Thank you.
Capitulation of the Globalist savagery is at hand, gone.
Money talks BS walks.
Can't bullshit a bullshiter
Don't worry about the mule goin blind just load up the wagon. It's hero time.
Bossman said theY still have a lot of money, sure that'll be handled in short order.
Bossman said theY still have a lot of money, sure that'll be handled in short order.
Globalists might as well pull up stakes, it's over.
Open and free journalism, financial system and governance, for and BY the PEOPLE
Alphabet retard hammers at keys like a retarded gibbon.
Millions of hours of "Intelligence" trading, absolutely fuckin worthless bullshit, GONE.
Cognitively deformed and morally disfigured Alphabet Traitors obliterated into shrieking bags of meat begging for death.
Staring at the walls of its cubicle the alphabet Deepfuck realizes the entire agency was ripped to fuckin pieces in the most important intelligence battle for their lives by shit posters that never opened a manual.
The entire alphabet IntelMeat enterprise a waste of fuckin time, GONE.
Why come back from lunch Deepfucks?
Appreciate the appreciation fren and comprehend completely said tentativeness completely.
Big Friday Freakout, Commie Shit Scribbler Scramble
Existentially soft minded buffoons.
Ridiculously Retarded Retards Rife with Retardation.
Eye out for Rogue Retards Amuck