Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.2195689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6100 >>7257


>There is a simple search the resignation anon did here


>There's also a search available here

Thanks for these anon. When I have time, I will start making categories for the Executive Summaries. I'll post each topic separately in a "Topics Post" and then I'll reply to each Topic Post with a "Links Post" containing the links I can find which connect to the digs of the Topics Post. It would be helpful for anons to reply to each topic with links they can find as well.


Voat anon, you said you have answers to some of the questions I previously posted re: finding all the digs. I believe you also help in baking. If I'm recalling correctly, either on CBTS or here, there used to be a more comprehensive list of topics in the Threads & Research Section of each General Research Bread. I don't see a link to an archive of all the old Threads & Research items.

Does one exist? Can you provide that here?


Thank you

Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.2195939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6100 >>6608

Below is:

1) the most recent Threads & Research Section of QResearch Board, along with

2) the last Research Thread posted in CBTS.


We can use some of these as starting places for topics that we decided to make Executive Summaries of. However, I would like to be thorough in making sure we find ALL of the items that were previously posted in 1 & 2 throughout all the old Breads.


I feel like the items below varied between breads as time went by; some topics removed, others added. I can't go through all breads from CBTS and QResearch to check. Does anyone know if a Master List was maintained with all research topics from all Breads?


Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>2193326 – General codefags

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 – NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project





Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613

Asia Foundation >>15984

Bloodlines and Y >>7705

British Connections >>117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461

NEW Follow The Wives >>246000

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194

Godfather III >>2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952

Hunt For Red October >>3102

Indictments & Arrests >>3163

Israel & Zionism >>1398

Loop Capital Markets Thread >>250733

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334

North Korea >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>56075

Q Signatures >>2198

Q Stringer Central >>2300

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171

Red Cross >>40157

Rothschild Family >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327

Sealed Indictments >>4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Snow White and AI Science >>123576

Soros & NGOs >>1367

Stringers, military courts >>189447

Titanic >>106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346

Who is P? >>202645

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.

Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.2196608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6634


Based on search via this appears to be the first instance of a list of Research Topics:

CBTS #266 Shill Free Edition


Harrisburg Crumb COMPILATION - >>149032270

UPDATED QRD summary – >>148419355 (via #101 >>148320351)

Extended summary (up till November 5) – >>148895246

Simple rundown – >>148716861 (via #144 >>148534214)

U1 QRD - >>149037975

RPP – >>148630370 (via #127 >>148457750) / 'Endgame' – >>148635997

M-Intel anon – >>148441866 (via #122 >>148431375 )

Saudi theory – >>148330306 (via #102 >>148327163) >>148730808 (via #116 >>148398169 )

SA/Vegas – >>148329521 (via #101 >>148321423)

SA timeline – >>148405748 >>148403651

Big picture – >>148641955 (via #100 >>148317067)

+++ / 4,8,10 – >>148773283





White Rabbit Memes >>148898296

MGM Grand Aria & Podesta Connection >>148898806

Eyes in the Skys lads >>148895407 >>148898939

Remember our power >>148899095

FLOW CHART >>148899269

Oh ho ho >>148901267

Podesta group implodes >>148901280 >>148902448

OnPoint meme >>148901130

Soros fucks everything up >>148901799

SA Heating up >>148902591

BO sleeps with CorruptSA >>148902634

Prayer is a very real thing >>148902768

Watchful Eyes over KEYSTONE >>148902607

Anons Watching the News >>148903689


Canadian PM missing >>148916080

SA Bombing Yemen >>148930679 >>148931355

We took out McCain by the achilles tendon >>148932163


SA Purged 200+ ppl and seized $100b >>148939069

40+ politicians not running >>>>148940408

Revisit Q's >>148940726


Orgy island >>149071719

Swiss pedo ring is HUGE >>>>149074017 >>149074639

Epstein Island is a temple >>149075952

Bill Cooper


Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.2196634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6639


CBTS #267

White Rabbit Memes >>148898296

MGM Grand Aria & Podesta Connection >>148898806

Eyes in the Skys lads >>148895407 >>148898939

Remember our power >>148899095

FLOW CHART >>148899269

Oh ho ho >>148901267

Podesta group implodes >>148901280 >>148902448

OnPoint meme >>148901130

Soros fucks everything up >>148901799

SA Heating up >>148902591

BO sleeps with CorruptSA >>148902634

Prayer is a very real thing >>148902768

Watchful Eyes over KEYSTONE >>148902607

Anons Watching the News >>148903689


Canadian PM missing >>148916080

SA Bombing Yemen >>148930679 >>148931355

We took out McCain by the achilles tendon >>148932163

Trump lands in Vietnam >>148933467

We're fighting for something great >>148938587

SA Purged 200+ ppl and seized $100b >>148939069

40+ politicians not running >>>>148940408

Revisit Q's >>148940726


Nov 11

Orgy island >>149071719

Swiss pedo ring is HUGE >>>>149074017 >>149074639

Epstein Island is a temple >>149075952

Bill Cooper >>149080407

Epstein island endtrence >>149083779

OctBump & CIA Theories >>149088165

SEARCH TERMS ARE WORKING >>149088688 >>149089030

CIA has supercomputers named after the 7 dwarves.. >>149098667


Nov 12

Titanic was sunk to remove good men >>149149960 >>149156555


Q GROUP IN NSA >>149154310

Godfather III mechanic at play >>149155817

Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.2196656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726


CBTS #268

Titanic was sunk to remove good men >>149149960 >>149156555 >>149160119


Q GROUP COUNTERINTELLEGENCE >>149154310 >>149160686

Godfather III mechanic at play


EvilClintonNetwork flowchart >>149161500

Cooper = CIA memes >>149161897


Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 17, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2196726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6752 >>6807


Anons, I need a way to copy things from an archived bread and paste them into a spreadsheet and still have their links work.


Then I can sort by alphabetical order and combine duplicated/related topics and ultimately refine into a master list of Research Topics.


For example, if I go to:



I want to copy from that bread the following items and paste into a spreadsheet:

>Orgy island >>149071719

>Swiss pedo ring is HUGE >>>>149074017 >>149074639

>Epstein Island is a temple >>149075952


Then once I've done that over many breads, I can go back and start combining things like "Epstein Island" with "Orgy Island" and have the links from both topics still function in the combined topic.


Any tips?

Anonymous ID: 803bd3 July 18, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.2196807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6942 >>7065



Actually, M.S. Excel keeps the links (pic related)


I'm going to go ahead and make a list of all research topics that were posted starting with CBTS breads.


Let me know if something like this already exists so I don't waste my time.

