Uniformed Ukrainian Soldiers Are Threatening Donald Trump And American Citizens!
In two separate videos below, Uniformed soldiers of the Ukrainian Army seem to threaten to MURDER President-Elect Trump, then burn him in Effigy. In the other video, they machine-gun and burn a manikin dressed as a MAGA voter!
Here is the video where Ukraine Army Soldiers seem to threaten to MURDER President-elect Trump, telling him in the video he "will never be President again" and that he is a "Traitor".
In this next video, other Ukrainian Soldiers, also in Uniform, put a 2024 Trump Campaign T-shirt and a red MAGA hat on a manikin, machine-gun it, then set fire to it. Apparently they not only want to kill Trump, but voters too!
This from the armed forces of a country whose entire EXISTENCE has been paid-for and supplied by the United States government!
Maybe it is time to allow Ukraine to fall to Russia. Completely fall.