Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.21764374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382 >>4438 >>4811 >>4942 >>5060

Inside Kamala Harris’ polarizing record as a prosecutor

By Lia Eustachewich Updated Aug. 12, 2020, 4:27 p.m. ET


She may tout herself as a “progressive prosecutor,” but Kamala Harris’ record as a career California prosecutor suggests otherwise.


Harris — who made history Tuesday as presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s pick for vice president — has long faced criticism over her prosecutorial record, with skeptics saying she skewed in favor of police and was too slow, and even sometimes mum, on criminal justice reform.


As California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017, she refused to endorse a 2015 bill calling for a special prosecutor to investigate deadly police shootings, the Sacramento Bee reported.mShe also rejected calls from civil rights groups to investigate deadly police shootings in Los Angeles and San Francisco, following the 2014 police-involved killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.


• In 2015, Harris required body cameras for California Department of Justice agents but didn’t support legislation mandating them for all police officers.The senator’s history as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011 also has been scrutinized.

• Shortly after taking the job, she sparked a decade-long feud with police unions for declining to pursue the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza.

• She also began prosecuting parents of habitually truant students, calling the issue of students skipping school “tantamount to a crime” — even amid criticism that the policy disproportionately targeted low-income people of color, the Los Angeles Times reported.

• She sent letters to San Francisco public school parents each year, threatening them with citations for truancy, and sponsored a 2010 law to make it a misdemeanor for parents whose children miss 10 percent of school a year without a good excuse. The punishment: a $2,000 fine, jail or both.

• Harris also opposed a state initiative to soften minimum mandatory sentences — even though the criminal justice reform plan she rolled out while running for president called for their end.

One of Harris’ worst scandals came in 2010 when a technician was caught skimming cocaine from a crime lab and mishandling evidence. A judge ruled her office failed to disclose that information to defense attorneys, causing more than 600 drug-related cases to get tossed out.

• That same year, Harris opposed an initiative in the state to legalize marijuana, despite now supporting such legislation.

• During her tenure as attorney general, at least 1,560 people were thrown behind bars for marijuana-related offenses from 2011 to 2016, according to data from the Washington Free Beacon.

Harris’ handling of wrongful convictions has also been called into question.

As AG, her office fought against new DNA testing for death-row inmate Kevin Cooper, who claims he was framed for murder. Some legal experts believed the test could help overturn his conviction.

• Her prosecutors also defended the conviction of George Gage, who was charged in 1999 with sexually abusing his stepdaughter — and put away by her testimony, according to a New York Times opinion piece.

A judge later found that Harris’ prosecutor failed to turn over exculpatory evidence — including that the stepdaughter had repeatedly lied to law enforcement and that her mother described her as a “pathological liar.”

• The case got pitched to the Ninth District Court of Appeals, with Harris’ prosecutors fighting against tossing Gage’s conviction on a technicality — that he had failed to raise the legal issue in a lower court.

He’s still in prison, serving a 70-year sentence.


She's had the same neck problem since the early 2000

Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.21764594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4609 >>4623 >>4811 >>5060

Kamala Harris’s Dreadful DA Record

By CRAIG TRAINOR • June 19, 2019 6:30 AM1/2

Her tenure as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor reveals much about her character and judgment.


In 2005, the sharp-elbowed, ambitious district attorney of San Francisco had the opportunity to correct an all-too-common prosecutorial violation of duty that the leading expert on prosecutorial misconduct found “accounts for more miscarriages of justice than any other type of malpractice.” Rather than seize the opportunity, she did nothing. The prosecutor went on to become state attorney general and now represents California in the United States Senate. If she can persuade enough voters to support her in next year’s Democratic presidential primaries, Kamala Harris will contend with President Trump in 2020 for the highest office in the land.


To understand Harris’s 2005 moral failure, we must go back to 1963. That year, the United States Supreme Court affirmed the unique constitutional position of criminal defendants. InBrady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), the Court announced that “the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accusedupon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.” This is because “society wins not only when the guilty are convicted, but when criminal trials are fair”; accordingly, “our system of the administration of justice suffers when any accused is treated unfairly.”


Despite half a century of Brady’s regime, cavalier (and sometimes willful) prosecutors routinely violate its command, resulting in untold numbers of court decisions bemoaning these violations, reversals of criminal convictions, and, at worst, the imprisonment of innocents. In New York, the causal link between Brady violations and “wrongful convictions” compelled the chief judge of the New York Court of Appeals to require criminal trial judges to “issue an order to the prosecutor responsible for the case to timely disclose exculpatory evidence favorable to the accused — called Brady material.” Indeed, former chief judge Alex Kozinski of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which is headquartered in San Francisco, wrote in a 2013 dissenting opinion from a denial of a rehearing en banc that “there is an epidemic of Brady violations abroad in the land.”


While it was laudable of Chief Judge Kozinksi to take judicial notice of systemic prosecutorial misconduct, criminal defense lawyers have long known what Professor Bennett L. Gershman observed in Shakespearean fashion,“Brady, one may correctly conclude, is ‘more honored in the breach than the observance.’”


Accordingly, it isdeeply troubling that in 2005 District Attorney Harris ignored the recommendation of her own assistant district attorneys that she adopt a “Brady policy” of “disclos[ing] past misconduct by law enforcement in order to help ensure defendants received a fair trial,” as the Wall Street Journal recently reported. Caving to the collective interests of public-sector unions that opposed the policy,Harris “appeared to lose interest” in protecting the individual rights of the accused. She neither ratified nor implemented the proposed reform.


Her decision to do nothing came back to haunt Harris in 2010 when, as the Journal explained, “a San Francisco police crime-lab technician was found to be skimming cocaine from evidence for personal use” that resulted in about 1,000 cases being “dismissedor dropped because of tainted drug tests.”


San Francisco Superior Courtjudge Anne-Christine Massullo castigated Harris for failing to “have in place policies and procedures designed to discover and produce exculpatory information” and failing “to produce exculpatory information actually in” the district attorney’s “possession” about the rogue lab tech.

Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 2:12 p.m. No.21764609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4623 >>4811 >>5060



Had Harris accepted the pleas of her subordinates to adopt the 2005 Brady policy, this scandal would have almost certainly been avoided. After a judicial reprimand, 1,000 criminal cases terminated, and unfavorable media coverage, Harris finally “scrambled to pull together a Brady policy.”


Harris’s tenure as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor reveals much about her character and judgment.


In 1940, United States attorney general Robert Jackson told a gathering of federal prosecutors: “The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous. . . .


While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society,when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.”


If Harris, as district attorney, could not muster the basic decency and sense of fairness to respect the constitutional rights of criminal defendants whose liberty was at risk,how can we possibly expect her, as president, to honor constitutional rights that involve less than the deprivation of freedom but so much of what it means to be American?*


Quotes from Revolver this a.m.

We witnessed this has come true today*, when Harris said at the NAACP speech last weekend: she said,“We will police your platform,” or they’re onboard with a complete and total police state, or maybe a bit of both”… “but when she speaks about censorship and crushing the First Amendment, Harris suddenly becomes passionate and sharp”.



Quotes from Revolver this a.m.

We witnessed this has come true today, when Harris said at the NAACP speech last weekend: she said,“We will police your platform,” or they’re onboard with a complete and total police state, or maybe a bit of both”… “but when she speaks about censorship and crushing the First Amendment, Harris suddenly becomes passionate and sharp”.


They either have no idea what she really meant when she said, “We will police your platform,” or they’re onboard with a complete and total police state, or maybe a bit of both. And when you listen to her words, notice how articulate she is. This is the same woman who’s famous for tossing out word salads, but when she speaks about censorship and crushing the First Amendment, Harris suddenly becomes passionate and sharp. It’s the only time she sounds like she actually knows what she’s talking about.

Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 2:45 p.m. No.21764780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4824 >>4947 >>5060

Mainstream media harpies in panic mode, going crazy…

October 14, 2024 (5 hours ago)


Well, folks, the mainstream media harpies are coming unglued. It’s pure panic mode for these lady propaganda reporters as we inch closer to Election Day. And judging by how Harris and Walz are behaving, the panic is justified. Truthfully, you have to guess that the Harris/Walz internal polls must be brutal. They’ve even got Obama out there scolding black men for not supporting Kamala, and they’re putting out ads so cringe-worthy you have to wonder if anyone on Team Kamala has a dang clue.


This ad is “manly” so bad,real men will be tripping over themselves to actually vote for President Trump. After watching that train wreck of an ad, it’s easy to see why the progressive media harpies are losing their minds, right? (video attached)


Let’s take a look at some of the most unhinged among them, starting with NBC News. Their top reporter is laser-focused on whatAmericans apparently care about most right now: Trump’s cholesterol. (video attached)


Now, we’re not joking.


Kristen Welker, the so-called “reporter” who never once asked for Joe Biden’s medical records, even when he could barely walk, talk, or knew where he was,is suddenly fixated on Trump’s cholesterol numbers and demanding he release them. You can’t make this stuff up.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is our esteemed media hard at work for the American people, bravely digging deep to tackle the really hard-hitting issues we’re all dying to know.


Honestly, could these activist reporters be any more out of touch? Americans are drowning in debt, struggling to put food on the table in this disastrous Harris/Biden economy; our border is wide open, crime is soaring, and yet the media wants to talk about Trump’s cholesterol.


But there’s more. Over at ABC News,harpy Martha Raddatz is doing her darnedest to downplay the fact that illegal Venezuelan gangs are commandeering US apartment complexes. (video attached)


Martha tries to play “gotcha” with JD Vance, only to find out the hard way that he’s way better at this game than she is. Believe it or not, but Martha actually thinks that because “only a handful” of US apartment complexes have been taken over by illegal gangs, it somehow makes the situation acceptable, and it’s Trump’s fault for “exaggerating” the issue. JD Vance couldn’t believe his ears, and neither could sane Americans.


But no list of media harpies would be complete without a hyper-emotional, irrational woman from MSNBC. This pundit—who probably owns at least five cats—is convinced that any man who supports President Trump desperately needs “therapy” to stop him from being the kind of “male” who listens to Joe Rogan.


Clearly, these bitter Bettys have seen the polling and know full well that no man worth his salt is backing the Harris/Walz amateur hour.


It’s ironic, isn’t it? The same women who demand respect and equality are perfectly fine attacking men simply because they don’t think or vote the same way. Yet, we’re supposed to believe these ladies are the tolerant voices of reason? No one’s buying this nonsense. They sound like a pack of wretched, angry Karens, lashing out because they can’t handle a difference of opinion.


James Carville was right. Dems really are the party of petty, annoying, preachy women.


Well, let’s hope these preachy harpies stay mad for at least the next 4 years.

Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 2:53 p.m. No.21764824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4879 >>5060


Alexandra Patriot– Deport Venezuelan's:


Real Man Laughing Patriot:


Speaker Johnson snickering at Welker patriot:

Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 2:58 p.m. No.21764848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4859 >>5060

Citizen Free Press



Trump conviction could be thrown out by NY Court of Appeals — No one in mainstream media is writing about this hearing. This video needs to go viral.


From Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸

4:24 PM · Oct 14, 2024


Anonymous ID: a41847 Oct. 14, 2024, 3:40 p.m. No.21765084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5094

My friend just told me about this movie, starting in 2022, it’s obviousPredictive Programming. Obvious Obama, Bidan and the N.W.O. wants this to happen soon.


Civil War (film) 1/2

This article is about the 2024 film. For specific wars and other uses, see Civil War (disambiguation).

Civil War

Two soldiers are positioned on the Statue of Liberty's torch, which has been turned into a makeshift fighting position.

Civil War is a 2024 dystopian thriller film[6] written and directed by Alex Garland, starring Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, and Nick Offerman. The plot follows a team of war journalists traveling from New York City to Washington, D.C. during a civil war fought across the United States between a despotic federal government and secessionist movements, to interview the president before rebels take the capital city.


Principal photography began in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2022, with production moving to London later in the year. Civil War premiered at South by Southwest on March 14, 2024, and was theatrically released in the United States by A24 and in the United Kingdom by Entertainment Film Distributors on April 12, 2024. With a budget of $50 million, Civil War is A24's most expensive film to date.[2] The film has grossed over $122 million worldwide, becoming A24's second highest-grossing film, and received generally positive reviews from critics.



In the near-future, a civil war has engulfed the United States.An authoritarian federal government, led by a third-term president, is embattled by secessionist movements. Despite the president claiming victory is imminent, it is widely expected thatWashington, D.C. will soon be reached by the "Western Forces" (WF) led by Texas and California. After surviving a suicide bombing in New York City, jaded veteran war photographer Lee Smith and journalist colleague Joel meet with their mentor Sammy to share their plan to interview the isolated president. While trying to dissuade them from heading to the capital, Sammy joins them to reach the frontline at Charlottesville, Virginia. The next morning, Lee finds Joel has allowed a young aspiring photojournalist whom Lee encountered at the bombing, Jessie Cullen, to join them.


After departing the city, the group stops at a gas station protected by armed men. Jessie explores a nearby car wash, where she finds the men torturing two alleged looters. One of the guards follows Jessie, but Lee defuses the situation by taking a photo of the man posing with his victims. Later, Jessie berates herself for being too scared to take photos.


Following an overnight stop near ongoing fighting, the group documents combat the next day as secessionist militiamen successfully assault a loyalist-held building. Lee recognizes Jessie's potential as a war photographer and begins to mentor her, while Jessie photographs the secessionists executing prisoners. The group spends the night at a refugee camp before passing through a small town where, under watchful guard, residents attempt to live in blissful ignorance of the war.


Later, they are caught in a sniper battle amid the remains of a Christmas fair. Nearby snipers mock Joel's questioning what side they are fighting for or against, instead summarizing the situation as killing those trying to kill them. Jessie's nerve and photography skills improve as she becomes increasingly desensitized to violence. Jessie asks if Lee would photograph Jessie being killed, to which Lee responds in the affirmative.


While driving, the four encounter two foreign reporters they know, Tony and Bohai. Tony and Jessie switch vehicles before Bohai drives off ahead with Jessie in his car. The others catch up to find the pair held at gunpoint by unknown uniformed militia who are burying civilians in a mass grave. Sammy stays behind as the other three approach to attempt to negotiate their release, but the leader of the militia executes both Bohai and Tony for not being "American". The others are saved by Sammy after he rams the group's truck into members of the militia, but is mortally wounded while doing so.


Traumatized, the remaining three arrive at theCharlottesville WFbase and find most of the remaining loyalists have surrendered,leaving Washington, D.C. defended only by fanatical remnants of the armed forces and Secret Service. Joel drunkenly lashes out at what he views as Sammy's pointless death, while Lee tries to console Jessie that Sammy would've liked to die on the job. Lee finds herself unable to document Sammy's death, deleting a photo she took of his body.