen miles outside of Aurora has been overwhelmed by twenty thousand visits from illegal aliens, costing the hospital over ten million dollars, and those costs are being passed onto you directly.

POTUS: ' FEMA has gotten totally out of control.. its lost its missions.. its spent billions of bilions of dollars on people who came here illegally, … yet you have storms all over our country, different kind of storms.. (our people) they cant get help, these people who have gone through hell, they get pennies on the dollars they give to people who got here illegally '

POTUS: ' I will send congress a bill to ban all sanctuary cities in the country including denver… we will defend our territory, we will not be conquered.. WE WILL NOT BE CONQUERED>.. we are not going to take it anymore, we are not going to take it anymore.. i will liberate colorado '

President Trump: Denver schools, this is the way it used to be, enrolled an average of five hundred new students every year. Earlier this year, it was reported that they were enrolling five hundred new students every two weeks. Most of them coming in from South American countries. They don't speak our language, and they don't even want to be here, frankly. In Aurora, nearly three thousand illegal migrant children have been placed into your elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools, once again, at your expense, and at the cost of more opportunity for them, and no opportunity for your kids…they're talking care of these people before they take care of our children.

President Trump: Under the Trump Administration, we will put American citizens first. American children first. American patients first. American taxpayers first. American workers first. And American communities first. We will put communists, marxists, and fascists last, and they will always be last.

djt: and we will make America Great again.

djt speech ends at 5.03pm e.t

music young man, ymca djt salutes and than does his fist pumps and dance

Anonymous ID: f33cd6 Oct. 11, 2024, 2:53 p.m. No.21748519   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8561


same issue here anon but with brother.

all anon can do is hope he is safe and well.

about the same time.

many anons have lost family through death and being called deranged or conspiracy theorists.

hold the line..

All will come out soon.

hold on..