The first is last, and the last is first.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophetshangon these two commandments.
You're so busy projecting blindness you can not see.
One need not debate projection.
All authority was His. When He told them what must happen, Peter said it must never happen and Jesus rebuked him.
He is counted among the transgressors.
Easy, this lawless government shouldn't be funded.
>Israel became a puppet in 1948
What part of this lawless government shouldn't be funded do you not understand?
A good tree can't give bad fruit, and a bad tree can't give good fruit. The US has been violating the constitution since before you or I were born.
Stunning and brave peaceful protestors.
It shouldn't be funded. The US government is lawless and in violation of the US Constitution. The "inner court" is measured, or ruled.
No, read what I said. I did not say the IRS, I said the US government.
It should not be funded. It is in violation of the constitution and lawless.
Divide Divide Divide!!!
It's pretty wild how that bible tells you no one took His life.
>Nuclear war is coming
Ever seeing but never perceiving kek