Use Librewolf web browser with uMatrix add-on installed, solved pretty well. Only sites that can access your browser will be "first party" meaning only the sites you go to, and allow scripts to run on.
Well yah, any site that has access to your web browser can see what you are accessing, duh. That's why I recommend using Librewolf web browser with the uMatrix privacy add-on installed.
Here ya go….
Corrupt dumb asses more like it. Cheaters.
I'd rather watch re-runs of Johnny Carson.
What about that Carbon60 supplement that Jeff Rense always advertises for 5G?
Sounds nice but ONLY for Windows 10 or newer? Screw that. I'm sticking with my de-bloated Windows 7.
DS weather modification is in play again obviously.
I use a few of my own about:config tweaks to fortify the web browser, plenty of good privacy tips out there.
Me thinks China want empire.
Me also thinks US want empire.
Me also believes Russia want empire.
Me says this unsustainable and leads to big wars.