I have a few queries,
A. Algebra de baldor.
B. Bible
C. Codes (zip codes postal codes, phone codes)
D. Dictionary.
Z 4 points. 4 builders 4 code books?
The enemy is everywhere UR.
11, 1, 5, 7, 3, 9.
Odd numbers.
12,6, 0.
Makes it 8,10,4,2
Ate ten (have) for TU
Mine, enemy, no I.
Thank you.
Our father (plural)
=, 2 negatives.
Dot all negative numbers? (Odd)
Some one said yesterday there is Jesus, and Christ….
Yes, oil, salt, baking soda, increases pH current?
However, J didn't supposedly exist. It was Yesu, Yeshua,.
What's a Y, but Not U.
The enemy is Every UR?
Jesus is the enemy????????
Jesus is J'ais.
The enemy is every where.
I am.
The enemy is I Am?????
We are…..
R and 2 2…???
Mirror everything????