Why are they persecuted so?
they flying in edibles?
Errrybody wants they reparations from whitey, nigga.
they had another on the floor so they can hide the main one if needed during pans etc.
Jess was a ho and she'd shack up with anyone anytime. Has she robbed you of your cash and dignity yet?
It must be true if it's on the internet without sauce from reddit.
Are they on Temu yet?
What flavour Dorito's was it?
Sounds like the chickens are coming home to roost.
good point.
the fucking state of things
he's gay.
you can tell a lot from the toesโฆ
nah. the "who is Q" is dumb and achieves nothing, in fact it would destroy the mystery.
Focus on Mission!
claims he never shot a gun but was loaded to the hilt and had fake passes. Got caught and say's he's "All in" on Trump and it's a misunderstanding?
Fuck sakes the cops are retarded.
they keep getting dumber. Maybe cum in the ass is the problem. Affects wimmin the same.
Israel 1st bros
Horses was a distraction from gay kid sex? Oh dear.
it's a shit film
deleting faster than posts the bred will never end