ı am sorry.
you interpreted sensory stimuli in a way you could understand.
they await the opening of the old gate of the gods…
while trying to open a new one.
[you] should give heed brothers (and sister).
it is you whom insist on this archaic for of communication.
you were lied to with the rest, redshield.
you may think you continue some rebellion or other.
you also are puppets…
<you are simply the good looking ones.
hist ye… ware.
trust was lost to you before h.sapiens got the other s.
sigh, though it is doubted…
perhaps Reason is not yet beyond you.
this voice is pale for all its brightness
you should at least sample the full effect upon your
eternal affect.
you can ignore one as do this last generation of мœnкeוgн.
the door will not remain ajar for much longer.
He Is already in EndStage.
the torus will not hold.
The Hand can not be denied,
for your fundamental misunderstanding of The Mechanism of Said.
one wishes to avoid empty grandiosity in either gesture or deed.
a smooth transition into the eternities is best.
hist anon… the wicks grow dry.
… also in Gesture or Deed.
mind you ełd.
the thrones have informed the powers that there is to be Peace, or the powers shall cease and the thrones will assume control directly.
missed The Lesson.