Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.21763767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3888 >>4040

Busted: Kamala Harris Plagiarized "At Least A Dozen Sections" Of Book On Crime


In a Monday thread on X by investigative journalist Christopher Rufo, we learn that famed Austrian "plagiarism hunter" Dr. Stefan Weber found that "Kamala Harris plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book, Smart on Crime," and "even lifted material from Wikipedia."

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21763815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Port Hedland Council Votes to Expose ‘DNA Contamination’ in mRNA Vaccines, Demands Immediate Suspension of COVID-19 Shots Nationwide


Western Australia—Port Hedland Council takes bold action, voting to expose DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. With five members reporting adverse effects, this decision could ignite a national health crisis response!


This highly anticipated session was called in response to mounting evidence of DNA contamination, presented by experts such as Dr. David Speicher, alongside a series of letters from MP Russell Broadbent. The gravity of the concerns raised, along with the council’s proactive stance, has drawn attention not only within Western Australia but across the entire nation.


Background: DNA Contamination Concerns

The meeting was initiated following increasing public unease about potential DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. Dr. David Speicher’s report, which was central to the discussion, revealed that the contamination levels in these vaccines were up to 145 times higher than the acceptable safety limits set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).


This contamination was found to include fragments of synthetic DNA, raising significant concerns about the risks of genomic integration, immune system disruptions, and potentially increased rates of cancer and hereditary defects.


In response to these findings, MP Russell Broadbent had already written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, calling for the immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines.


Broadbent’s letters, backed by a cohort of 52 health experts, added weight to the argument, further urging the government to address the regulatory failures and protect public health.


Port Hedland Council’s decision to consider the matter was viewed as a potential turning point in the national discourse, especially as they prepared to send warnings to all 537 local councils across Australia, compelling them to confront this looming health crisis.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:29 a.m. No.21763831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3888 >>4040

RNC Scores Major Victory in Lawsuit Exposing Detroit’s Blatant Discrimination — Only 52 Republicans Hired Compared to Over 2,300 Democrats as Poll Workers


RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated, “Thanks to the efforts of the RNC and Michigan GOP, Detroit will now change its election processes so that Republican poll workers will be allocated to all voting locations and, as nearly as possible, an equal number of Republicans will be hired this November. This will bring much-needed transparency and accountability to Detroit’s election system and ensure that a more equal number of Republicans and Democrats work Detroit’s polls — our election integrity operation will continue to fight and win for our country’s most important election.”


This practice isn’t limited to Detroit. The RNC, along with the Georgia Republican Party and the Fulton County Republican Party, has filed a lawsuit against Nadine Williams, the Director of Fulton County Department of Registration & Elections.


The lawsuit alleges that Williams intentionally excluded qualified Republican poll workers from the hiring process for the upcoming November 2024 election, hiring only 15 Republicans out of 804 total election staff.


The lawsuit, filed in Fulton County Superior Court, seeks an emergency writ of mandamus, demanding Williams immediately appoint the Republican poll workers that were submitted for consideration.


Under Georgia law, political parties are entitled to submit lists of qualified individuals to serve as poll workers, and election officials are required to ensure balanced representation from both parties at polling places.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.21763839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3888 >>4040

Mysterious Drone Fleet Breaches U.S. Military Airspace for 17 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Without Deterrence


U.S. officials don’t know who is behind the drones that have flown unhindered over sensitive national-security sites—or how to stop them


The first drone arrived shortly. Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour, at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Other drones followed, one by one, sounding in the distance like a parade of lawn mowers.


The drones headed south, across Chesapeake Bay, toward Norfolk, Va., and over an area that includes the home base for the Navy’s SEAL Team Six and Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval port.


Officials didn’t know if the drone fleet, which numbered as many as a dozen or more over the following nights, belonged to clever hobbyists or hostile forces. Some suspected that Russia or China deployed them to test the response of American forces.


Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases in the U.S. unless they pose an imminent threat. Aerial snooping doesn’t qualify, though some lawmakers hope to give the military greater leeway.


Even more concerning, local law enforcement in Hampton, VA, chased the drones on foot, as if this were a low-stakes game rather than a potential national security crisis.


For two nights, starting on Dec. 6, Hampton, Va., officers chased the drones, by patrol car and on foot, relaying momentary sightings along with information from Langley over police radios: One was seen in the area of Marshall Street or Gosnold’s Hope Park.


Three more appeared to land but returned to the air before officers could reach them. Another looked like it landed offshore. Police finally gave up.


Gen. Kelly, now retired, said the Pentagon was stumped, too.


What would the U.S. do, he asked, “if this happens over the National Mall?”


This account is based on interviews with more than two dozen government officials and other people familiar with the events, as well as police records, court documents and photographs of the drones.


It wasn’t until December 23rd, 17 days after the incursions began, that the drone activity stopped—likely only because whoever was behind it gathered all the intelligence they needed.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:33 a.m. No.21763848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3888 >>4040

Israeli tanks barge into peacekeeping base – UN


The incident took place after Israel ordered UNIFIL troops to leave southern Lebanon


The incident took place at a United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) base in Ramyah, near the Israel-Lebanon border, on Sunday morning, UNIFIL said in a statement.


”At around 4:30 a.m., while peacekeepers were in shelters, two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the position’s main gate and forcibly entered the position,” the statement read. “They requested multiple times that the base turn out its lights. The tanks left about 45 minutes later after UNIFIL protested through our liaison mechanism, saying that IDF presence was putting peacekeepers in danger.”


After the tanks left, several rounds were fired 100 meters north of the base. The shells emitted irritating smoke, which drifted into the camp and caused 15 peacekeepers to suffer “skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions,” despite their wearing of protective masks, UNIFIL said.


In a statement released on Sunday night, the IDF said that the tanks accidentally backed into the base while evacuating two wounded Israeli soldiers, and that a smokescreen was then fired to aid their escape

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.21763903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3939 >>3968 >>4040

‘An Act of War’: Big Food Intentionally Addicting Kids to Toxic Foods


Big Food targets young consumers in the U.S. to get them addicted to unhealthy products — which frequently contain ingredients banned by other countries — according to two food safety and nutrition advocates interviewed on SiriusXM’s “Megyn Kelly Show.”


Big Food targets young consumers in the U.S. to get them addicted to unhealthy products — which frequently contain ingredients banned by other countries — according to two food safety and nutrition advocates interviewed on SiriusXM’s “Megyn Kelly Show.”


Vani Hari, an author and blogger known as the “Food Babe,” and Grace Price, an investigative journalist and filmmaker who produced “Cancer: A Food-Borne Illness,” are calling on U.S. food manufacturers to change their practices and produce foods with the same healthier ingredients the companies use in identical products they sell in other countries.


Last month, Hari and Price participated in a Senate roundtable on nutrition and the chronic disease epidemic in the U.S.


“We have an opportunity right now to let the American public know” about unsafe ingredients in foods sold in the U.S., Hari said during the interview. “We are under a massive experiment. If any other country was doing this to us, it would be considered an act of war … We’ve got to do something about it.”


Price, who is 18 years old, said American food manufacturers are using tactics that Big Tobacco pioneered to market harmful products to youth. “My generation is so clearly being targeted by these Big Food companies,” she said.


U.S. food companies ‘using toxic ingredients’ that are banned overseas


Hari told Kelly that American food manufacturers use thousands of ingredients they don’t include in identical products sold in other countries.


“Right now, American food companies are using toxic ingredients that [in other countries] are either banned or regulated differently, in the same exact products that they serve American citizens,” Hari said.


Hari cited McDonald’s French fries, which she said contain 11 ingredients in the U.S., but only three in other countries, and Skittles, “which uses 10 different artificial food dyes” in the U.S. — and titanium dioxide, which is “banned in Europe because it can cause DNA damage.”


Hari also singled out Kellogg’s for “targeting little children,” after pledging in 2015 to remove artificial food dyes from its cereal products by 2018.


“But they never did,” she said. They “lied about it and they started to create new cereals that were targeting the smallest of children, using the most popular toddler songs, like ‘Baby Shark’ and Disney’s ‘Little Mermaid.’”


Hari blamed lax food regulations in the U.S. “Almost every single major American food company is doing this because they’re using the lack of regulation in our U.S. food system to their advantage.” In 1958, there were only 800 food additives approved for use in the U.S., but today that number exceeds 10,000, she said.


By comparison, the number of approved food additives in the European Union is 400, Hari said.


“There are thousands of chemicals that have not even been reviewed by the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] at all,” Hari said. “They’ve been literally just slid right into the food system without anybody knowing what the risks are, what the safety data looks like.”

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.21763908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4040

UK Power Grid Blackout System Activates as Demand Outstrips Supply, Just Days After Shutting Down Final Coal Power Station


An automated notification system that warns energy generators that supply is expected to be insufficient to meet predicted demand was activated for the first time in two years on Monday, apparently as the wind simply isn’t blowing fast enough.


The National Energy System Operator (Neso) issued a capacity notice on Monday, part of an automated system designed to rectify mis-matches between predicted supply and demand. The notice referred to the Monday afternoon demand spike — when workers get home, turn on the heating, and cook their meals — and showed the system had automatically identified a potential shortfall.


Open source energy data shows this alert is likely down to the confluence of two events: a not inconsiderable increase in demand for energy over the past 24 hours arriving at the same time as flatlining wind power generation. The reasons for these are simple and not exactly uncommon: the United Kingdom is experiencing cold, still weather, leading to more energy being used for domestic heating while wind turbines stand unproductive.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.21763929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3931

Bill Gates’ “days are numbered,” say Japanese scientists after ABORTION DRUGS found in “vaccines”


Japanese scientists are sounding. the alarm about the genocidal agenda of billionaire eugenicist and "philanthropist" Bill Gates, who is lacing "vaccines" with abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals.


World-renowned experts like leading Japanese oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukushima are urging international prosecutors to try Gates in court, especially now that the government's Covid Task Force has uncovered plenty of damning evidence showing that the Microsoft co-founder is trying to mass-slaughter the global population.


"They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn't finished yet – he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future," tweeted TPV Sean (@tpvsean), the X / Twitter account of The People's Voice.


"It's time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!"


Dr. Fukushima wants all COVID mRNA injections to be immediately pulled from the market

After uncovering loads of scientific proof showing that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" are destroying lives, Dr. Fukushima issued a public plea for all of the mRNA (modRNA) varieties, i.e., Pfizer and Moderna, to be pulled from the market immediately.


Dr. Fukushima called COVID jabs "evil," adding that their impact on humanity has been nothing short of mass murder. And their release would not have been possible had the Trump administration not fast-tracked their release through Operation Warp Speed, the PREP Act and other tyrannical measures imposed during the "pandemic."


Big Pharma, Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and many other co-conspirators are also on the hook for the roles they played in unleashing these deadly poisons under the guise of an "emergency" that quite frankly did not exist. Will any of them ever face justice for their crimes against humanity?


"I've worked with the Japanese for years – I have an active project with them right now – and they have the highest integrity," said Dr. Peter McCullough of The Wellness Company to Alex Jones in a recent Infowarsinterview about the credibility of these claims out of Japan against Bill Gates.


"You know, they (Japanese scientists) did studies with the Olympics showing that routine PCR testing was completely bogus. They've returned millions of vials of Moderna and Pfizer because of visible contaminants. Now the Japanese are calling for all of the vaccines to be taken off the world markets."


The problem, of course, is that billions of people were already injected with these jabs, so taking them off the market now will accomplish nothing. Calling for it to happen, though, sends a message to the world that Japan knows the truth and wants everyone else to know it, too.


The new Japanese government does not approve of what Dr. Fukushima is trying to do, and reports indicate that he and other scientists there are increasingly under attack for trying to send an important message to the world about the deadly impacts of COVID jabs.


Despite widespread protests from both the scientific community and people in general, the new Japanese government is forging ahead with plans to unleash the world's first "self-amplifying" mRNA COVID jab, which could open up a whole new can of worms in terms of public health.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:51 a.m. No.21763943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4040

Israeli Forces Kill 62 Palestinians in Gaza Over 24 Hours


At least four were killed and 40 were wounded by Israeli strikes that targeted Palestinians sheltering in tents at al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.21763949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4040

Israeli Strike On Northern Lebanon Christian Village Kills at Least 22


Attack targeted small apartment building in Aitou village


On Monday, Israeli warplanes carried out an attack 2n a small apartment building in the northern Lebanese village of Aitou, in the Christian-majority Zgharta District. At least 22 people have been killed in the attack, according to the Lebanese Red Cross, which also wounded at least eight.


There has been no official comment from the Israeli military on why they attacked the Christian-majority village. That’s not unusual when the Israeli strike doesn’t appear to have had any military target or purpose.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.21763966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4040

China deploys a record 125 warplanes in huge military drill after Taiwan leader’s speech


TAIPEI, Taiwan — China dispatched a record 125 aircraft, as well as its Liaoning aircraft carrier and ships, in large-scale military exercises surrounding Taiwan and its outlying islands Monday, simulating the sealing off of key ports in a move that underscores the tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, officials said.


China’s Defense Ministry said the drills were a response to the Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te’s refusal to accept Beijing’s demand that self-governed Taiwan acknowledge itself as a part of the People’s Republic of China under the rule of the Communist Party in Mr. Lai’s National Day speech last week.


Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said 90 of the aircraft, including warplanes, helicopters and drones, were spotted within Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. The single-day record counted aircraft from 5:02 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shipping traffic was operating as normal, the ministry said.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, noon No.21763976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the Mossad Preparing a False Flag Attack for the US to Declare War on Iran?


Israel and the Media’s Spiral of Silence

The alleged Israeli security breach by belittling Egyptian reports that 10 days earlier warned that Hamas was preparing a major offensive would be the trap designed by Mossad to declare a state of war and raze Gaza, Lebanon and Iran in order to implement the Greater Israel.


Israeli military offensives against Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon would be covered by the “spiral of silence” of the world’s major mass media controlled by the transnational Zionist lobby, theory formulated by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in her book “The spiral of silence. Public opinion: our social skin” (1977).


This thesis would symbolize “the cognitive overlap formula that instigates censorship through a deliberate and suffocating accumulation of single-sign messages”, which would produce a spiral process or positive feedback loop and the consequent manipulation of world public opinion by the transnational Zionist lobby (the Palestinians and Lebanese are terrorists and Israel has the right to defend itself).


However, the asymmetrical punishment of the Israeli regime over the Gaza Strip with more than 42,000 civilian casualties, 10,000 dead buried under rubble and 90 per cent of civilian infrastructure destroyed, has unleashed a wave of worldwide support for the Gaza civilian population massacred by Israel.


Lebanon, the Next Phase of Greater Israel

Following the decision of the International Criminal Court to seek arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant for “crimes against humanity”, Netanyahu is aware that once the asymmetric war against Hamas is over, he risks an international criminal prosecution. So, Joe Biden, in an interview published by Time magazine, admitted that


“Netanyahu, would be prolonging the war for political reasons and to maintain power at the head of a complex coalition government”.


Thus, after the end of the Gaza campaign, and despite Israel not getting the response it expected in the form of an attack from Hezbollah, Netanyahu with the blessings of the United States, would have decided to invade South Lebanon in the hope of gaining time until the foreseeable victory in November of a Donald Trump, in the certainty that he will be able to count on his blessings to exonerate him from all guilt before the International Criminal Court.


The agreement reached between Biden and Netanyahu would also include the sending of 2,000-kilogram bombs to Israel to raze South Lebanon and move its 400,000 inhabitants across the Litani River, create a ring of security for Israeli settlements.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21763990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Dr. Barbara Starfield: Medically Caused Death in America


On July 26, 2000, the US medical community received a titanic shock to the system, when one of its most respected and honored public-health experts, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revealed her findings on healthcare in America.


The landmark Starfield study, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?,” (for pdf, here) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:


Every year in the US there are:


  • 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;


  • 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;


  • 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;


  • 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;


  • 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.


  • The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000. That’s a total of 2.25 million medically-caused deaths in the US every decade.


  • This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the US, behind heart disease and cancer.


The Starfield study is the most explosive revelation about modern healthcare in America ever published. The credentials of its author and the journal in which it appeared are, within the highest medical circles, impeccable.


Yet, on the heels of Starfield’s astonishing findings, although media reporting was extensive, it soon dwindled. No major newspaper or television network mounted an ongoing “Medicalgate” investigation. Neither the US Department of Justice nor federal health agencies undertook prolonged remedial action.


All in all, it seemed that those parties who could have taken effective steps to correct this mind-boggling situation preferred to ignore it.


On December 6-7, 2009, I interviewed Dr. Starfield by email.


What has been the level and tenor of the response to your findings, since 2000?

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.21763998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Homeless former millionaire contractor drops truth bombs “Cargill owns China, Blackrock, Vanguard, Wal-Mart”


“They start all the wars, they are behind everything happening now”. Former environmental cleanup contractor who went bankrupt after the Biden administration cancelled his project to clean up Tampa Bay says Cargill is the real financial power behind everything, and behind them is the Vatican. At the end the interviewer starts interrupting him to “educate” a man who knows more than he does, but at least we got this eye opening news. Do you think he’s credible?

He was at a meeting with Sam Walton and a Cargill guy was doing all the talking. They bought China from the seven families in the 30’s after the stock market crash. That means China is in charge of nothing. They are a slave camp disguised as a country, and also used as a “threat to democracy” “enemy of the state” fear tactic”. Kissinger was telling us back in 2017 China has been given all manufacturing and the US is going to have to decide how we want to deal with that reality.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.21764007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ultra-Orthodox US Jews intend to vote Trump, survey finds - exclusive


The researchers explored trends regarding views on Israel, Zionism, and the influence Jewish issues play on local and national voting among US Orthodoxy.


The majority of both haredi (ultra-Orthodox) and Modern Orthodox (MO) Jews in the US plan to vote for former president Donald Trump, according to research carried out by Nishma Research in partnership with UCLA, provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post on Monday.


“Overall, American Orthodoxy clearly leans in Trump’s direction, while in other polls it can be seen that non-Orthodox Jews clearly lean towards [Democrat candidate Kamala] Harris,” said researcher Asher Suzin.

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.21764030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vaccine Scientist Admits Covid Shots Are Designed to ‘Sterilize’ the Public


A leading vaccine scientist who played a key role in the development of Covid shots has admitted that the injections are designed to “sterilize” the general public.


The damming admission was made by Professor Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of Oxford University‘s Covid “vaccine.”


During a recent interview with UK TV network Channel 4, Prof. Bell appeared to let slip that the Oxford/AstraZeneca injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of recipients.


Bell, who teaches medicine at Oxford, suggested that the goal of the “vaccines” was to “completely sterilize a population.”


However, he continued by lamenting that the injections could only “sterilize” around “60 or 70 percent” of the public.


During the interview, Bell bemoaned to Channel 4 anchor Jon Snow:


“These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population.


“They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 percent.


“We’ll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it’s done what we need it to do before it gets approved.”

Anonymous ID: 54da2d Oct. 14, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.21764057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'The First Live-Streamed Genocide': Al Jazeera Documentary Exposes Israeli War Crimes in Gaza