Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 3:03 p.m. No.21748550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons GOOGLE & FB ARE REALLY FREAKED OUT, AND HIGHLY OPPOSED TO the JCPA Act, why?Because they control all news and info that gets to people, they are currently eliminating facts and truth, erasing them forever, and they do not want any individual or small company reporting accurate news, etc. The Act has been stalled probably by Big Tech shills in Congress (Good guys below, Google below this)

JCPA Talking Points and Message GuidanceJCPA Talking Points

We urge you to support the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) toensure that news publishers are fairly compensated by Big Tech for the value of their content. Use our talking points in conversations about the bill.

Download talking points LINK TO DOC: PDF ATTACHED

Copyright Myth

The Copyright Alliance sent a letter to House and Senate Antitrust Chairs David Cicilline (D-RI) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), respectively, and Ranking members Ken Buck (R-LA) and Mike Lee (R-UT), striking down false claims and emphasizing that the JCPA does not implicate copyright law. The JCPA addresses antitrust issues and does not mention or implicate copyright law. Read the letter here.

Myth vs. Fact: The JCPA

Myth vs. Fact: The Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA)

Local journalism, necessary for maintaining an informed and active citizenry, is under threat.By not paying small and local publishers for access to their quality reporting, Big Tech has created news deserts*(Google uses same language below), driving many outlets out of business). The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) would allow small and local news publishers to collectively negotiate with Big Tech for fair compensation for access to the journalistic content that generates revenue on those platforms.

Myth vs. Fact: the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA) addresses the misconceptions about the JCPA made by Big Tech and their allies. Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA), which would allow news publishers to collectively negotiate with the tech platforms for fair compensation for use of their content.

JCPA Quick Links: Go to website, there is massive data to review and learn from

• Bill text:– Senate (S. 1094) (2023)…Actions you can take to help the JCPA move forward: Save Local News - Support the JCPA Show your support and help preserve trustworthy quality journalism in America.Sign our petitionto encourage Congress to pass the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act, a bipartisan bill that that would help ensure news publishers receive fair compensation from Google and Facebook for use of their original content.



GOOGLE that owns Public Knowledge Foundation(NWO money laundering planning for the takeover of the earth) is on a BIG PUSH TO PREVENT INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS AND NEWS

Tell Congress: The JCPA Will Hurt the News That Matters Most

Congress is considering passing a bill, the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, that fails to actually preserve journalism or competition. Instead,it would reward large media outlets with the ability to collude, lead to greater consolidation at the expense of smaller local publishers, and disrupt how we use the internet. (Exactly the opposite)

The JCPA is likely to hurt our access to local, credible, independent news because it will lead to more consolidation in the industry, and create a news media cartel where news giants dominate negotiations, and small outlets with diverse or dissenting voices disappear.

But that’s not all: This bill would also prevent internet users from freely linking to or sharing news articles on digital platforms and websites.It would give large news entities a right to charge platforms for linking, something that is not only free today, but is fundamental to the internet’s core. The JCPA would ultimately limit our access to credible news and information online.

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act represents a major failure to honestly address the needs oflocal communities that are becoming news deserts*. There are powerful alternatives that could help fix the journalism crisis, but the JCPA is not one of them. Join us in telling Congress to protect both an open internet and local journalism by opposing the JCPA, and to support public interest solutions that benefit a diverse journalism ecosystem, not just the biggest players.

They are actively trying to attach the Journalism Protection Competition Act (JPCA) to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). ..This last-ditch effort to move the JCPA through Congress in an underhanded way will essentially allow it to be passed without much debate on the matter, …(LIARS)

(Google does all the things they accuse the ACT of doing)

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 3:24 p.m. No.21748617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8633 >>8640


I'm sorry anon that must hurt worse than brothers and sisters, I'll say some prayers that God heals her heart and yours,and you'll bump in to one another unexpectedly. And also to heal your relationship in all ways.


Don’t know if you are open to this, but it may be a good idea to talk to a Pastor, counselor, or even talk therapy with someone good, preferably a man. It’s helped me in the past to find issues inside of me, to work on them, and see the other also. Once I healed myself from the pain and some blame, it helped me to deal with it. I’ve had better relations (not fully healed) but it really helped. Maybe a Pastor, or just some really wise man you know.


Have you ever tried to talk it out with your ex-wife to try to just hash things out? Or ask her if you could talk?


You don't need to answer my questionsjust for thought


God Bless, Prayers sent your way!

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 3:51 p.m. No.21748769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8771

>>21746562, >>21746567, >>21746986 Massive implications in DOJ plea deal with TD Bank - THE COVER-UP IS ONPN


This is one of the many reasons why the DOJ really doesn’t punish large companies, it doesn’t even get into the political non-prosecution or prosecution they engage in. Megalith companies make sure to pay potential government employees tons of money before going in or back into the government. Their strategy is always a certain control they have over these people for future uses.


DOJ Antitrust Honchos Drew Millions From Google-Backed GroupsBROKEN TRUST

The same officials who will decide who gets to oversee the case against the tech giant ran nonprofits that received its cash

William Bredderman Senior Researcher Published Jun. 13, 2022 4:18AM

The Justice Department officials who will decide whether President Joe Biden’s anti-monopoly guru can handle the government’s massive case against Google previously ran nonprofits that took loads of cash from the tech giant, disclosures show.


In May, the feds tentatively yanked Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter—whom the administration brought on last year to lead its antitrust division—from its investigations and legal efforts against Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc, including the mega-suit the Department of Justice brought in 2020 alleging the company unfairly undercuts rivals. The move came after Google urged the federal government to force Kanter to recuse himself, noting his previous private-sector work against the company on behalf of such clients as Microsoft and Yelp, and his history of critical commentary about the California-based powerhouse’s business practices.


But the officials who will make a final determination about whether Kanter will resume his responsibilities in the Google cases have their own histories in the private sector—including with organizations that benefited from the company’s lavish giving.

• That decision will ultimately fall to Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Kanter’s superior. Prior to attaining her post last April, Gupta served as president and CEO of the nonprofit Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and its affiliate, the Leadership Conference Education Fund, a role she assumed in 2017 after exiting the Obama Administration.

• As far back as 2016, and through this year, Google’s own biannual releases have listed the Leadership Conference as among “the groups that receive the most substantial contributions” from the company’s philanthropic arm. The firm’s disclosures do not divulge dollar amounts, and it did not respond to repeated requests for comment from The Daily Beast.

• However, Gupta’s total compensation including salary and benefits at the Leadership Conference groups is a matter of public record: more than $1,154,206 through 2020, the most recent year for which their tax forms are available.

• Gupta is not alone. Her senior counselor, Gene Kimmelman—a veteran of the Obama Administration’s antitrust division—headed up the consumer advocacy organization Public Knowledge between 2014 and 2021. This group, too, has featured on Google’s lists of the biggest recipients of its largesse since 2015.

• Public Knowledge’s inconsistently updated “Funding Sources” page does not reveal exact figures for the size of the gifts it got from Google, but rather lump the company into its “$25,000+” category for 2015-2017, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, and the $50,000 group in 2020-2021. These categories do not provide upper ceilings for the size of the donations.

• However, more precise figures are available for Kimmelman’s compensation: $1.88 million during his tenure atop the nonprofit. Public Knowledge told The Daily Beast that Kimmelman severed his connection to the group at the start of 2021, and has not received any further payments since that date.


next Public Knowledge Foundation..

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 3:52 p.m. No.21748771   🗄️.is 🔗kun



GOOGLE OWNS AND STARTED PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE FOUNDTION(Control of all Communications and Government Employees)

Funding Sources

Public Knowledge receives financial support for its mission from a wide array of sources, to ensure that its funding remains diversified and its mission independent. Funding sources include some supporters who may disagree with our positions on various policies, as well as charitable foundation grants and general support contributions from generous individuals and companies.

However, there are some values that are core to Public Knowledge’s work but not mentioned in our mission, such as equity for traditionally marginalized individuals and groups, and the importance of democratic institutions that preserve free expression and equal justice. Public Knowledge factors these values into its decisions on accepting support.

Charitable foundations account for the majority of Public Knowledge’s annual revenue. The remainder of support comes from corporate and individual donations, including sponsorship of the IP3 Awards. Public Knowledge recognizes individual donors and companies if they wish through the IP3 Awards event materials. Public Knowledge limits contributions from any single corporation to 10 percent of its annual budget to ensure that no funders can attempt to assert undue influence on Public Knowledge.

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 3:59 p.m. No.21748808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822 >>8856 >>9014

>>21748424 Trump is a magnet for crowds. I haven't even seen the start or end of this line


video attached



Is Colorado even a blue state? Trump is a magnet for crowds. I haven't even seen the start or end of this line

Aurora showed up for Trump.

4:09 AM · Oct 11, 2024





holy shit anons, look at that crowd

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.21749027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9061 >>9063

>>21747569 Hillary and Bill Clinton are celebrating their 49th anniversary while celebrating good healthPN


Bill and Hill look like they are in the hills of Ireland or Scotland, they have a ton of DS friends in Ireland, is there any way to Geolocate based on the place they are at? I changed the picture into JPEG, but the converter says there’s not a geolocation data imbedded in the picture, no details at all.


Is there anyway to take the background and match the hills, river and sky?

Anonymous ID: f6d69a Oct. 11, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21749117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, this is some very importantnews, see info and docs, this is important


News/Media Alliance and 100+ Media and Press Rights Organizations Call on Congress to Advance the PRESS Act

By Charlotte McBirneyOctober 10, 2024


On October 8, 2024, the News/Media Alliance joined letters of support for the‘Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act’ (PRESS Act), led by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and joined by 107 news media and press rights organizations, including almost every state press association across the country. The letters urge the Senate to advance the bill this term and for the House to support the measure should it return to the House.


In January, the House passed the PRESS Act on a unanimous basis, led by RepresentativesKevin Kiley (R-CA) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD). The Senate bill is led by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Mike Lee (R-UT) and cosponsored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Ranking Member Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). In June, the News/Media Alliance joined a letter with RCFP and over 50 other news media and press rights organizations, calling for the Senate to advance the bill. While time to pass legislation this term wanes, support for the PRESS Act continues to grow and the News/Media Alliance will continue to vigorously advocate for its passage.


Reporters Committee urges Congress to pass PRESS Act


In letters to the House and Senate, a media coalition led by RCFP expressed strong support for the shield bill.

By REPORTERS COMMITTEEPosted on October 8, 2024

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is once again urging members of Congress to pass a bipartisan shield bill that wouldestablish robust federal protections for the newsgathering rights of journalists.


In separate letters sent on Oct. 8 to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, the Reporters Committee and 107 news media and press rights organizations expressed strong support for the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act, or PRESS Act, which passed the House in January and is currently pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The PRESS Act wouldbar the federal government from using subpoenas, search warrants, or other compulsory actions against journaliststo force the disclosure of information identifying confidential sources as well as other newsgathering records, except in very limited circumstances. It would also broadlylimit the government’s ability to use the same actions against third parties, including email providers and search engines, to seize journalists’ data, with narrow exceptions. (James O'Keefe and Cheryl Atkinson examples)


The Reporters Committee’s letter to the Senate urges leadership to advance the PRESS Act and similarly urges Senators to support the measure if it does advance. In the letter to the House, the Reporters Committee commends members for passing the bill earlier this year and urges them to continue to support the measure if it returns to the chamber for another vote.


“The PRESS Act is a reasonable, common-sense measure to preserve the free flow of information to the public, as evidenced by its broad bipartisan support and the fact that 49 states and the District of Columbia have similar protections,” the letters state. “All reflect the reality that the press cannot fulfill its constitutionally recognized watchdog role without some safeguard for confidential source identities and sensitive newsgathering material.”


PDF of "Press Act" Senate