Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.21763159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The military-intelligence veterans who helped lead Trump’s campaign of disinformation

INQUIRY: U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Colonel Ivan Raiklin, speaking last month at a pro-Trump election event in New Hampshire, faces a military review after spreading voting conspiracy claims.


After Donald Trump lost the White House, ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and three other current and former U.S. Army officerschallenged the vote’s legitimacy and pushed baseless conspiracy claims. Military ethicists say their actions threaten to weaken the public’s faith in democracy.



During the Afghan and Iraq wars, the careers of two military officers often intersected. Army General Michael Flynn and an Army Reserve colonel named Phil Waldron worked together on secret projects in both countries, Waldron said. When Flynn was appointed to run the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Waldron said he worked at the DIA’s clandestine service.


Flynn was an intel expert. Waldron’s specialty was psychological operations, or PSYOPs – targeting foreign adversaries, as an Army field manual describes, “to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”


Now the two military veterans, along with at least two other retired and reserve officers, are engaged in a new mission, this time with a domestic target: They are central to the far-right effort to persuade Americans that the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.21763160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guise! Guise! We gotta do something about the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATIONS THOUGH!




Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.21763162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3163

Trump Announces ‘Operation Aurora’ to ‘Target, Dismantle’ Migrant Gangs


So, the Greatest U.S. President ever is still unable to find the balls to name the true Perpetrator's of mass illegal immigration not only in the U.S. but the world over?

CATHOLIC CHARITIES is by far the #1 facilitator of Illegal Immigration in the world.


Because POTUS needs votes?

ITALYGATE 2020 means that POTUS does not NEED votes as votes certainly did not matter in 2020 so why would they matter in 2024?


We are going to mass deport the Illegal aliens yet not dismantle and mass deport those who let them in?

Those who let them in and got paid for it as that is their business model?

U.S. Citizens are forced by their government to pay them for this [service]? and the greatest president ever cannot even say the name [CATHOLIC CHARITIES]?


Paxton in Texas is trying to expose Catholic Charities yet Judges and the majority of the TEXAS HOUSE are against him because they are all involved and receiving kickback payments?

And this is censored on QRESEARCH?

This sort of information has always been actively censored on Q research, Muh 8Kuns though?

Patriots or [Patriots]?


Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


U.S. Bishops Reject Accusations of ‘Complicity’ in Illegal Immigration Aug 13 2024


Another Paxton attack on migrant ministries in El Paso stopped by a judge July 29, 2024


Texas attorney general can’t question Catholic Charities director over migrant services, court says July 24, 2024

Wednesday’s ruling is the second time a Texas judge has ruled against the attorney general for investigating shelters helping migrants.


You mean not one god damned [MAGA PATRIOT] Q influencer is talking about CATHOLIC CHARITIES and any mention of it is censored on QRESEARCH 8KUN?

You mean NIGHT SHIFT' most recent Q drop, Drop #4799, occurred while NIGHT SHIFT was being censored on Qresearch 8kuns concerning China and the Vatican?



[Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, General Flynn, Ivan Raiklin, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Grace Chong, Karli Bonne, INTHEMATRIXXX, SHADDDY GROOVE, Jerome Corsi, Dan Scavino, Steven Cheung and so many moar!!!]

FLIPPED and will support POTUS only because they think they are going to get a deal… disinfo Was necc… Surprise! No Deals

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.21763166   🗄️.is 🔗kun





POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot fromBad Past Advisors


Repeatedly Says "THANK YOU" to flipped deep stateTucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson once an agent… > dick carlson > Voice of America > C_A clown > Buckley > Hunter Biden > Georgetown > roman catholic jesuits


RetruthsJack Posobiec

Posobiec appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

There are multiple Q posts specifically about the "at that time, apparent" Traitor Jack Posobiec…


RetruthsSteve Bannon

Sloppy Begs Bad Steve Bannon cried like a dog when POTUS fired him < POTUS own words.

Steve Bannon says that "Alex Jones is the greatest political thinker of this century".

There are Multiple Q posts concerning the Traitor Alex Jones.

Steve Bannon was pardoned by POTUS after stealing money from Patriots via a "Build the Wall" fundraiser.

Bannon appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.


RetruthsGeneral Flynn

Alex Jones and Flynn spent an entire show putting POTUS down for his actions on Jan 06. "RECKLESS".

Flynn ended the show with "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump".

Alex Jones has stated several times that POTUS must be one of the most evil people on the planet for allowing the Vax and pushing Warp Speed.

Flynn called for One Religion in the United States which is without a doubt, division by Religion.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.


Retruths/retweetsTaylor MarshallandArchbishop Vigano

Both Vigano and Taylor Marshall turned on POTUS over POTUS' LGBTQ party at Mar a Lago. December 22 2022.

Vigano, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr simultaneously attacked POTUS over his stance on LGBTQ which they knew about years ago.

Taylor Marshall went so far as to suggest Romans Chapter 1 says that anyone who condones the LGBTQ lifestyle is Worthy of Death.

Taylor went on to suggest that a Catholic Monarchy in the United States is the only way to solve the U.S. political problems.


RetruthsKarli Bonneof '''Inthematrixxx P = Payseur and Midnight Rider fame'''.

There are multiple Q posts concerning P and [P] and none of them seem to suggest anything other than the Pope/Papacy/Pontifex.

There are multiple Q posts concerning and condemning those who Profit off of this movement.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons to be "Careful who you follow."

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.


Yet==Jeffy Pederson Karli Bonne > INTHEMATRIXXX > The MG Show==claim to fame was the story told by the Alex Jones Associate Fritz Springmeier aka Viktor Schoof > P = Payseur.

Also of note is the FACT that David Icke, another long time friend and Associate of Alex Jones, also mentions the Payseur tale.

Search the drops for the name Payseur and it becomes quite obvious that Q acknowledged the Question yet never followed up on it again and Q has never said Payseur… no more clues, hints nothing…

Oddly enough, in a drop concerning the Guardians of the Pope, Q named the Owl Image "Guardian_P". Isn't that an amazing coincidence?


Of special note is the FACT that it took Alex Jones 13-14 years to finally "investigate" the Vatican and when he did, he went to Italy to join a Guide.

This guide told Alex about some of the lesser Vatican crimes to which Alex was always "shocked" and "surprised" concerning as if Alex knew nearly nothing about the Vatican previously.

Maybe Alex Jones does "work" for more than Mossad? as per the drops.

One thing Anons may learn is that many of these "pro maga" and "pro Q" people, really do not seem to like the drops.


Other notable Luminaries on "Our Side" include:

Rush Limbaugh - Neo Con (Rino) piece of shit is what Rush was. Rush backed the Neocon Bush Regime 100%.

Roger Stone

Sebastion Gorka - There are Drops concerning Sebastion and his Wife. "Q is garbage!".

Ted Cruz

Fox News in general because POTUS twatted and retruthed Fox much more than any other MSM - Do you think Rupert Murdoch is Jewish and thats the end of the story? Papal Knight?

Steven Miller




Mike Pence Ron Desanctimonious Lindsey Graham Mitch McConnell


Updates 2023:

Dan Scavino recently posted "P" in the context of "President".

Maybe Dan should read Drop #1413, 1950 and 1951?

Update 2024:

Dan Scavino kissed the Pope's ring?

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.21763170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3171 >>3173


'''Remember, Remember the 11th of September and the C_A VATICAN treasonous plot…'''

'''Anon knows of no reason why the C_A VATICAN Treason should ever be forgot..'''


Remember when Q prayed the Roman Catholic Version of the "Our Father" or Pater Noster with anons in a drop about who financed 9-11?

Remember when Q posted drop #306 and asked "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant? What just came out re: the Lord's prayer? What can be connected? & Do you believe in coincidences?

Remember when Q asked anons to "Re-review the map post relevant news drops." and "GODFATHERIII"?


PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.


Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Dec 09, 2017 1:16:56 PM EST#307

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60172

Dec 09, 2017 1:13:29 PM EST

Anonymous ID: e60938 No. 60150

Dec 09, 2017 1:12:19 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's PRAYER posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's PRAYER?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.



Dec 09, 2017 1:21:38 PM EST#308

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60201


Expand your thinking.


The King James Version of the Bible touted by Trumpalso includes in its pages copies of the chorus to the song “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Pledge of Allegiance. Greenwood’s song reportedly inspired the project.

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:17 a.m. No.21763177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another new bombshell report by the Associated Press shows once again that churches are stealing from the American taxpayer:

“As the pandemic began to unfold, AP reveals today, “scores of Catholic dioceses across the U.S. received aid through the Paycheck Protection Program while sitting on well over $10 billion in cash, short-term investments or other available funds, an Associated Press investigation has found. And despite the broad economic downturn, these assets have grown in many dioceses.”


AP reports that “[t]he 112 dioceses that shared their financial statements collected at least $1.5 billion in taxpayer-backed aid. A majority of these dioceses reported enough money on hand to cover at least six months of operating expenses, even without any new income.”

The PPP is not even a year old and already the grift and abuse by church has been enormous. And unfortunately we’ll see more: The Paycheck Protection Program was reopened on January 11, 2021.


Remember all the state/church problems with PPP that FFRF has fought and brought to light in the past year?


First, the Small Business Administration violated the Constitution and trampled long standing agency rules to extend these loans to churches.


This was clearly unconstitutional, as FFRF explained to the SBA at the time.

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21763178   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The SBA is currently—right now, even under the new administration—working to make these rules permanent. Please oppose them here.


Another new bombshell report by the Associated Press shows once again that churches are stealing from the American taxpayer:PII

Second, this rule change was not authorized by the COVID relief act that created PPP.

The CARES Act extended eligibility for loans from the SBA to nonprofits, which was new.

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21763180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But the law did not give the SBA the power to extend this eligibility to churches, nor could it—the Constitution prohibits government funding of religion.

The CARES Act only mentions religion once, to prevent universities from using taxpayer funds for “capital outlays associated with facilities related to athletics, sectarian instruction, or religious worship.”


However, the SBA ignored that language, and the centuries-old bar on taxpayer-funded religious worship, and issued rules and guidance declaring that your taxpayer funds “can be used to pay the salaries of ministers and other staff engaged in the religious mission of institutions.”

To do this, SBA had to suspend numerous rules that, correctly, prevented taxpayer funds from flowing to churches.


SBA was spurred to do this because a few congressmen, like Christian Nationalist Josh Hawley who has since incited an insurrection, declared after the fact and against the language of the law and the Constitution, that churches were beneficiaries.

Again, FFRF was there to explain why this was wrong.


Third, the Trump administration was using the program to reward his closest political allies. FFRF broke the story of secretive White House calls between SBA officials and religious leaders that supported Trump politically. The preachers were encouraged to apply for the PPP funds and promised help. Trump-allied faith leaders were assured by the federal government that even a discriminatory fly-by-night “church” that provides absolutely no secular social services, and of which the owner is the sole employee, could have its wages covered by taxpayers during the PPP time period. On one call, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, a member of Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Council, explained that the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, which took in $350,000–$1 million, “has literally been kept solvent . . . by the Paycheck Protection Plan (sic)” and explained that in 43 years of leading two faith-based ministries, he has “never asked for, nor received, one cent from the federal government” expressing his surprise that taxpayer funds could now flow to his ministry.


Finally, there’s the well-documented but still emerging abuse, including by FFRF Director of Strategic Response Andrew Seidel, who wrote, “American churches took in as much as $10 billion in taxpayer funds through PPP loans.

More than 400 evangelical churches received loans of at least $1 million. The Catholic Church might have taken in as much as $3.5 billion.”

He explained that Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church took in nearly $5 million in taxpayer funds.

Other mega-churches purchased private jets, returning the taxpayer money when they were caught.

And this is only the tip of the corruption as the latest AP report shows.

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21763181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did the US taxpayers just pay for the Predatory Sexual Abuse perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church, to the tune of $3.5 billion, which is exactly why the RCC is going bankrupt?


Meet Timothy Dolan Archbishop of New York


"In June 2012 it was revealed that Dolan "authorized payments of as much as $20,000 to sexually abusive priests as an incentive for them to agree to dismissal from the priesthood when he was the archbishop of Milwaukee" and that "the archdiocese did make such payments…, thereby allowing the church to remove them from the payroll."[19]""


"In July 2013, documents made public during bankruptcy proceedings for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee showed that Dolan had sought permission to move $57 million in church funds to protect the assets from victims of clerical abuse. In a 2007 letter to the Vatican requesting permission to move the funds, Dolan wrote "By transferring these assets to the trust, I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim

and liability."[75][77] Dolan had previously denied that he tried to conceal assets from child sex abuse victims claiming compensation, calling the accusations "old and discredited" and "malarkey."[78]

The Vatican approved the request in five weeks.[75]"

Anonymous ID: 7e855d Oct. 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21763182   🗄️.is 🔗kun



FOX NEWS FLASH Published July 12, 2022 10:31am EDT

Sen. Braun on 'Fox & Friends': Americans would be shocked if they knew where COVID funds went

Republicans fighting for transparency on the funds spent from the COVID relief package

By Fox News Staff | Fox News