Anonymous ID: d2dc0e Oct. 23, 2024, 12:53 a.m. No.21814524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539

>>21814508 LB


pfft…get this. the night before Reagan was shot in 1981, GHWB's son (Neil or Marvin I think) had a scheduled dinner guest named John W. Hinckley. Apparently, the Bush's and Hinckley's were in the oil buisness together. The dinner was cancelled. The next day, while GHWB was in a plane over Ft. Worth, John W. Hinckley shot Reagan.

Anonymous ID: d2dc0e Oct. 23, 2024, 1:36 a.m. No.21814561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4573


Bush was forced onto Reagan to be VP by Cabal. Reagan didn't choose him. Less than 6 weeks after Reagan was inaugurated, Bush tried to take Reagan out. Bush served two terms as Reagan;s VP then one term as POTUS. But Bush was ill with Grave's Disease…by 1992, Bush really couldn't go on. He tanked the election…was never engaged, didn't seem like he wanted reelection. Of course, the Public didn't know he was ill. The Cabal brought in Ross Perot to take votes away from Bush so the election would look legit but the plan all along was to put Clinton in the WH. Bush and Clinton go way back. Clinton ran the airfields in Mena, AR where all the cocaine from Columbia came into the country. Drugs were how Bush, CIA, and other Deep-staters funded off-the-book black ops. It was Clinton's turn to take the wheel. See the pic there of a young Clinton, Bush, and former segregationist George Wallace at a picnic.