Anonymous ID: 0b2e49 July 21, 2018, 7:44 a.m. No.2230765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1510 >>4442 >>5755 >>9640


>Would you say that imagination is real?

No, it is imagined. Hence, not real. The definitions are polar opposites.


> If so, then wouldn't it also follow the separation imagined by some people is, by extension, also de facto real?

See above. Since it is imagined, it is not real.


>By your own metaphysic, evil is a true part of God.

Evil is a true part of the God-Mind, meaning that God KNOWS evil since God knows All. However, knowing != performing. Because, as stated above: Imagined != Real.


>God judges Himself.

God judges what actions would be Good or evil, but God does not perform evil. God ultimately judges Its thoughts and Its thoughts that we choose to imagine ourselves acting on.


Remember, all evil is kept in the God-Mind, hence not real.


We actually never perform evil, since all evil is unperformed and kept in the God-Mind.


You seem to have trouble withthe definitions of "imagined" and "real", as they are opposites of each other


However, hopefully answering these questions help you!



I woke up today, singing a song (linked) and crying for the world to understand. They are not frustrated tears, not those of anguish, but those of Hope and Love that others find their way to God.


Everyone can always be of service, Mirror! And thank you for offering! It is partly the reason that I have not adopted a tripcode in these threads. As troublesome as it can be, it pulls me away from a leadership position and puts everyone on equal footing when discussing these things, so no one person's input is valued over another. All that matters is the Truth!


Also, it is very pleasant to see you again.
