total failure fails dianetics too
beenjammin a frank lynn gits TP signed bi nazi fichtl zombie mnuchin drumpf
isREAL butthol usury
usury isREAL butthol
butthol usury isREAL
mo sql
mo gasket LEEKY
looosur crackhead juws bordur in canada fayk twat MACRONi war crimes wiff alec
unrequited depraved homooroticuh solicitations an fichtl geezur spurm diarhia
>unrequited depraved homooroticuh solicitations an fichtl geezur spurm diarhia
40 years indifference is not totally pedo tho
french nazi gurms invasion of turkey poleland
lord of the douchburgur
wins free burgur
sum hobbits are juuuus born wiff it