Anonymous ID: 9f2368 Oct. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m. No.21784702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4831

Zelensky approves sell-off of Ukrainian state banks


The privatization legislation brings Kiev in line with World Bank requirements, according to local media reports


According to local media, citing MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak, the legislation, adopted by the Rada on September 19, is aimed at reducing the state’s presence in the banking sector. This is one of the requirements of the World Bank and is a mandatory condition for providing loans to Kiev.


Ukraine’s $15.6 billion IMF loan program also calls for bank privatizations and these will be key to unlocking new tranches of aid.


The new law is reportedly also designed to attract potential investors. According to the National News Agency of Ukraine, the new rules expand the range of potential investors and allows for the sale of any state share (previously just 100% of the share) in a bank.


They also update the regulations for setting the price and conducting auctions in accordance with the World Bank’s recommendations. The participation of former shareholders in privatization will also be prohibited.


The law applies to all state-owned banks, including PrivatBank and Ukrgasbank, as well as Sense Bank, PINbank, and Motor-Bank, which were nationalized after 2022. Oschadbank and Ukreximbank are reportedly the two exceptions.


National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Governor Andrey Pyshny told local media on Thursday that Sense Bank and Ukrgasbank are “two priority banks for starting the privatization process involving a consultant, who will have to choose the best options.”

Anonymous ID: 9f2368 Oct. 17, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.21784725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4831 >>5061 >>5195 >>5282 >>5420 >>5483

Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Doctor for Illegally Providing Harmful “Gender Transition” Treatments to Nearly Two Dozen Children


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued a North Texas doctor for blatantly violating Texas law by providing prohibited “gender transition” treatments to nearly two dozen minors.


Senate Bill 14, a Texas law that took effect in September 2023 and was upheld by the Texas Supreme Court in June 2024, prohibits “gender transition” medical interventions such as surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones for minors. Growing scientific evidence strongly suggests that “gender transition” interventions prescribed to or performed on children in an attempt to anatomically or hormonally alter their biological sex characteristics have damaging, long-term consequences. Additionally, the prohibited treatments are experimental, and no scientific evidence supports their supposed benefits.


Texas law also directs that the Texas Medical Board “shall revoke the medical license or other authorization to practice medicine of a physician who violates” the provisions of SB14.


Evidence obtained by the Office of the Attorney General revealed that a Dallas-area doctor illegally provided high-dose cross-sex hormones to twenty-one minor patients for the direct purpose of “transitioning” the child’s biological sex. The doctor allegedly used false diagnoses and billing codes to mask these unlawful prescriptions.


“Texas passed a law to protect children from these dangerous unscientific medical interventions that have irreversible and damaging effects,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Doctors who continue to provide these harmful ‘gender transition’ drugs and treatments will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

Anonymous ID: 9f2368 Oct. 17, 2024, 4:38 p.m. No.21784733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>5195 >>5282 >>5420 >>5483

🚨 Breaking News You Are Not Allowed To Vote If You Have A Political Tattoo Showing


Outraged Instagram Model Claudia Rose Tattoos MAGA On Her Face & Returns To The Poles


Is This Legal Yes Or No?

Anonymous ID: 9f2368 Oct. 17, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.21784832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4842 >>4861 >>5195 >>5282 >>5420 >>5483

Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern Receives Damehood at Windsor Castle for Draconian COVID-19 Response


New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern received a damehood during an investiture held at Windsor Castle today in honour of her draconian response to COVID-19. The Mail has more.


Prince William, 42, was the royal handing out the honours, and his friendship with Jacinda, 44, was on full show as the two interacted.


Smiling broadly in each other’s company, the two friends were pictured looking comfortable as the Prince of Wales pinned the honour onto her sash, near her waist. …


The closeness exhibited today by the royal and the former New Zealand PM isn’t the first time their friendly bond has been caught on camera.


In 2019, during a two-day visit to New Zealand, the prince commemorated Anzac Day.


The then-Duke, who cut a sombre figure, donning a navy suit during the ceremony at Auckland’s War Memorial Museum, was joined by then PM-Jacinda Ardern.


William greeted Jacinda with a traditional Maori touch of the noses called a hongi.


According to reports, Jacinda was appointed a Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours for her services to the state.


The appointment came just months after her shock resignation as PM.


Her official citation listed her response to the COVID-19 pandemic, “positioning New Zealand as having one of the lowest COVID-19 related death rates in the Western world”.


New Zealand voters turfed her out over her punishing Covid and Net Zero policies. But the Establishment still makes sure she gets her honours for doing the ‘right thing’ i.e., following the approved narrative.

Anonymous ID: 9f2368 Oct. 17, 2024, 5:11 p.m. No.21785000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5195 >>5282 >>5420 >>5483

Judicial Watch Sues Maricopa County Recorder on Issue of Using Government Resources in Personal Lawsuit against Kari Lake


Judicial Watch announced today it filed an Arizona Public Records Law lawsuit against Stephen Richer in his official capacity as the Maricopa County Arizona Recorder for records involved in using staff to pursue personal interests, including his personal defamation lawsuit against Kari Lake – Senate candidate and 2022 gubernatorial candidate (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Stephen Richer, in his official capacity as Maricopa County Recorder (No. CV-2024-028791)). (The recorder’s office helps conduct and supervise elections.)


The suit was filed in the Superior Court for the State of Arizona after Richer failed to respond to a March 25, 2024, open records law request for:


Any documents directing the utilization of Maricopa County Recorder Office (MCRO) staff to search for information concerning the personal defamation lawsuit involving Kari Lake.

Any information submitted to the Court(s) in official litigation proceedings regarding the personal defamation lawsuit.

Any time sheets, invoices, or receipts, indicating MCRO expenses related to obtaining information in the lawsuit.

Any documents addressing 1st Amendment rights including articles, op-eds, and/or speeches, generated by Mr. Richer and/or MCRO staff.

Any MCRO policies, addressing:

Conflict of interest

Using County/Office resources for personal use

Any documents indicating current MCRO employees from former Senator McSally’s office.

In November 2022, Republican gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake questioned the results of Maricopa County’s electoral procedure. Lake criticized both Richer and her opponent, Democrat Katie Hobbs, who was the incumbent secretary of state in charge of overseeing election operations. In June 2023, Richer filed a defamation lawsuit.


On March 23, 2024, an article from AZ Free News reported, “Public records revealed that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer tasked staff with compiling articles and online content pertaining to his personal defamation lawsuit against Kari Lake – Senate candidate and 2022 gubernatorial candidate – as well as topics of personal political interest.”


Richer recently made the news again for aligning with the left-leaning States United Democracy Center to target election speech.


“It is curious that Judicial Watch is getting the runaround on the potential use of government resources to target Kari Lake with a defamation lawsuit,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.