Anonymous ID: 6bdb1b Oct. 15, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.21769588   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9599 >>9713

Thoughts become things. Don’t complicate it with the how. U just focus right here n the thoughts will become the thing. It just does. Worrying blocks it. Figuring out how when u don’t know how, blocks it bc u don’t know how. Thoughts become things, u see. Took the Children of Israel 40 years to finally get out of their own way. Moses had thoughts in the way that blocked him even though God showed him the way clear as water when he parted the Red Sea. Doubt on one side, Faith on the other. Line up with God n the path opens up. Don’t line up with God n the path is blocked n the Sea swallows u up. God does the how. Just let it habben without blocking it. It feels like Angels with warm light and jingle bells on Christmas Eve. It feels like God’s anointing. It feels like well being and like nothing is going wrong and everything is right on track and nothing is missing or lacking. It feels like 100%.

Worry kills a man in a hurry.


Don’t shoot. I can’t help it. I was born this way. It flows forth from me like a river going out to the sea.

God bless (yous).