23 before 80? Yeah, that's a filter.
Yep, they're going with their merchant division narrative that focuses on the macro rather than their mimicry division narrative that focuses on the micro. Two-trick ponies, and they had to be forced to use the second trick.
And some of the current knowledge is kept from people by gatekeepers in charge of teaching those "divine things." Taking into account the current state of the Vatican it appears the gatekeeping is done for enrichment of the gatekeepers and destruction of what they're overseeing. There's a snake inside that city state.
No, Parakeet, you fat-faced obese piece of shit, he never said that. You're saying that. One does not equal all of them. But that's your game and what you're paid to post. Haven't you noticed that those LARPing and "gaming" like you are on the losing end of people not playing a game? Like how fucking stupid are you?
Oh he mad now. He replied to the same post twice. He sure showed me. Only know that because the reply links pop up, but are nice and empty thanks to the filter. Just another faggot mimic, that tried to fuck with Pig but ended up abandoned his Mr. Swine persona.
> but you faggots can't even condemn theone, when there ismore than one.
You're a special kind of stupid, fuckface. Condemn them for what, being Jewish? That's not a crime, idiot. But that's your game, the stereotype is the crime, rather than any actual crime itself. I fully believe it's you briandead fools, not who you try telling me it is. That's a filter for you, Failure the Clown.
>Oh, I don't know. Maybe calling for "White Genocide," or targeting non-Jewish Whites with anti-White rhetoric? How about for pretending to be White by saying "My Fellow White People" to incite hatred towards non-Jewish Whites and then claiming to be Jewishโข, when that hatred is parroted back to them?
So you want to punish them for their behavior or how they refer to themselves or think of themselves? There's something seriously wrong with you if day in day out that's all you're focused on here. Especially after the Absolute Retards blew their ammo on the subject in the last half of 2021. You're a fucking failure of a deep state agent.
Well, seeing as they're focused on their favorite ethnicity, they're too busy to mimic right now.
Yeah, fuckface, they left for a brief bit. You know, in the beginning of 2022 when they lost the banhammer and all roles. They were hopping mad over that. Claimed they were going to start their own board and everyone would follow them over there. Only no one went there but them. Then they cross-posted their "notables" here for exposure, then they just came back and abandoned their board to spam their shit here. And then when no one accepts that "truth" you claim, what do you do? You spam, you IP hop, you imitate anyone that criticized the narrative to destroy them. That's not truth, that's division propaganda to divide and conquer to maintain the control over the sphere of anonymity that you've dominated for decades. This is the place where your division narrative comes to die.
Trickle on one, focus on the other. Every time. Can provoke that little gnat on demand now. Predictable Legion.
On the plus side, who they imitate is a good indication of who they view as the biggest impediments to the divide and conquer attempts being successful.
I had no idea how clever she is. That's fuckin' hot.
Huh. Not often you see a 7-digit palindrome in an 8 digit number. Very cool.
They seem a little on edge today. Their desperation reeks.
KEK. VaticanClown is going to start his shit now and prove how panicked they really are.
>Your integrity is your destiny
I just wanted to meme and learn some cool shit. Well, I was warned after that first post in 2018. Have a suspicion that what I want when the credits roll and what I get are going to be two different things. I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it with confidence though.
Yeah, it's the whole reconciling the online presence with the insignificance of the IRL presence. It just doesn't fuckin' make sense at all to me.
Clowns are too scared to imitate SP so they're hiding behind their broken shield of bigotry. Hiding behind an unraveled and see-through divide and conquer narrative. Dumbfuck lapdog twits.
Just wait to see just how irrational and desperate they get between Nov. 6 to Jan. 20.