Allow me to use the example of this typical Twitter shit-poasting encounter to illustrate the value of something I like to call "political war-dancing." The majority of normal people in the middle just want to sit at whatever political "table" that society at large considers to be the "cool kids' table" because their herd instincts make them feel safer there. (That's not an insult, just an obvious observation.)
The way they put a finger to the wind of what society considers "acceptable" and "cool" at any given moment is through a preponderance of seeing things like this in their feed over time.
In other words: You BECOME the dominant culture by ACTING like the dominant culture.
tldr, Shit-poasting saves lives.
>Hey - ya'll - you know how Trump keeps mentioning the movie "SALT"?
Where has he mentioned the movie SALT? I must have missed this.
>One of the interviews he's done recently.
They were talking about Braveheart on the Nelk Boys I think. Maybe they brought up other movies. I'll look there.