Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.21795851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hezbollah Has Thousands of Miles of Underground Tunnels Inside Israel


Hindustan Times Oct. 2024

The Israeli military said it demolished several Hezbollah tunnel shafts that the military says were used by operatives to get close to the Israeli border in southern Lebanon. The IDF also claimed to have killed dozens of Hezbollah militants during its ongoing ground invasion.

Watch this video for more information.




However, Mike Adams said that his Lebanese friend had told him years ago, that It's common knowledge in Lebanon that Hezbollah has thousands of meters of complicated underground tunnels beneath the Lebanon Israeli border."


Mike said that the Israeli soldiers could not win against Hamas in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza, and that 50,000 to 80,000 Israeli soldiers have been killed, which is why Israel recently called up 15,000 Reservists.

The Israeli soldiers are too scared to come out of their Tanks so they stay inside it, and the Hezbollah fighters run up to the Tanks and place a bomb on it.

Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.21795893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5900 >>5908


Hillary during her 2016 Pres campaign, said "As President, the first thing I will do is go to war with Iran."


Dems + Repubs = ALL bow down to Israel.


Send our American soldiers to take out the few countries on Earth that are not enslaved by the Zionist Jewish Banking Cartel.


Jacob Rothschild in interview said: "My family created Israel."

Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.21795944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They wouldn't admit it if it did habben.


Fulford says that Satanyahu died a while back, and his body double (the fat one that was in NYC in the photo where he's on the phone calling in the attack), when his plane landed at Ben Gurion airport, the plane was hit with a missile and the body double sustained head injuries and died.


Fulford says that the "Netanyahu" now is CGI, AI.


Israel's Media is in total censorship mode. No image or video of any damage or Israeli casualties are allowed to be posted.

They want to push an image that "Israel" is invincible, meanwhile their Israeli troops are getting slaughtered.


After at least 17 attempts to invade Lebanon, the IOF are suffering mass casualties and retreating each time.

The Israeli army is soft and woke.

Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:19 p.m. No.21795983   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Been reading that from Ben Fulford for the whole year, yet the anons here don't seem to believe it.

No discernment caused by hero worship?


Logical Thinking:

Hillary has a body double.

Remember when she visited the 9-11 memorial, collapsed, thrown into her mobile hospital van. Emerged 5 hours later looking 30 lbs thinner?


Zelenskyy has a body double. Caught on camera.


Elon Musk has 2 body doubles for security reasons. (as per Ben Fulford)


Most world leaders and mega rich famous people have body doubles for safety reasons,


but anons here STILL believe that the real POTUS Trump is doing outdoor rallies since 2023, and now even after two assassination attempts??


Even after anon noted that you can see the 5'7'' SHORT Trump in photos next to RFK Jr and others. Melania is never seen with the body doubles because she's tall.


Ben said that POTUS has been in Mt. Cheyenne since 2021.

Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:32 p.m. No.21796026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6054

Ashkenazi Jews Have Extremely High Rates of Schizophrenia and BiPolar Disorder


Feinstein Institute of Medical Research along with the Zucker Hillside Hospital Dept. of Psychiatry Research, with Ariel Darvasi Phd of Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem:


They spent Millions of Dollars for a team and studied more than 25,000 Individuals.


*Ashkenazi Genomics Consortium: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MIT, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


They came to the conclusion that because of Inbreeding,today's Ashkenazi Jews suffer from extremely high rates of Schizophrenia and BiPolar Disorder .

They suffer mental disorders due to generations of Inbreeding.


*Ashkenazi Jews are 80% of Jews and 20% are Sephardic Jews


This was also written up in :

*Ha'aretz - Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

***Ariel Darvasi: '"Of the 2,500 Ashkenazi Jews in Israel who contributed DNA, 1,500 were healthy while 1,000 had mental disorders related to Schizophrenia. So40% had mental disorders.

*Other genetic defect diseases - Gaucher Disease: 1 in 10, Cystic Fibrosis: 1 in 24, Tay Sachs: 1 in 27, Familial Dysautonomia: 1 in 31, Spinal Muscular Atrophy: 1 in 41.





*Science Daily - New Genetic Factor Discovered for Severe Psychiatric Illness




*Mike Adams podcast: This is in the first part.



Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.21796052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6061 >>6164

Greta Thunberg Is A Blood Relative of The Rothschild Clan


Swedish eco-activist Greta Thunberg (21) is a great-granddaughter of the notorious banker Lionel Walter Rothschild, son of the first Baron Rothschild. Previously, this fact has drawn the attention of journalists who researched the genealogical tree of the famous family.


The house of the Rothschild bankers reluctantly confirms the undeniable. Greta Thunberg is a blood relative of the notorious Rothschild chain of nation-buyers. It explains much about the precocious adolescent’s celebrity status drooled over by presidents and prime ministers – and, of course, the slobbering ‘on-message’ media barons of the Western swamps.


By the way, the net worth of Greta’s parents is estimated at $3 million – that we know about. Not bad for a modestly successful opera musician and her stage actor husband.


The media became interested in the alleged kinship after a source at the large Swedish bank Handelsbanken stated that the Thunberg family had received transfers from the Rothschild Foundation to their accounts.


Despite this information appearing in the tabloid press, the bank was so zealous to find the source of the leak that it raised suspicions.


After two weeks of research, it turned out that the pubescent activist’s great-grandfather Joachim Thunberg was the son of Lionel Rothschild, who was illegitimate but was recognised in 1928.


As his mother brought him up alone for the first two years, he was given her surname. Joachim was then adopted by his biological father, and from the age of 12, he moved to France.


There he received his education and then studied additionally in London. At the age of 26, Joachim Rothschild-Thunberg became one of the most successful bankers in Sweden.


His success lasted until 1957 when he sold the bank, donated most of his capital to certain ‘foundations’ and retired.

According to the Rothschild family, Greta Thunberg is indeed the great-great-granddaughter of one of their most famous representatives, but her environmental activities, they assured, are not related to her origins and are not financed by the house in any way.



Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:47 p.m. No.21796089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6096 >>6164

@shadow of ezra

Georgia, Pennsylvania, and now Tennessee have become the latest states to report instances of election fraud, including Dominion voting systems allegedly flipping votes.


These aren't isolated incidents, but rather a wave of complaints pouring in.


video here:


Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 2:57 p.m. No.21796131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6152




The Jewish Cabal owns our gov't.


On Twatter yesterday, someone took a video walking through the Halls of Congress.


Outside Every.Single. Door. of every "elected" Congress person they have a large Poster with the flag of Israel and I STAND WITH ISRAEL on it.

Some doors have an American Flag on one side, and a fucking Israel Flag on the other.


We are a captured nation. Everywhere We are silenced and censored, including here on QR


Show how the Jewish geneticists found that their own people have a 40% rate of Schizophrenia, and Bi Polar disorder due to generations of Inbreeding. which would explain their lack of empathy in killing women and children,


and the Jewish bakers Delete it.


Q and the White Hats have to take out the Kabal before the enslavement of Christian Patriots end.

Anonymous ID: 6b1990 Oct. 19, 2024, 3:08 p.m. No.21796175   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saw a video of a man who lost his house in NC, he said he "read the fine print" and it's a loan, and if you don't pay it back within a year, they take your property.


Loan or not is aDEFLECTION


Lose your house worth $150,000 - FEMA gives you $750 measly dollars.

Even if it's a gift, $750 LOUSY Dollars for your $200,000 house??


Did you a couple weeks ago, an Anon showed a receipt dropped by an illegal migrant who had a Food Stamp balance of $11,534.67


THAT's the outrage. not whether it's a "loan or not."