Traitors mentioned.
Traitors die.
Plus, has been monitoring concensus here and the socials.
He works for citizens.
Traitors mentioned.
Traitors die.
Plus, has been monitoring concensus here and the socials.
He works for citizens.
His dad got a far better shake from the podcasts than he ever did from the former legacy media.
I'm sure not going to miss legacy media.
Just remember, when the criminals are put forth, no race, relegion, country, sex, or status card can be played.
All cards are canceled.
It's about evil.
It's not about what group you belong to.
>It's not about what group you belong to.
Addendum: Unless, of course, it's a RICO group.
I've pointed out before a lot of Jews in leadership positions that makes them my enemy.
Media, Biden admin, banking, big pharma to name a few.
The Jew dude down the street, not so much.
I don't know who the Zionists are.
The non-criminal Jews need to speak up about the criminal Jews.
I blast my relegious criminals all the time.
My relegion is not exempted.