requires russia's cooperation
you think putin is stoopit?
>Jews do not know how to abide by laws of their host country, and will never assimilate.
so give 'em their own country, and exile them all there
just don't steal someone else's land to do it
how 'bout mars?
they like deserts
delete the POS comped ADL Bored Vermin and ship him off with the jews he works so hard to protect here
>I guess mentioning AIPAC requires deletion
you betcha
now you know who's babysitting this board
how's that stop BV from deleting 300 posts per bread?
whoever it is needs to BE HUNG
alongside the rest of the traitorous pigs
putin's already demonstrated the self-restraint of a saint
if it were me, i would have nuked DC, london, brussels, and tel aviv LONG AGO
>It may be deliberate
you just might be jeff foxworthy
>It's not about what group you belong to.
we promise not to mention the 90% just happen to belong to one group
>I don't care for the Jerusalem Cross gigantic tattoo he has
i don't like ANY tattoos
sign of a weak mind and weak character
someone that needs to identify with a group
someone that needs to advertize their affiliation
someone with the leader/follower mentality
our bodies are God's temple
not a canvas for GRAFFITI
movin' to montana soon