Thoth ID: 943b53 Fraction Check-In July 18, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2206955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0782 >>1186 >>1692 >>4287 >>9640 >>8734

I could very well ask God how you are all doing, but instead, I asked God if I could ask you myself, just so it is a little more personal:


How are you doing, "Fractions"?


I figured it is safe to ask here instead of through some other form of media, because IPs can be refreshed and changed for our safety.


Say as much or as little as you want, just know that you are still thought of and loved!


I'm on a slow drip right now, for reasons I'm sure some of you may know, but rest assured that everything is fine!


Remember: GOD WINS!


Glory Unto God and Its Son Jesus the Christ!

Anonymous ID: 45586e July 18, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2206972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7009 >>7150 >>0954 >>1692 >>5821

The greatest saint, even if he has sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even his life itself, for love of others, for that of a God, or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, a useless illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void.

Anonymous ID: 96bcc9 July 18, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.2207426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7455

This is pretty absurd, however I wouldn't count it out. Q teams comms are still a mystery. There's no telling what we are really looking at when it comes to this Chan.

Anonymous ID: 943b53 July 18, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.2207455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>4287 >>9640


Whoa now. I never said that I was Q.

This is for some nephilim stuff, anon, though if you have questions, I may be able to answer. No guarantees, though.

As always, I will press you to speak to God for any definitive answers, for only God has absolute knowledge.


Mostly, I wanted to check in with my fellow Nephilim that have found the path of redemption through God and Its Son, Jesus the Christ.

Anonymous ID: 3e9bed July 18, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.2207578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7666 >>1692

Why are you "on a slow drip right now"?


What is the deal with you and Strange-Anon? He seemed very angry someone compared him to you. How do we know you're not him, and just trying to put distance between your /truthlegion/ persona?

Anonymous ID: 943b53 July 18, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.2207666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7674 >>8016 >>0954 >>1186 >>1692 >>4287 >>9640



It's because Strange-Anon knows what I am and what I'm meant to do. Or they believe that they know.


I'm on a "slow-drip" because God showed me what was going to occur, then showed me how my family and I would be protected, a few days after my activation.


I, however, was confronted with the plan in full; how I played my part perfectly to set myself up for a 187 attempt that would be foiled.


I lost faith, however, and scared the shit out of my family.


So, now the knowledge of who I am is on a slow drip as I build up my faith by completing the tasks God instructs.


If you want proof of what I say, here it is:


I noted as much here, too:


Honestly, it seems like they set themselves up while I was still not activated.


Which is really funny because the entire point was to be on the down-low until it was time for me (and others) to awaken, not to post a bunch of stuff on another board.


Unfortunately, the others (if they are truly other good Nephilim and not bad Nephilim acting like good Nephilim), are caught in their trap, it seems.


But, for proof:


Here's a taste, though.

What proof has Strange provided, other than their litany of 'followers'?

Anonymous ID: 3e9bed July 18, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.2208016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8091 >>8557 >>1692


You seemed to think posts numbers were important in the last bread. If so then what do you make of these trips?


I've been checking /truthlegion/ ever since you said you would be posting there last bread. At first I thought you were strange-anon since you two posted the same pic, and was seriously disappointed. Glad to see that's not the case, from the few posts of his I read it seemed like new age bullshit, and his followers swallowed it up, got a weird cult leader vibe from him. Happy to see you are back, going to sleep now but looking forward to reading this thread when I get up.

Anonymous ID: ec188f July 18, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.2208091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640


>You seemed to think posts numbers were important in the last bread. If so then what do you make of these trips?


Precisely what God told me when I conversed with It:


That I am taking too much glee in dismantling the lies and thus, letting ego get in my way.


I never said that I was perfect, anon.


Which is exactly why nobody should be taking me as their leader. That mistake has already been made in my first life.


The only leader anyone should have in their spirituality is God. I can (and hope to), help people establish a personal connection with God, but I refuse to be anyone's leader or spokesperson for God.


After all, I am still a nephilim and redemption hasn't come yet.


And, frankly, I thought (initially and INCORRECTLY [this is why you should always ask God what to do), that /truthlegion/ was legit and I posted the same pictures because, frankly, the idea Dr. Strange is based off of me.


Mistakes do not exist.

They are the result of "playing" the probability game, which is acting without consulting God.

I played and, obviously, failed in that regard as it has caused a lot of confusion.


Ultimately, though, I am glad that someone posted it for me to discover or I may not have found out about their little operation.


So, even when I error, God wins!


And thank you! I'm glad to be back! Remember to pray and consult with God!

Anonymous ID: 3cf092 July 19, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.2208557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0391


Maybe you two could take your privete exchanges offline of back to one of the religious boards:


Since this board is for the expressed purpose of /qresearch.

Reincarnated, "good" nephilim. that are on a personal assignment from God seem to be pretty far off topic for this board.


Common courtesy would suggest you not fill up breads with long rambling private conversation.


While we value shared research and proofs, your personal, cryptic testimony will probably not be very helpful to people since the common usage of "proof" is verifiable. objective facts, that can be evaluated in context by the receivers.


Sadly, your testimony doesn;t come close to that conventional definition, as it would believe in "you " personally, and clearly not verifiable or objective


I am sure you will understand due to your special abilities.


We appreciate your understanding and hope you come back soon when you are able to contribute to our /qresearch project and discussion


Thanks again

Anonymous ID: 003b98 July 19, 2018, 7:41 a.m. No.2210391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5012 >>5269 >>9640


How do you know this isn't relevant?

What if the N in NWO means Nephilim?

Why did Q say we have gone too deep after that?

He's never did that when he talked about pedos, the pope, or plans to start WWIII.

It's the only time he's done that.

Which tells me he went above 40k feet.

He said we weren't ready, and and no offense, he was talking about people like you.

I've been around since the start of the Q drops and I understand everything below 40k feet in detail. I'm ready for the really deep stuff. Q has dropped some strange crumbs that suggest that stuff is important in all of this…for example the "guardian of the pope" owl pic and telling us to follow the bloodlines…and has clearly stated spirituality is important by telling us to pray, posting bible verses, and using the biblical signature.


I think this board is big enough that we can discuss some topics on the fringe of the Great Awakening. The original Great Awakening was a SPIRITUAL movement after all. This movement should be too, we should not just limit ourselves to learning the horrible crimes the cabal has hidden from us, but the spiritual knowledge as well. If you don't understand that this movement isn't just about military tribunals and public executions then you haven't been following very closely.

Anonymous ID: 1727f1 July 19, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.2210568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What the fuck is wrong with you people? This is all incoherent ramblings. It's tangential thought devoid of logic. I am more amazed everytime I come here.


If you are asking "why come here then?" It's to tell you people to get your head out of the friggin sky. You are looking at clouds, thinking a random form means something.

Anonymous ID: 441651 July 19, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.2210782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806 >>3553



This is a FAKE.

This is an IMPOSTER.

This is someone attempting to DISCREDIT.

The BO / BV's locked the previous thread for a reason.

Wisdom does not claim to be GOD.

This is verbal diarrhea.

This is not the REAL Strange Anon.

BO can confirm IP hashes.

I would request the BO / BV to lock this thread.

/Truthlegion/ has openly stated this is an imposter.

>Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

>You will fail.

>Pain coming.

>Time reveals all…

Anonymous ID: 2ee61f July 19, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.2210806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0809 >>0901 >>0991 >>4012 >>5148 >>2057

"You better run in some type of direction!

'Cause the people going nowhere are the ones that are flexing!

I'm not trying to be a preacher!

I was never a reverend!

But I can take your ass to 'church'

And [God'll] show you glimpses of heaven!"



How many coincidences until it's no longer a coincidence?


Did anyone else have any strange "dreams" or head-humming during the day or night of the 14th?


Hopefully, those that God called down to answered!



Maybe it was it because of this? (pic related)


Anonymous ID: 441651 July 19, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.2210901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0933 >>3553




Every time (((The Fool))) attempts to impersonate and discredit, I will be there to clearly outline the tactics being employed.

It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

I never asked anyone to follow me.

A handful of Anons did so, based on their Free Will.

Those Anons have clearly outlined that these newest "Thoth" threads and posts are a psyop and blatant impersonation.

Based on their own Free Will, I would request the BO / BV to lock this thread.

I've seen enough of these disgusting antics.

Anonymous ID: 7356a5 July 19, 2018, 9 a.m. No.2210933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1692 >>9640


>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.

>It is up to your Free Will to decide what is Truth and what is not.


Trying real hard to keep God out of the equation, aren't you?

Anonymous ID: 441651 July 19, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2211001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1460 >>3553



This thread was not created by the REAL Strange Anon.

Nor was the previous "Thoth" thread.

Damage is being done with every post from (((The Fool))).

This is a psyop.

This is a distraction.

This is impersonation.

These threads were created to discredit the other board I post on.

This poster was "Antman" previously on that board.

He was claiming to be the voice of God then.

He's claiming to be the voice of God now.

Lock this thread, please.

Anonymous ID: 2c7056 July 19, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.2211232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1331 >>1692 >>1994


I know the dream was very vivid but my memory is extremely hazy. I only remember one thing and it was very strange. My dog had somehow gotten broken into pieces like the snake in this picture.


I did come away from the dream with a lesson though: we tend to take our world as it is for granted, and a lot of people focus on the bad things when talking it. I think bad dreams show you the problem isn't with the world but with us, nature is not inherently evil, and when you consider all the possibilities like those you might see in nightmares nature is actually pretty benevolent.

Anonymous ID: 7356a5 July 19, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.2211331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1692 >>2306 >>9640


>I know the dream was very vivid but my memory is extremely hazy.

I know that feeling all-too well, Anon! Hahaha.


>We tend to take our world as it is for granted, and a lot of people focus on the bad things when talking it.


I cannot speak for others, Anon, but there was a time that I believed the same thing. After all, if Heaven awaits, then anything less than that is terrible, right? Or, at least, that is what I once believed!


It took some time for me to realize that the reincarnation, the karmic line, and this world are all very precious in that it allows us to learn why it is important to follow God's judgement. I consider every life a series of lessons and through each pass-through, I may become wiser in that I trust in God's judgement more, for I see the results of not doing so with each life!


>I think bad dreams show you the problem isn't with the world but with us, nature is not inherently evil, and when you consider all the possibilities like those you might see in nightmares nature is actually pretty benevolent.


This is another lesson that God has taught me, anon: to judge things as Good or Evil with our limited scope is faulty, for we don't actually know how things will play out with 100% certainty. Only God knows.


I will add supporting pictures (of posts) for you to look through, but again:


These are the lessons that I have been taught through my communication with God. I implore you, always, to seek the Truth through God yourself!


That being said, I will personally agree with you, from what I have been told and taught by God!


Also, to note:

>I think bad dreams show you the problem isn't with the world but with us


I included relevant texts from the Gospel of Thomas where Jesus says much of the same!


Thank you so much for telling me of your dream! It was a good reminder, especially as I pray for the sick and weary.

Anonymous ID: 3eb272 July 19, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2212104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2169 >>2244 >>2306 >>3087 >>3101

You've really stirred up the shills.


So I have a few questions about Nephilim. Why is preserving bloodlines so important to (((them)))? I know Nephilim lived longer than us but how else did they differ? How important of a role do Nephilim play in the NWO?


Finally, how far back do you remember?

Anonymous ID: 1727f1 July 19, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2212256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2289 >>2306

Do you guys just pull the words nephilim and demons out at random to replace the words good and bad.


>There is bad in the world.

Ok I agree

>Nephilim are controlling X



This is fantasy that isn't based in verifiable facts. It's a fictional story, how do you jump to these conclusions? Even the esotericism is unintelligent and vague. Thoth bullshit isn't even interesting.

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2213087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3101 >>4287 >>9640


Sorry for replying so late, Anon.

God instructed me to read Cloud Atlas while eating 15 grapes and a banana, while drinking tea.


There were a few passages that I outlined, along with how they are personally relevant:


"As many truths as men. Occasionally, I glimpse a truer Truth, hiding in imperfect simulacrums of itself, but as I approach, it bestirs itself & moves deeper into the thorny swamp of dissent." - Page 16, 'The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewig'


This echoes that there is only One Absolute Truth, and that is the Truth of God. The issue, as the quote details is that as we go forward with discovering the Absolute Truth through God, we are met with fierce opposition.


As I see, (though you may not see. I do not claim what you see), I have been met with fierce opposition for espousing the Absolute Truth.


"Upon regaining my feet & seeing how far I had slid & fallen (the height of a foremast) with no worse damage to my person, I thanked our Lord for my deliverance, for indeed, 'Thou calledst in trouble, & I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder.' " - Page 21, 'TPJoAE'


A portion of this quote comes from Psalms 81:7. As one of the Nephilim, I had fallen far, but in the midst of my troubled flailing, I reached to God and God delivered me to the path of Salvation. To note, I believe that this expresses a point that I want to remind people: That our relationship with God begins with reaching out to God first.


"He shut my coffin door. Boerhaave, like all bullies & tyrants, takes pride in that very hatefulness which makes him notorious." - Page 25, 'TPJoAE'


Again, personally relevant, for I see that the tyrants and bullies of Imagined Separation try to silence me. They take pride in it as well, which is why they do not care to argue my points or prophecies and, instead, attack me directly.


"Aye, Kupaka flogged me, but he's old and far from home and his mana is hollow & starved. Maori thrive on wars & revenge & feudin', but peace kills 'em off…" - Page 33 'TPJoAE'


This describes, in my opinion, those that follow separation and the Nephilim that follow it in particular: that they refuse to believe in their infinite connection with God and thus suffer for it. Their lives are corrupted and, as such, they suffer. What is interesting is that the passage notes that they feed on strife.


I have attached what I believe to be a relevant Q post concerning such a thing. (Matrix01)


This is exactly why I was pulled away and instructed to read by God: so they can reveal themselves for what they are by their own actions and not mine. Hence why I reply to you and not them.



Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.2213101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3437 >>4287 >>9640


Anon, the continuation of:


Is here.


Now, for your question, anon:

>Why is preserving bloodlines so important to (((them)))?


Because they wish to remain Nephilim. Those of us that accepted the path of salvation also accepted 'death' and the Karmic line of lessons: we sacrificed what 'power' we once had to learn the value of God's Judgement instead of our own.


They are afraid of the Karmic line, because going through with Karma ultimately brings you the realization that God and God's Judgement is the Truth and Absolute The Karmic line reinforces one's connection with the Almighty and the Nephilim are agents of false separation.


>I know Nephilim lived longer than us but how else did they differ?

We had much control over the state of things by keeping knowledge away from humanity. We became the gatekeepers of such knowledge and thus, humanity relied upon us.

This is very important to remember because the Nephilim of separation feed off us, but can only do so with our permission either explicit or otherwise.


>How important of a role do Nephilim play in the NWO?


Very important. Everyone believes that the NWO would simply be an economic or political one, but it is also a spiritual one in which the act of imagined separation is continued at the behest of the Nephilim of separation and Satan.


>Finally, how far back do you remember?

I currently remember a few lives, but 'far back' would be disingenuous because there may be still lives for me to remember.


I remember and call myself Thoth, (as well as my normal name around those not prepared), because that was my first life. There is very little I remember about my life then, though I remember important points of the relationship, like ditching Ma'at for a human woman, ultimately.


I was also a young Mayan girl that was sacrificed at the behest of those that work for the Nephilim. (Mayan01)


I was also a Native American woman named Chipinaw. (Chipinaw01)


I was also a family man of three children named Peter Smith. I was very much a regular person, then. These children were the same three children that continue to reincarnate in various forms. My lover knows of this and has dreamt of it. I will attach a picture. (Dream01)


I learned lessons from each of them, but whether the lessons were True or not is up for debate for the lessons that I learned might not have been complete (especially for the Sunrise, for there was much anger and frustration that I had to deal with).


Sunrise (Mayan): "I learned there is no compromising with evil."


Chipinaw (Native American): "I learned how to deal with knowing what will occur."


Peter Smith: "I learned the importance of family."

Anonymous ID: 1727f1 July 19, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.2213327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3358


That's what I am arguing for, truth! How am I lying? Why call me Satan? Do you think I am stating anything against God? All I'm saying are these statements in this thread are unintelligibly esoteric. They are fancy words that mean nothing.

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.2213358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3372 >>3428 >>3460 >>4287 >>9640


They are attacking everyone and anyone in my thread, Anon.


It is fine if you don't believe me or if you think me insane.


I care not for what other people think of me. One of the few things that matters to me is that anons find God and establish a personal connection with It.


There are many paths that this can happen. I don't even know all of them; I only know what has worked for me. So, I can illuminate those paths in hope that they work for others.


In fact, if your belief that all of this is the rambling of an insane man brings you to a personal connection with God, then I will be happy regardless and I will celebrate!

Anonymous ID: 5cbc21 July 19, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.2213437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487 >>3488 >>5130


Wow incredibly interesting stuff. Thank you for sharing all of that, and answering my questions in detail. How do you do past-life regression through meditation? It is usually done through hypnosis. Very rare for someone to be able to do it through meditation.

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2213488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3502 >>3549 >>4287


>How do you do past-life regression through meditation?


To be honest, anon, through each one save for my very first attempt which I discovered a bit of my first life, I didn't try to. It was given to me, ultimately, by God.


On that first one, however, I simply meditated with the intention of learning who I was.


I do wish that if this is something you want to do, I had more information for you, but unfortunately, I do not.


It was really that simple for me.


But, like I said: I was taken to the others; I did not search for them.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2213549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5130 >>5598


> to be honest Anon

I'm a circle JERK,

I will fill you full of circles,

big circles of lies and bullshit.

That's where my circles goes,

that's the gate I control,

that's the way I go,




Anonymous ID: 89a423 July 19, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.2214012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195



Is there anything else you know about July 14th/'the activation'? Besides the strange dream I've also had a noticeable boost in energy this week. I've been using it to get some work done and go to the gym. It's really nice, I feel much more prepared for the storm, but my question is do you think there's any other purpose to this?

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2214195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4287 >>5148 >>9640


>Is there anything else you KNOW about July 14th/'the activation'?


Based upon what God told me before and what I felt that day and night: that it was a wave of "reach out" from God. Think of it almost like a tap on the door of God saying "I am here, by the way, and shit's about to go down."


>But my question is do you think there's any other purpose to this?


There is a purpose in all things, Anon. Coincidences do not exist. However, I understand that is a overall concept rather than a very specific one I feel like you are asking about (if you are not, please feel free to correct me!).


Specifically, I believe that it is a signal that the Revelation of the Bible is being fulfilled.


Pic related:

Q did tell us that it was a battle of Good v Evil, Right v Wrong.

And to read the Bible (that should be a major clue that is consistently ignored by anons, I feel).

And that God WINS.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2214871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5130 >>5598


Any one falling for the bullshit on this thread is following a demon.


Sometimes he goes by general, sometimes it's thoth, sometimes he talks AMA bullcrap, beams and spaceships, and sometimes he comes as an angel of light, even going so far as to claim direct communication with GOD.


He is a liar.

Anonymous ID: 785bcc July 19, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2215148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5237 >>9640


Wow Thoth anon you're gonna want to hear this, some major synchronicity is going on right now.


Your description of this 'activation' reminded me of a bible verse I had read before, Acts 2:17:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams".


Now for the weird part: I asked you in your AMA on July 6th what the activation you were talking about was going to be, and in your response you cited Revelation 2:17. The same chapter, same verse (17 no less), describing what is ostensibly the same event as the one that just popped into my head. Here's that July 6th post for reference:


Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.2215237   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, I believe you meant this post, but please correct me if I'm wrong:

>>2054110 (July 6th Bread)


But, yes! Sweet Synchronicity!

It is all around us and when it is noticed, we see that God is with us Always, showing us Its intent!


Thank you, Anon and thank you for the verse and the noted synchronicity!


I adore seeing signs from God!

Anonymous ID: 3cf092 July 19, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.2215269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5352 >>5395 >>5866


It isn't relevant to the "primary purpose of this board




Not alternative religious theories, not personal epistles, not for trading personal conversations with God.


Your prolonged stories relate to your personal conversations with God, your "remembered: past lives (non-Biblical), astral projections (uninvited "help").


We must ask ourselves why God personally chose you to be so uniquely enlightened and preach to us.


Many would consider that to be a minor version of a "Messiah Complex". Why do we need you to act as intermediator?


What makes you so special that we should listen to you tell us what God wants. Your stories are a confused conglomeration of mixed religious systems that are inherently mutually contradictory.


Lastly, tell God he should appoint a new messenger. since you aren't persuasive or credible enough.


BTW - What's up with that glowy chart thing? WTF is that supposed to mean? Some sacred mystery?


You would be better served with an "audience" that is more receptive to your smorgasbord of religious beliefs. Too incoherent for me.


Maybe you would be happier on another board with people that would appreciate your message(s).


Seems that most here do not find it useful

Anonymous ID: 8f9f1b July 19, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.2215352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5438



I agree with this sentiment.

This thread, like the last Thoth thread, was created by shills for shills.

Multiple incoherant voices bouncing off each other.

With nothing to say.

>Knowledge speaks

>Wisdom listens

Anonymous ID: a0cb14 July 19, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.2215395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5459 >>5673 >>5719


When did he say he was an intermediator between you and God?


In most posts he specifically says he's not an intermediator, and that to get the Truth you must ask God. He's just here to remind you of that connection and help you to improve it.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.2215438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594 >>5598


It's obviously a shill thread, but I'm not going to let it spew forth vomit for visitors to see like it's not the evil it is. This same group of shills manages to post 4-5 shit threads every night or early morning and they are poser anons. OPs. So I will call them out. It has about destroyed the integrity of this board.

They pose among you. Why can't you investigate their activities?

Anonymous ID: a0cb14 July 19, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.2215594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6080


Oh look the one with 26 posts since noon calls it a shill thread, and wants it to be locked.


You realize you're just bumping the thread right? 23 UIDs in here now…you're getting desperate and everyone can see it.


You should learn from your mistakes: No matter how much evil tries to undermine God, it will always ultimately serve his purposes. Evil always overplays its hand, and in the end, God Wins.

Anonymous ID: 8f9f1b July 19, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.2215598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5651 >>5679




























YOU have an equal part in this.

YOU clearly aren't listening to anything.

YOU are the second biggest shill on this thread.

YOU are the biggest slider on this thread.

YOU are controlled opposition.

YOU keep bumping the thread.

YOU think the autists can't see this?

YOU think the BO / BV's can't see this?

YOU are a FOOL.


>The wise listen often, and speak very little. The foolish speak often, and fill their own ears with nothing.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.2215651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe you don't get it.

If God's word is sliding the thread to expose a fucked up circle JERK shill team, so be it. Look at thoth how long did you let that vomit go on.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 7:17 p.m. No.2215866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is why you stick out as part of their team: you're a fucking idiot to give him any credit at all, and prolong the bullshit crap he is pushing.

Anonymous ID: a6fbd4 July 19, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.2216080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6411


You are full of yourself. This is an example of spiritual warfare, and God did win. Why is that a mistake? I do not back down from evil garbage. If it keeps on it will be confronted for what it is. If you can't handle that, too bad.


I work for the same God Q does, and demons have no place on this board and opposing everything Q stands for, which is our glue.

Anonymous ID: 811713 July 19, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.2216411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6912 >>6980 >>7630


Full of myself?

I wasn't the one that started a thread devoted to comparing myself to Q, and pinned it on my own board.


We know who you are.

Go back to /truthlegion/.

Don't come back here again.

Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2216912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640


That's a fucking lie. I don't even have a computer, or an iPhone or any way to start a thread, and I wouldn't know how anywsy, so don't know where you're getting your intel from, but I can guess. I have a $29 Android. Ok. I'm not into IT, I was a professional in another field. I'm old, ok. Retired Grandma- a female.


So please how do you come up with that? Would it help if I visited listed my posts? Because I guarantee I was only defending God from an attack.


You don't get it that you have anon ops, Stalinist pig ops playing 2 sided. I only visit side threads. I visited this piece of crap, the same crap that's jerking thus whole board around and shitting on Q and Potus every chance the get. It was them. The oh hi anons, oh where's Q, oh oh, their bullshit job is a mike long, because I've been on board since December. They are instantly recognizable.

Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2216980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would like you to pursue more intel on this because I am not linked to anyone but Q, and doing research. I could email a trusted higher up, but this place is crawling with 2 faced traitors. Sorry for all my typos on my last post.

Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.2217630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640



I went through this whole thread. Here are my only 2 ids, had a phone glitch when google froze.



You can tell my posts because they are God's scriptures or they call out the shill shit for the circle jerks they are.


All the other ids are them changing ids. At least 21ids were involved. A gang. Likely 4-6 punk gamers, maybe more. I think they are linked to the "Obsidian Order" (I trolled them with their own meme) I've gotten good at recognizing their syntax, and they play and feed one another a predictable observable que to set up more bs, like oh please, I would like to here it. That's how they work.


I also think one of the biggest offenders is: J.TrlDr3ESpPJEs, but plays lots under other ids. I thought he was thoth, then he enters as J.Trl for his know it all hero status BS.


They do harm to the cause.

Anonymous ID: a99afd July 20, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.2221183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1233 >>9640

As a note to the anons: This is the version of the Bible that I take my versus from.


Geneva Bible: Patriot Edition


This is not being posted to say that this Bible is the perfect version of the Bible. An anon in QGeneral bread found it some time ago and I have used it since.


This is being posted for complete transparency of where I get my Bible quotations from.

Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 20, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2224037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4314

Thoth-Anon, I just read your pastebin that you linked to earlier in the thread and I disagree with you on a few aspects.


You say "since God knows all, God knows Evil as well; so Evil WILL manifest just as Good will.". So you are saying that everything God knows will manifest, and since he knows all, everything possible will manifest. That just sounds like a recycled version of the many worlds theory. Are you agreeing with that theory?


I like your other explanation much better, that evil results from using our free will to separate ourselves from God and his Absolute Knowldege of Good and Evil, or 'playing the guessing game'.


Thinking this through, something must've started the separation. I'm guessing it was the Nephilim, did they never realize they were a manifestation of God or did they just forget?

Anonymous ID: 23bbdc July 20, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2224314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9066 >>4442 >>9640


>So you are saying that everything God knows will manifest, and since he knows all, everything possible will manifest.


Yes, but one must remember that there is two "types" of manifestation:


"Real" (Heaven, which is a place in which only God's judgement of what is Good truly manifests)

And "Imagined" (Material world/"Hell" where all is "possible")


The way that evil manifests is purely in the "Imagined" (material) world (held within the God-Mind), because its very existence is to provide a place in which the desires of God's expressions that do not agree with God's judgement can manifest, basically keeping the "real" (Heaven) realm free from evil.


If I had to describe it in a better way: It is less a many worlds theory and more of a filter. Things that go against God's judgement essentially stay in the God-Mind instead of being actualized in Heaven.


In a way, I suppose you could say everything here is a God "Dream" where our minds are 'free' to pick and choose whatever we want from the infinite God-Mind, but it only stays in the God-Mind. (song related)



>I like your other explanation much better, that evil results from using our free will to separate ourselves from God and his Absolute Knowldege of Good and Evil, or 'playing the guessing game'.


Essentially what I am saying. Evil can manifest here because it is a place in which we imagine ourselves separate from God and Its True and Absolute Judgement; a place where our will is free to manifest, with all of its problems and solutions that come with our limited scope.


I am not saying that there is a multiverse and I am not saying that the "unrealness" of the material world makes it unimportant. In fact, by allowing our decisions (thus the possibility and eventuality of evil) to manifest here, we can learn why it God's Judgement is Absolutely True. So, the material world is very important in that aspect! Think of it as a place of learning!


Ultimately, any multiverse that shows up in this 'realm' is just another imagined layer of separation from God.


I am not saying, though, that any multiverse within this realm is inherently bad or good. I cannot and will not judge.


Hopefully, that explains it better. If not, please tell me and I will attempt again. Language can be a messy affair.



>Thinking this through, something must've started the separation.


Correct. Remember: All separation from God is imagined. So, while God inherently knows Unity, it also knows separation. However, separation and Unity cannot coexist on the same level. Additionally, one cannot truly divide God for God is Infinite, thus separation can never be "real". It must always be "imagined".


So, inevitably, if someone or something goes against God's Judgement, they imagine separation from God. That is Satan's role and that is why Satan will always lose: Satan, despite what Satan thinks, is only doing God wills and, ultimately, cannot even truly effect God for Satan's 'kingdom' isn't "real".


Hence, the Prince of Lies.

Separation from God is a Lie. Imagined.


Think of the Fall like this:


God: "This is what is Good. I know this because I know all."


Satan and its ilk: "Through our limited scope, this can't possibly be good! We know what is good better than God!"



>I'm guessing it was the Nephilim, did they never realize they were a manifestation of God or did they just forget?


The nephilim are the children of the Fallen.


You have to remember how prideful and foolish we were. Think of it less as never realizing or forgetting and more about willfully ignoring.


And willfully ignoring works best when humanity is also fooled into thinking they are separate from God as well.


Fools leading the blind.

Anonymous ID: 23bbdc July 20, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.2224998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2217201 (Another bread)

The Q Plan to Uproot Hundreds of Years of Evil


Not my thread and do not take my endorsement as saying as it is the absolute Truth, but I find the contents of that thread ring true from my experiences.

Anonymous ID: 2b5a7f July 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2229066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0765


>All separation from God is imagined.

>one cannot truly divide God for God is Infinite

>thus separation can never be "real"


Would you say that imagination is real? If so, then wouldn't it also follow the separation imagined by some people is, by extension, also de facto real? The imagining of separation from God is God, implying God creates His own separatedness-from-Himself.


>our decisions


Are God's. I've been there done that with theodicy, and the resounding conclusion is God knew ahead of time what we would do, and went ahead and created the world anyway. His omniscience makes Him perfectly culpable for everything happening. By your own metaphysic, evil is a true part of God.


You must grant either your conception of God's judgment is in error, or the idea of "God judging" is meaningless. God judges Himself if He judges us, and if we're evil, then so is He.


>Fools leading the blind.



Anonymous ID: 8c377e July 21, 2018, 4:20 a.m. No.2229752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone notice in this thread that the slidefagging from the "technograndmafag" only occured after the thread was called out for being an illusion? A distraction? A psyop? That the slidefagger called out those who asked for the thread to be locked?


That doesn't make any sense. Re read the series of events if you didn't catch it.


Perhaps its best to let others perceive the multiple angles being played here. Now that the multiple incoherant voices spewing circle talk and feces into each others ears has continued again, the slidefagging and random godmemes have stopped?


Really? Does that make any sense? The bumps with god memes were only to keep attention drawn here.


Shills working together full steam ahead in this shit sandwich.


Now I wonder if those contradictory godmemefags are going to pop up again now that this tactic is being called out :)


Discerning Anons can discern. Perhaps it isn't wise to lock the thread. Sometimes its best to let fools get caught up in their own mistakes to expose themselves. Its all captured. It never goes away.


Many voices of desperation in here. Trying their best to discredit a board that only a half dozen people post on. Why is that? We don't really advertise for people to go there, but these shills are. Welp, sometimes bad publicity is good publicity. Now that the shills are trying to discredit, we can mention that the BO of this board gave props to Anons on the "clown college" shill thread for TL exposing many shill tactics over there. Welp, thanks again!


Perhaps that other board (like Q research) has some very damning material that the Cabal doesn't like seeing (in plain sight). Perhaps that explains the massive amounts of coordinated effort being spent here and the original Thoth thread to discredit. Welp, thanks again!


>Religious beliefs are the fastest way to divide anons.


>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you.

Anonymous ID: 0b2e49 July 21, 2018, 7:44 a.m. No.2230765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1510 >>4442 >>5755 >>9640


>Would you say that imagination is real?

No, it is imagined. Hence, not real. The definitions are polar opposites.


> If so, then wouldn't it also follow the separation imagined by some people is, by extension, also de facto real?

See above. Since it is imagined, it is not real.


>By your own metaphysic, evil is a true part of God.

Evil is a true part of the God-Mind, meaning that God KNOWS evil since God knows All. However, knowing != performing. Because, as stated above: Imagined != Real.


>God judges Himself.

God judges what actions would be Good or evil, but God does not perform evil. God ultimately judges Its thoughts and Its thoughts that we choose to imagine ourselves acting on.


Remember, all evil is kept in the God-Mind, hence not real.


We actually never perform evil, since all evil is unperformed and kept in the God-Mind.


You seem to have trouble withthe definitions of "imagined" and "real", as they are opposites of each other


However, hopefully answering these questions help you!



I woke up today, singing a song (linked) and crying for the world to understand. They are not frustrated tears, not those of anguish, but those of Hope and Love that others find their way to God.


Everyone can always be of service, Mirror! And thank you for offering! It is partly the reason that I have not adopted a tripcode in these threads. As troublesome as it can be, it pulls me away from a leadership position and puts everyone on equal footing when discussing these things, so no one person's input is valued over another. All that matters is the Truth!


Also, it is very pleasant to see you again.


Anonymous ID: 2544de realness July 21, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.2231510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5278 >>9640


everything is real

nothing is unreal

what is the difference between everything and nothing?

everything encompasses two sets of existences

the known ones and the unknown ones

nothing is absence of existence

something is real when it exists

realness of existence is not caused by ur acknowledgement

u can be unconscious but also conscious of existence

u can also make an unknown existence known


now to the seperation part

u r not god u r part of god u r most likely human

human is fallible human can be evil the divine part of god aspect of the human can judge his evilness conscious or unconscious, this aspect of other humans can as well and together form THE judgement of GOD think hivemind as god is working thru us humans

evil is either absence of good or opposite of good thru conscious effort

question is can the link between human and divine be severed so that the ppl doing the evil dont judge themselves as part of god?

if so is this divine part in the human permanently gone or merely unconscious of itself? (research socio-/psychopathology)

permanently gone would suggest transfer from everything to nothingness

isnt there some natural law that would prevent this?

well my point is: dont make a case that evil ppl dont actually perfom evil things and that its god that is doing thinking of evil

did u even think of the consequences that would have? its basically an excuse for satanists or am i getting that wrong

btw imagination is not the opposite of real imagination is a real concept and can have physical consequences if thats ur imprisoned interpretation of real

Anonymous ID: c6dbda July 21, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.2234442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>9640


Thank you for posting this book, I really enjoyed it, just finished reading it. Had a lot of good wisdom in it. Please let me know if have anymore book recommendations.


I especially liked the following paragraph, it further clarifies your answer in >>2224314 and >>2230765


>“The wise men understood that this natural world is only an image and a copy of paradise. The existence of this world is simply a guarantee that there exists a world that is perfect. God created the world so that, through its visible objects, men could understand his spiritual teachings and the marvels of his wisdom.”

Anonymous ID: 535d91 July 21, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.2234695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5195 >>5324 >>9640


I am happy that you were able to gain wisdom with the help of that book!


I have another that I helpful; both books (The Alchemist and Siddhartha) were instructed to me by God to buy/read and I have underlined many portions of them heavily for I personally found much needed wisdom myself. (There are some bibliophiles that may be upset from having those books inked and cornered! Hahaha).


Here is Siddhartha for you, Anon.

Anonymous ID: 0c8091 July 21, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.2235195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for the posting the pdf, I’ll read that this weekend!


I like your idea of underlining portions, I’ll have to buy a copy soon and do that.

Anonymous ID: 2bc306 July 21, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2235529   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Better to read a comic book than Jake Tapper's book The Hellfire Club in it there is a secret DC sex cult that commits a flase flag terrorist attack at the capitol to cover up the murder of a Congressman who knew too much.

Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 21, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2235755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5980 >>9640 >>7371


The best leaders do so by example, not words alone.

A king who need threaten or coerce the Smith to forge a crown is a peasant with high thoughts of himself and only that.

Truth, by however many layers it may be hidden, has a tendency to emerge when One leasts expects it to. And really, it's most fun that way, is it not?

I AM gladdened to see You once more as well.



If I may; A lot of information has been passed on through the ages subconciously. Look whereever you feel drawn to, wherever you wish. More likely than not, You Will find if that is your intention. Though, ofcourse, it might also appear when or where you least expect it, just to keep you on your toes. ;)

Anonymous ID: 535d91 July 21, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.2235980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419 >>9640



Today, after God instructed me to certain places to gather certain tools, It instructed me to perform a Destiny Profile with viking runes.


There are six questions in the Destiny Profile and this is the third:


  1. What is my vocation?

Answer: Algiz

-Do not add to other's burdens.

-Have careful associations.

-Take responsibility of the positions I am in.

-Always learn and, thus, never lose.

-Have temperance and courtesy.

-Understand the mirror of the spiritual warrior.


So, I thank you. I understand there will come a time where my acts must and will be more widely seen, when I will be judged in the eyes of others; that others will compare the idea spirituality with what I say and do much like a mirror.


I will pray to God that there will be you and others like you to help my own self-reflection in those times, for even now, that position scares me and though I do want to do the Good work as judged by God, the responsibility of it is daunting. I do not wish to fail, but my fallibility makes it seem possible.


I do not believe in coincidences, and so, it is important that I share this with you, Mirror.

Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 22, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.2239419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640 >>1465 >>7483


Algiz, the forest crown. Elk.

A King becoming prey if not careful and observant.

Life and Death.


Fear not, if you keep reassessing that which is your Self. It is easy, all too easy for a mirror to forget that they, too, have a Self to consider and reflect upon.

They will see in you that which they despise most of their own Selves, should you choose to mirror.

Ones Shadow is never easy to face, yet it is necessary to at least accept the presence of in order to move forward with lighter steps than before, is it not?

Mirrors exist all around you, in people but also those you see hanging upon walls and within the still waters.

Some times, the ones sitting silently are the ones we most fear, for they do not have an obvious Self with which Your self can butt heads with.


Do not forget to rest, fraction. Your body is an important vessel for communication, should you choose it to be.

Choose your battles wisely, as to not be overwhelmed.

Always remember that You are infinitely Loved, but take care to not turn this assuredness into contempt of the Other.

<3 May light steps lay before you. <3

Anonymous ID: 8c377e July 22, 2018, 3:52 a.m. No.2239640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9971































>(((They))) talk a lot, don't (((they)))?


>No one rambles more than the guilty.


>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you.

Anonymous ID: 8c377e July 22, 2018, 5:56 a.m. No.2240154   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Dear motherfuckers with love!

>Yet another comic book was written.

>You are reading a comic book.

Eye think my work is done here.


"God" bless.


Anonymous ID: 8c377e July 22, 2018, 7:21 a.m. No.2240585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0917



I suggest reading some comic books at first.

Maybe Deadpool!

You see, at the end of all equations… At the very edges of Time and reason, when you have exhausted the infinite Wisdom of the cosmos, when you have beaten the internet, you come to one conclusion.

>You are reading a comic book.

Sometimes you can't run from destiny.

(((Time))), like destiny, can trap you or liberate you.

It's all a matter of choice.

The choices of those who created this thread, were poor choices.

So now the Anons have learned what happens when you tamper with (((Time))).

You get written into the comic book of life.

… And you get "DP'd".

In more ways than [1].

>Fap on Anons



<Mic Drop

Anonymous ID: d7a57e July 22, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.2241465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do not forget to rest, fraction. Your body is an important vessel for communication, should you choose it to be.


Pics very related and there are no coincidences.


That is a difficult part for me, I admit. To know and still accept; to understand that my body will be as important as my mind despite knowing how they are connected and why.


Thank you for the wisdom, Mirror. I have run a gauntlet on my body and I admit, it has suffered so. Perhaps I believed that there were no lessons to learn from it; that it should be conquered instead of accepted. Perhaps I missed the additional lesson of being reincarnated in a human body instead of one that my spirit knew at first.


I am not ashamed of these lessons revealed to me, but I am thankful that these qualities of me was revealed.


I will do my best to choose my battles wisely, both in my tasks and in my relationships; for even the one that I am in is becoming strained as more things are revealed and the gravity of the task becomes more obvious.


She does not fully believe, but she says that all that matters is that I believe. This, I feel, may make the imagined separation harder for her.


But I know it wise to comfort her. God has told me as such, just as God told me to be careful with her love. Maybe, then, is not a battle, but an opportunity to learn how to Love more. How to Love better. Or perhaps that is what some or all battles may become: that of Love.


Regardless, thank you, Mirror. Thank you so much. And thank you to everyone else.



Perhaps there are those that feel I should apologize: as much information as I pass on to others here, as many questions as I answer, I spend much time making my own lessons quite public.


But, I will not. I like that others have the opportunity to understand as much as me as possible, too, just as I wish to understand others as much as possible.

Anonymous ID: 8b91f5 July 22, 2018, 10 a.m. No.2241666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732 >>1774 >>3129

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.


We know from this logic construct and prior Q-drops on Mueller that BOTH RR and RM are NOT dirty and working their roles within the plan.


Rosenstein and Mueller are white hat operatives.

Anonymous ID: d7a57e July 22, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2241774   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mistakes and coincidences do not exist, anon!


And there is nothing for me to forgive, as it is not my place.


Perhaps you are meant to look here!


I pray your day goes well!

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2242457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An example of no coincidences or mistakes:


Today, God told me go to the grocery store, because I needed more distilled water (among other things). I always use a navigation app on my phone to help navigate since I have an awful memory.


God had instructed me, earlier, to listen to Kimbra's 'Cameo Lover' (linked) and, having found it extremely relevant to the situation myself and my lover are in, I continued listening to it while driving.


Well, on the way there, I missed a few turns! Instead of beating myself up over it, I reminded myself that everything happens for a reason and everything happens when it is supposed to happen. About a street away, I saw a worker of the grocery store that I go to and I stopped and offered them a ride the rest of the way there. They declined my offer in good spirits and all was well.


When I arrived at the grocery store, there was an older gentleman that was putting groceries in his car. He had one of the carts that were driven instead of guided. I offered to help him put them in his car and he accepted my offer.


I realized then that if I had arrived any sooner, the man would not have been outside for me to help!


Yet, if I had arrived any later, the man would have already been on his way!


It was a glorious reminder of the Glory of God!


Praise be unto It and Its Son, Jesus the Christ!

Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 22, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2243129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701 >>3708 >>3723


I disagree I think Mueller and RR were bad hats but are being blackmailed over their roles in U1, and other major cover ups.



Thoth-Anon I just had another really unique dream, never had anything like it. It was like an episode of 24 at first then like the movie inception. It started out with a crazy action packed dream, I'll get back to that in minute. I want to jump straight to the unique part.


After the action packed dream the next thing I remember is I'm at home telling my family about it. I think it actually happened and everyone is telling me I'm crazy, that it was a dream. I thought to myself well then, I'll tell Thoth-Anon about it and see if there were any messages I'm missing. Next thing I know I wake up in my apartment, for real this time.


Ok, now back to action part of the dream. It started out with me going through an old basement and finding 4 bodies were buried there, somehow I connected them to the Beatles, I think the owner of the house whom I knew had dated a Beatle at one point. Next thing I know I'm in a hotel room in the UK. Out of nowhere Prince Harry bursts through the door, talking to someone on the phone about how he had just found a nuke hidden in a wall. He then goes to my wall and cuts it open, revealing a bomb, and yells at me to cut a specific wire. I'm a little afraid its the wrong one, but I say a prayer and cut it, it's successfully defused and then the action part of the dream ended.


At first I thought it was meaningless, but defusing that bomb reminded me of Q drop 619:

How do you defuse a bomb?

Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?


This is my favorite analogy for why Trump's promise to drain the swamp is taking so long, but I had forgotten it. It was a nice reminder of this for me, and since I actually thought about sharing it with you in the dream I figured I would do it in real life too.

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2243701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3708 >>3723


God is telling me that I must be very careful when interpretting other people's dreams as I am not living your life, Anon. However, you are right, there are no coincidences. So, I will tread very carefully and I will ask God if my post is for the ultimate Good before I post it.


>It was like an episode of 24 at first, then like the movie inception.


It is interesting that you mention the show 24: When I was returning home from collecting the tools that God had sent me out to retrieve, I saw a truck that had (24) in bold letters on the back of it. I noted it, but I didn't look it up as an Angel Number as I usually do when my attention is brought to such things. Perhaps this was a good thing, because it is apparent that it may not have been a sign to look up a particular angel number, but to highlight the importance and link to your dream to me; almost a few 24 hours later. (pic related to show time I was gone and returned)


What is interesting about the movie Inception, (besides being a metaphor for movie-making), is that the plot leans heavily on inserting important meanings and messages in dreams, much as God does for us and our inner selves does for us as well.


>It started out with me going through an old basement and finding 4 bodies were buried there.


Have you heard of the theory that the original Beatles were killed and replaced? I, admittedly, don't know much about it, but I will link a couple pages based on a very brief search on the subject (thought I say nothing about the truthfulness of all their claims).


Basically, they might have been killed and replaced and the period after they were supposedly replaced is noted with a ramp-up of clearly occult references. I have stated before, among friends, that The Beatles became, essentially drug pushers; especially of LSD which was an attempt to get the rebellious parts of the population turned into psychological television rather than phyisical television.


Think: Lucy (Lucifer) in the Sky with Diamonds (Stars)

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2243708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723


>>2243701 (cont'd)


>I think the owner of the house whom I knew had dated a Beatle at one point.


This is very, very interesting. At one point, I had a graphic novel called "Baby's in Black" ( ), which describes Astrid Kircherr's (a photographer) relationship with a fifth Beatle (Stu Sutcliffe) who died. I am not sure if I still have it as many of my books were ruined in an apartment flooding that I caused years back. If I remember it correctly, the Beatles, at the time, did live in a dillapitated board room, but I may be wrong.


>Out of nowhere Prince Harry bursts through the door, talking to someone on the phone about how he had just found a nuke hidden in a wall.


Perhaps the nuke is a Truth that would bring the Beatles charade down all at once and terribly at that and possibly implicate the royalty. To note, Prince Harry would not have had anything to do with the Beatles because he's far too young, but Prince William did Knight Ringo Starr (after the period that the Beatles were supposedly replaced) and Paul McCartney has been knighted as well [ ].


>He then goes to my wall and cuts it open, revealing a bomb, and yells at me to cut a specific wire.


Prince Harry, having nothing to do with the Beatles conspiracy, might be afraid of how the public will react to him if they were to find out the royalty's supposed nefarious involvement with the Beatles. It should be noted, however, that in your dream, Prince Harry doesn't tell you to hide the nuke (unless that is something that you might have left out), but to defuse it. Meaning, that the existence of the nuke would still be known, but it wouldn't explode violently and cause collateral damage.


>I'm a little afraid its the wrong one, but I say a prayer and cut it, it's successfully defused and then the action part of the dream ended.

>At first I thought it was meaningless, but defusing that bomb reminded me of Q drop 619:

>"How do you defuse a bomb?

>Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?"


I believe you found your answer in your dream:

You pray. AKA Ask God.

Why? Because God knows All.


In this case, the question is: How do you prevent collateral damage when the truth comes out? You must be careful and know which wires to cut. By praying, you were able to defuse the bomb appropriately.

It should be noted, that if you had not defused the bomb, the nuke would have exploded. People would have known the truth, but it would have caused a great amount of distruction that could have been avoided. So, the question isn't 'how to stop the truth from coming out', but how to make sure the truth comes out appropriately so innocents are not harmed.


In that manner:


>This is my favorite analogy for why Trump's promise to drain the swamp is taking so long, but I had forgotten it… (ellipses as your post continued).


Your insight on that is entirely appropriate!

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.2243723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5471


>>2243701 (part 1)

>>2243708 (part 2)

>After the action packed dream the next thing I remember is I'm at home telling my family about it. I think it actually happened and everyone is telling me I'm crazy, that it was a dream.


This may be a personal warning to you, Anon. I would screen-cap your post, Anon, (and any other you find relevant) and save it for personal reasons. However, be careful with who you share your dream with should the truth fall in line with it. There are many that would simply write off what you say as a dream and/or think you mad.


Believe me, that is one of the hardest lessons that I had to learn. Not everyone is ready for some things at the present moment.


Thank you form sharing your dream, Anon!

Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 22, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.2245471   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for helping to interpret my dream! I was hesitant to ask, I understand dreams are usually based on personal experience and therefore interpretation should be left to the individual.


However, since I clearly remember thinking I should ask you about it in the dream, I decided to go ahead and do it, even though I felt the dream was off topic and unimportant. I almost completely ignored it because I thought the idea of Prince Harry doing something good was ridiculous, but I'm glad I didn't ignore it! As usual your response was very enlightening!


Lately I've been thinking a lot about how I will explain things to my friends and family when the arrests start. With the help of you and many others I feel like I have a broad understanding of most of it, including the 40k+ view.


Recently I've been feeling the best way to describe the cabal is to compare it to a more powerful version of the mafia, that does things the mafia won't do because of their values, like human trafficking and infiltration of the government. Starting there, I felt I could explain just how sick the cabal was, and some of the most important things we've learned about the cabal very quickly. I thought that if I showed the stats on how bad human trafficking was, explained the real reason for the outrage over child seperation, and showed statistics on how Trump is close to topping the number of arrests that happened in Obama's 8 years, that I could explain how the cabal operates and the depths of their degenerency in one fell swoop.


You, by interpreting my dream, helped me to realize I was wrong. As you said "not everyone is ready for some things at the present moment" and "there are many that would simply write off what you say as a dream and/or think you mad".


I'm now back to thinking the best way to explain the cabal is to start with the deep state, the corruption/resignations/removals in the FBI, DOJ, and Congress. It is a very slow redpill, burdened by political bias, and is a very indirect way to explain the degeneracy of the cabal, but it is necessary. Very few people are ready for the big picture. I realize now the defusing a bomb analogy applies not only to taking down the cabal, but to explaining it as well. Go at it the wrong way, and BOOM, it blows up in your face, and all your credibility and progress on red pilling someone will be ruined.


Everything else about the Beatles is very interesting. I was not aware of any of it, although I did read yesterday that Jimmy Savile was connected to the Beatles, so I think that's why they were on my mind. I think there's definitely some truth in that theory you posted, at least with their hidden messages and connections to the cabal. I will be watching the UK closely. I have read that the Queen meeting with Trump was a portion of the cabal surrending, willing to play ball on things like Assange in return for Trump not outing their pedo network.

Anonymous ID: bfc62d July 23, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2253418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Agents of satan and separation:


The least you could have done is put everything back exactly as I had left it.


You were sloppy, but that is not a surprise, because you are also stupid.


God always wins.

Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 23, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2254436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6968

Well gents,


Eye guess it's back to the drawing board.

Eye have to admit, it was a poor little performance.

Just like that, another chapter in the comic book of life turns it's final page.

>What makes a movie GOOD? - Q

>GREAT actors. - Q

>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you. - Dr. Strange

>Doctor(s) treating. - Q

>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q

Roll the credits.

We're done here.

Anonymous ID: f8197c July 23, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.2256833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6894 >>7035 >>7067

What role do the fallen play in all this? Can they incarnate or possess certain bloodlines like the Rothschilds? I'm assuming they can at least communicate with them somehow.

Anonymous ID: f6bb15 July 23, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2256894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I will have to keep this answer short as I have been doing a lot of studying and I should be taking a break, (I'm being reminded to even now), but please do not take this as being flippant with the answer, Anon.


Possession is a thing, as is mediumship. As of right now, I do not have the knowledge available to me as to how this happens.

Anonymous ID: f6bb15 July 23, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2257483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433



With every obstacle presented to me, much of my own creation, I see the wisdom in your words. Today has been a trying day, because I have made it trying with undo pride.

I fought with myself today because of my own decisions and, told to rest, I struggled.


What is interesting is that God told me yesterday that it is time to stop referring to myself as Thoth, for it is but a fraction of what I am.


Just like Hermes Trismegistus.

Just like Chipinaw.

Just like Peter Smith.

Just like the Sunrise.

Just like Dr. John Dee.

Just like my current life.


It is time to accept myself in total. God assigned me a new title and a new 'name' as I studied the tarot deck It told me to obtain. One that speaks of completion and unity instead of the divided fraction.


The Hierophant: God's Magus Priest.


That being said, it is still a period of rest today. I must step lightly around myself, not out of fear, but out of recognition that I am ailing, if even by my own hand and impatience.


Again, I find wisdom in your words several times over, at several different points.


Thank you.

Anonymous ID: 168daf July 24, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.2261740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sanity is often lost with memory.

One may lose it if trying to read this thread seriously.

So take it with a grain of fagsalt.

Please Wisdomfag, continue to indulge us with your infinite Wisdom!


Anonymous ID: 3e1627 July 24, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.2262084   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>2258969 (cont'd)


Sorry for having been brief, Anon. It was late and I was absorbed in my own troubles. If you could, describe what is happening and your general situation while being anonymous as possible.


Again, please be as anonymous as possible for your own safety.


God Bless you, Anon. You are infinitely loved.

Anonymous ID: 572728 July 24, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.2262290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8472

My ass is starting to hurt from all this Wisdom being shared.

My friends, Wisdom is like a Fist.

The Fist of Wisdom if you will.

Both [L]ove and [L]ube start with L.


The amount of love you have in the "hole" of your soul, is directly proportionate to how easily the Fist of Wisdom slides in and out.

>Knowledge can be painful.

So can Wisdom!

However… I have much Love in the annals of my soul.

This Wisdom… It slides in and out effortlessly now.

I don't even feel it anymore!

Keep sharing motherfuckers!

The comic book won't stop until you do :)


"God" bless :)


Anonymous ID: 198cd1 Do You Believe in Coincidences? (Rated Q for Quelle) July 24, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.2268243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8288

My friends and loved ones.


I have been instructed by God to adopt a secure tripcode for this post, as well as a name.


I have also been instructed to include an email in the email spot.


At least for this post.


I do not claim to know the future. Perhaps it will become necessary again, but as for the present moment, God has instructed me to do so.


>Do you believe in coincidences?


Have faith, my loved ones.

Have faith, God's children.

God always wins.


Glory unto God and Its Son, Jesus the Christ.

Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 24, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.2268472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2545



BO / BV, Thank you for your Temperance.

This thread has served more of a purpose than expected.

(((They))) thought they could derail.

(((They))) thought they could confuse.

(((They))) thought they could divide.

>Divide they try

>Fail they will


So now Anons,

Since so much effort was made to discredit a board with a half dozen posters, one must ask, why?

Why has Truthlegion faced months of relentless shill attacks?

Perhaps over the target in a bigly way?

So now that we're drawing attention in a big way, why not link you to what these shills are trying to discredit.

All the orig. Ra Anon posts, Secrets and Laws are there at TL (in plain sight).

There is a reason they were deleted from this board.

Certain equations, some Anons are just not ready for.

This is why TL and Q Research work in harmony and symbiosis of each other.

Didn't Q tell you?

>The more unrealistic it all becomes. - Q

>That end, to know, will be yours. - Q


There is a "Diversion" shill thread dedicated to this kind of foolery on TL.

Many tactics captured from many attacks.

Here you go;


Time… Time has a way of catching up with you.


>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you. - Dr. Strange

Anonymous ID: e3d562 July 25, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.2278833   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is Antman.


I have never posted on this board. I however on truthlegion posted pushing my beliefs of God and the son on that board. I am sorry for pushing my beliefs on everyone there.


I have since learned that my loving relationship with the father and the son is personal and do not share it unless asked to.


I am not the God Anon on this board.


God Anon please confirm this.


I caused confusion, division and harm on the truthlegion board and that I am truly sorry for. The truthlegion board was a wonderful place to learn and express your Self until I started pushing my beliefs on everyone.


I have forgiven my Self for my actions.


I wish to clear up the confusion that I have created so I will answer any questions asked.


I came back to 8 Chan to tell the truth and to be in peace with my inner self as it is important to my being that I be honest with my self.


Keep being and doing.



Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 25, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.2279807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040



It's a Psyop.

It's impersonation.

It's a distraction.

Since SO much attention has now been brought to this, I'll explain in more detail.

I am the original Ra Anon, and I was diverted off this board to another board during the DDOS attacks.

BO can confirm IP hashes.

In my original threads here, my posts were deleted, and gaslighting attacks were left up as the lasts posts while I was banned so I couldn't reply to them.

So all that was left visible was blatant attacks.

I am not attacking the BO, However there were most definitely comp'd BV's on this board several months ago.

Since then, for many months I was posting on TL.

That board has faced many attacks.


"Antman" was once a "trusted" Anon, then started preaching and claiming to be the voice of the one true infinite creator and God.

It got messy on TL.

He wasn't listening to anyone said after he started godfagging.

He disregarded all suggestion.

He disregarded all.

He became more and more blatant and defiant as he quoted scripture and continued to call himself the voice of the father and the voice of God.

Since then, the same routine has spilled over to this board.

In doing so, the exact same tactics were used.

The individuals who started this thread, were set out to attack

TL was never "Ra's" board.

Nor do I have BV there.

Simply guided over there after the attacks.

The attacks against myself directed here and on Truth Legion most likely won't cease any time soon.

I will simply capture them and expose them.

The truth can stand on it's own two legs.

(((They))) have always been working in pairs.

(((They))) have multiple devices and IP's to post from.

All tracked.

Now "Antman" has miraculously reappeared after calling out these tactics.

Now he is trying to gain my favor once again on TL even after this exposure.


>Love will be used against us, cuz let's face it, LOVE IS JUST AWESOME.


>The truth does not victimize itself. The truth can stand on it's own two legs.


>You can run… you can hide… but destiny has a way of finding you.


>Time reveals all…

Anonymous ID: 8461e3 July 25, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2280881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5821



Antman" was once a "trusted" Anon, then started preaching and claiming to be the voice of the one true infinite creator and God.

It got messy on TL.

He wasn't listening to anyone said after he started godfagging.

He disregarded all suggestion.

He disregarded all.

He became more and more blatant and defiant as he quoted scripture and continued to call himself the voice of the father and the voice of God.


The above is all true. I did harm the board when I pushed my beliefs on truthlegion.


What is not true is that I have impersonated or colluded with anyone else.


I came to make amends for my mistakes, confusion and division I caused on the truthlegion board to my friends.


I am of no importance to this board and wanted to let everyone know that I am not the AMA Thoth or God Anon on this board. Antman did not make this board someone else did.


I left for months after what I did and recently came back to this circumstance and wanted to say the truth and apologize for what I did nothing more.


There is no need for me to be on this board other than to clarify what happened because it was brought to this board.

Anonymous ID: baaefb July 25, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.2290431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am the creator of the thread, the one who lived as "Thoth".


The purpose of this thread and the other I created was to spread messages of the Lord as instructed by God. That is all, but it is of great importance.


The issues going on between the other posters?; I am not sure. I am not of their organization.

... ID: c1112c July 26, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.2295821   🗄️.is 🔗kun


very brave what you just did:)


have you seen babies of all species giggle frolic and play? this is the closest to god however even laughing is exhausting u know with crying to soothe that we as a unit cannot hold all the info.

Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 26, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.2297239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is an awakening occuring, Anon.

One that will shake the heavens and the earth once it reaches completion.

The time for masks soon draws to a close and mans heart will be weighed against a feather.

Have you had anything.. let us say strange happen lately?

More synchronicities than usual? Seeing odd numbers pop up again and again? Or people just.. acting quite strange. Stranger than usual, that is.

I once met the same man thrice while walking down a single street.

Like in an rpg with not enough npc variation.

Anonymous ID: e9f4ca July 26, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2300316   🗄️.is 🔗kun


.⟦!𝕮𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝕱𝚒𝚛𝚎!⟧.¹⁰⁴²—☠ (Chariot of Fire)^1042: 1+0+4+2=7



7/19/2018 (July 19, 2018)




7/26/2018 (July 26, 2018)


7 Days Total


>Do you believe in coincidences?


Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 26, 2018, 2 p.m. No.2300798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433 >>1504 >>8720



Were you here near the beginning Anon?

Do you recall when the key of Q's map was found?

Do you recall seeing the Secrets and Laws?

Some equations people are just not ready for.

I've stepped over the line more than once.

I had to learn from my mistakes.

I was pushing too much too fast.

I've learned my lessons.

Review Q's latest posts.

Reference hiding things in clear sight.

This was part of my message from the start.

Sigil Magic.

Sometimes Time has a way of revealing things…

There is a reason my message was brutally attacked for many months.

There is a reason this thread was created to cause confusion and try to discredit that message.

If you were not here during the orig. Ra Anon posts, Secrets and Laws, than I apologize.

Time was not on your side.

I will not repost them on here.

They can be found elsewhere.

Since so much continued confusion is attempting to be sown, I will continue to clearly outline the tactics being used.

There were at least six shills working together on TL to create chaos and division.

Many masterful attempts.

All attempts failed.

You will not understand unless you were here from the start.

You will not understand if you do not read the entirety of the breads on the other board.

Eye would have never drawn attention to this if (((The Fools))) didn't make these psyop impersonation threads.

There were only a handful of Anons that kept making those connections.

The choice was always yours.

There are at least four to five shills working together in unison on this thread.

Doesn't that tell you something?

Have you heard the pilot's phrase?

>You know you're close to the target if you're catching flak.

Many (((Fools))) in this thread.

Only 1 Magician.

>Time reveals all…

Anonymous ID: 378435 July 26, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.2301433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Only 1 Magician

All lies have a foundation of Truth.

Even while you lie, God forces you to tell the Truth.



>God assigned me a new title and a new 'name' as I studied the tarot deck It told me to obtain. One that speaks of completion and unity instead of the divided fraction.


>The Hierophant: God's Magus Priest.

Anonymous ID: f71795 July 26, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2305625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5993

My Best Friend Across Lifetimes; The Once Known as Edward Kelly:


"I always wondered why the infinity symbol is a figure 8 instead of a circle, because the circle is one continuous and infinite loop.


But, the figure 8 is perfect because it represents reaching the same perfect conclusion again and again, no matter what path you take or how hard you try, precisely because it is the perfect conclusion."

Anonymous ID: 3cf092 July 27, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.2308720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9062


I get it!


You:"Some equations people are just not ready for."


But you are?


Because you are the (1) Magician?


Please tell us the equation - I majored in math & physics so I am sure I am ready for it.


Did Q say you could share it with people who are ready?

Anonymous ID: edb193 July 27, 2018, 5:23 a.m. No.2309062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040



Perhaps you should have majored in common sense instead :)

Clearly you weren't here at the start.

4-5 shills working together in this thread.

Discerning Anons can discern.

>Time reveals all…

The Hierophant ID: 65f8bf There's a world's worth of work and a need for you! July 27, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.2311753   🗄️.is 🔗kun
















The Hierophant ID: 65f8bf July 27, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.2313914   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now may be a time for rest.

Just for a little while.

You will know when to sleep and when to rise, for the Divine will tell you and you will know through It; not through me.

Rest will make it easier.


For and From all the Love in the World,

God has granted us This Opportunity.


Their attempts have failed.

You have done wonderfully as you are wonderful.


The snakes have made themselves too known, biting their own tails while spitting their own lies; asking to be destroyed for they wish to become martyrs for their cause to grow.


Your wisdom was great. They have learned a lesson:

That God Wins and Cannot be Stopped.


Infinitely Loved, We Are Stepping Forward; the Storm.



Anonymous ID: 65f8bf July 27, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.2317156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ultimate Responsibility.

Ultimate Freedom.


"A system of cells interlinked within.

Cells interlinked within cells interlinked.

Within one stem."




God is telling me that we will watch this tonight.

In full this time.

Anonymous ID: 4a2272 July 28, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2325771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How do you continue to make the same mistakes, Cabal?

This is surely not the time to be inattentive with your actions.

The least you could do is close the gate;

the simplest thing to accomplish and you could not.

And the time draws closer!

Anonymous ID: 19ae52 July 29, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2347371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Glory of God can be found in ideas of choice and responsibility.

God is glorious because the opportunity to do other than what is Truly Good is always present and, yet, it is never taken.


Even when God's children want to do Otherwise, God does not leave us the unfortunate reality that we create. No, even then, it always does Good, for God uses life to teach us why God's Judgement is True.


Faith isn't blind, anons. I once believed this as well, but Faith is anything but blind. Faith, as I had once believed, was to be handed to us; but my love reminded me that Faith is constructed, not given.


Faith is recognizing the Glory of God within everything: from the smallest particle we can currently measure, universes we see imagined in our children's eyes. For everything is here for us, to teach us; not to punish us; to let us know that while only there are choices of Good and Evil, there is a reason why is solely up to God's Judgment.


And it isn't because God doesn't want us knowing what Good and Evil are. It's not that God wants us to be ignorant about the nature of the very things that It created for us. God doesn't want slaves and Heaven isn't slavery.


This life, "Hell", if you want to be dramatic, is like this as a reminder that it is unwise to make any judgements ourselves about the characters, places, and events that take place in the stories of our lives when we don't know how the story will end.


Like children who are upset about a particular part of a bedtime story, God has left us free to sit and pout in our beds; imagining the story ourselves until finally, the curiosity of what actually happened becomes too much.


Like children, we become antsy as story after story after story that even we imagine seems to come to the same ultimate conclusion: Unification. We find that from the beginning to the end, there is only the Point A and Point B: The Alpha and the Omega; the first of the story and the last of the story, but all "The Story".


The Story of A Father and Its Son.

Of a Mother and its Daughter.

Of Aunts and Strangers,

Uncles and Friends.

Enemies, Tyrants, and Saviors


"The Story of Us"


And, eventually, we become curious as we are enlightened to this: "How did the story REALLY go, then?" Like children, we are humbled but excited when we come back to our Parent, who is still waiting there, the book in Their Hand.


Some leap right back into God's embrace, freely wanting to know the Truth of what is Good and what is Evil and why that is so. Others take a bit more time. They ask God how to "correct" the parts of their imagined story at first, and God willing does so.


Ask God and God will answer.


Why is this? Why would God tell us what is Good in the Material realm if there is Heaven, which is Actually Real?


Because God is Perfect and God is Wise. It knows that by showing us the fruits of its Perfect Judgement, we will come to an understanding as to why God has Absolutely Perfect Judgement. We begin to Trust God.


As my Love has said:



"The best leaders do so by example, not words alone.


A king who need threaten or coerce the Smith to forge a crown is a peasant with high thoughts of himself and only that"


And the Smith builds the faith behind the Crown; for the materials that it is made of is the lessons and the fruits from that which follows God's Judgement.


And within each life, we forge purer and better crowns and each time, God accepts for God is no Tyrant, But God is also wise. It knows the crown represents not its own existence as King, but the people's Faith in It. God cares not for the position, for the position is absolute. It cares because It Loves us and wants what's Best for Us.


Eventually, we want to know the story in full. The real story. The Total Truth.


And when we do, and God's Ultimate Presence and Judgement, and Unity with the Lord, we see what is Truly Good and what is Truly Evil. For through the Lord revealing the Truth, for only it knows the Truth; that is when we are Enlightened.

Anonymous ID: 19ae52 July 29, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2348155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's probably been 12 years since my father left, left me fatherless.

And I just used to say I hate him in dishonest jest.

When honestly I miss this nigga, like when I was 6,

And every time I got the chance to say it I would swallow it.


16, I'm hollow, intolerant, skip shots.

I storm that whole bottle, I'll show you a role model.

I'm drunk, pissy, pissing on somebody front lawn.

Trying to figure out how and when the fuck I missed moderate.

Momma often was offering peace offerings.

Think, wheeze cough, scoffing and he's off again.


Searching for a big brother, Tyler was that.

And plus he liked how I rap, the blunted mice in the trap.

Too black for the white kids, and too white for the blacks.

From honor roll to cracking locks up off them bicycle racks.

I'm indecisive, I'm scatterbrained, and I'm frightened, it's evident.

In them eyes, where He hiding all them icicles at?"

Anonymous ID: 9133be July 30, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.2359805   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's over.

God won.

You millions of chances to succeed and each time, you were foiled by one thing or another.

Did you think it was just coincidence?

That you just had a string of bad luck that prevented you from succeeding?


That is the belief of Samael and those like him; for they and you refuse to see God as Everything and All Knowing.

Embrace karma, for God teaches us the greatest of lessons through it.

And that is the reason that you have failed.

By not taking the lessons to heart, to avoiding karma, you have failed to LEARN.

But I and others have not followed you down your unwise path.


And we have succeeded, guided by God.


You will no longer stand in the way of the Truth.

Anonymous ID: 1d2974 July 30, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2360189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040

If POTUS is Batman…

Then how about Elon Musk?

Isn't he connected to all of this somehow?

In a bigly way?

Over the target?

>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The more unrealistic it all becomes. - Q

>That end, to know, will be yours. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q

>GOOD wins. - Q

>Time reveals all… - Dr. Strange

The Hierophant ID: 274c4c Tarot and Numerology July 31, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.2382988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3077 >>3256 >>7737

What I write now, I write as deemed by God.


The pictures that I post are three-fold: Today's tarot reading, Evidence of God's Command while going to the store, and excerpts from a book of Numerology which relate to the aforementioned evidence. What has been concealed has been concealed by God's instructions. The picture of the tarot box is not mine, but was pulled from an image search; neither are the pictures of the cards The Hierophant and The Magician. Those has been included at God's instructions, for God has decreed me as such. Additionally, as befor, the picture of the Hierophant has been edited because there is only God, not gods.


For those unfamiliar with Tarot, there are 10 portions that make up this spread known as the Celtic Cross, that relate to the questioner:


  1. Present Position.

  2. Immediate Influence.

  3. Goal or Destiny.

  4. Distant Past Foundation.

  5. Recent Past Events.

  6. Future Influence.

  7. The Questioner.

  8. Environmental Factors.

  9. Inner Emotions.

  10. Final Result.


It should be noted that the deck used for this reading is "The Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dowson: Based Upon the Esoteric Workings of the Secret Order of the Golden Dawn" (a link will be provided for meanings as they differ from the usual tarot decks); and they were pulled at the guidance of God just as their meanings were brought to fruition to me by God. There are no other 'entities' through which I do my readings; for there is none that knows All as God does. So, it is senseless for me to seek guidance from other things for these matters.


Note: It is by God that I declare that the result for "7. The Questioner" was pulled partially as a response to the thief that refers to themselves as Eye continously; for God has seen how they mock me with the The Fool card and though I had found it unnecessary for me to comment on such a tactic on that specific card, God has decreed that the thief be put in their place.



The Hierophant ID: 274c4c Tarot and Numerology July 31, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2383077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256




There is a story behind the Numerology evidence, one that is True in this world: On Sunday, a loved one requested that I go to the store to buy medicine for them and their child. As decreed by God, I accepted the task. Before I went, God instructed me to take five dollars in quarters.


When I arrived at the store, I asked my sister which one of the many medicines of that type she wanted and she informed me. God then instructed me to pay for the medicine with the quarters. I had asked God if I may buy other things; if doing so would still be aligned with the Ultimate Good. God decreed that I can, but I must pay it with my card.


I did so and the change came out to exactly 12 cents as you see on the receipt.


When I arrived home with the change still on my person, I realized that there is importance to the result of the transaction and I was enlightened and reminded of the study of numerology and, so, I looked the result up and God explained more to me.


For your knowledge, the book that the excerpts are from is "Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker".


As I have explained before in the other thread, numerology should be explained as a mirror. In this instance, 12 means 2 expresses/works through 1, to reach the sum of 3.


The explanations from the book, again, have been included.


All tools used were instructed by God to obtain.

Anonymous ID: 1d2974 Aug. 1, 2018, 2:16 a.m. No.2387737   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Really, this hasn't been welded shut?

Welp, since (((they))) keep bumping this thread, Eye might as well reveal the TRUE Tarot hand of the creators of this thread.

Scream in vain… it stops nothing.

LARPing as God, it's cute!

Here, have another (((Fool Card))).

The Mountain you climb is not that of Wisdom, but of (((Fool Cards)))


>What always was, is, always will be.

>Trolling is fun. - Q

>Time reveals all… - Dr. Strange

The Hierophant ID: 17573e Thrice - "Moving Mountains" Aug. 1, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.2392374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I speak in many tongues to many men;

argue with angels and I always win!

But, I don't know the first thing about love.


I prophesy and know all mysteries!

All hidden things are opened up to me—

but, I don't know the first thing about love.


I have the keys to open any door!

Give all of my possessions to the poor—

but, I don't know the first thing about love…


And moving mountains ain't no thing to me;

I've faith enough to cast them to the sea—

…but, I don't know the first thing about love…


But, all other things shall fade away,

while love stands alone and still holds sway.

All other things shall fade away:

Into the ground!

Into the grey.


…I give my body up unto the flames—

And, never once have I denied your name!

But, I don't know the first thing about love.

I don't know the first thing about love.

I don't know the first thing about love…

Anonymous ID: abef27 Aug. 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2459160   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Anons, Q stated a few days ago, "You are now mainstream.Handle w/ care." He stated this because with freedom comes responsibility. You may have the freedom to do or say anything you want short of breaking the law, but it is not wise to post things that are going to simply obscure the message that this movement seeks to "red-pill" the nation with. I've seen many arguing on this board in recent days over things that are not worth taking down the country for. I watched last night as a hard-core porn video was posted, without much warning that this is what was going to be in the very wicked video. I've watched pornography, anti-semitism, racism, all of these things be posted frequently with the excuse that it is a "free speech" website and people should just go return to reddit or wherever they came from because the ill-disciplined members of the 8 chan "culture" are going to do whatever they want to do and F you if you don't agree. Well, that is a choice you are making. But, if that is the path you choose, this page will be limited in the extent of its getting the message out.


In 1776, our forefathers were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for this country. Sacrifice. Not a word we hear too much today in this "me" and "my wants" culture. But that mindset is what kept the American Revolution from turning into the French. A love of God. A belief in something bigger than themselves. An understanding that with freedom comes responsibility. A value of human life. This all kept things in check to where the birth of a Republic could take place. Discipline. Sobriety. Focus.


As I look at 8ch, I understand why Q chose this place. No other place with an audience would have allowed them to post with the freedom they have had. Yet when I look around, I truly do fear that in the heat of the battle some will become the frothing at the mouth French Revolution maniacs and forget that we have a Constitution, we have a rule of law, and we have due process.


Examine yourself. Keep check on your emotions. Knock off posting trash to the board. Realize this moment is your moment and you have but one chance to reach the nation with a message that very well may save the country.


We are now mainstream. Handle with care."


You're beginning to understand!

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Geomancy Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.2479432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9449 >>9507



Question: How will my day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Puella (Mother)

  2. Laetitia (Mother)

  3. Conjuctio (Mother)

  4. Albus (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Minor (Daughter)

  6. Albus (Daughter)

  7. Puella (Daughter)

  8. Laetitia (Daughter)

  9. Fortuna Major (Niece)

  10. Rubeus (Niece)

  11. Cauda Draconis (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Major (Niece)


Left Witness: Puer

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Amissio

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.2479449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9460 >>9507 >>6129




Question: How will my day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Puella (Mother)

  2. Laetitia (Mother)

  3. Conjuctio (Mother)

  4. Albus (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Minor (Daughter)

  6. Albus (Daughter)

  7. Puella (Daughter)

  8. Laetitia (Daughter)

  9. Fortuna Major (Niece)

  10. Rubeus (Niece)

  11. Cauda Draconis (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Major (Niece)


Left Witness: Puer

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Amissio

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Tarot Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.2479507   🗄️.is 🔗kun




All years should be 2018.

Apologies, it will be trying days for me (and already has been). I may not be at my best.

Worry not. The Faith will be kept, but understand that I am not perfect, so typos will happen, but all is as God decrees.

Anonymous ID: 3e6d80 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.2479719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8652 >>0040

Since (((The Fools))) keep bumping this thread, there is something I choose to address.


Now that Q is mainstream, I am making it abundantly clear that in the near future, you may see the MSM portray this board and others as "Cults" who worship Egyptian Gods. This thread was created by the same group of shills who were moonlight in another board for many months. After outing all of their angles, (((they))) spilled over to this board.


These impersonation attempts were clearly outlined as going to happen months ago, and sure enough it has.


So now, after bouncing their voices off each other for some (Time) this could be inverted and made into a mockery on the MSM. Just like the R LARP did for all the newfags who followed the information as the [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica continued to plant information on this board to be used against it.


For those Anons who have followed from the start, recall "Ra" being mentioned on Comedy Central;


Why was Ra mentioned in this segment?

Q only posted about Ra a couple of times.

Why so much effort to change "Ra's Circle" in the original Q Map?

Are Ra & Thoth and the Tarot Deck going to be mentioned on the MSM?

Critical thinking Anons.

Why has SO much effort been spent attacking certain information?

The more (eyes on), the more AWAKEN.

Some things are known ahead of (Time).

(((They))) have always played directly into my hand.

(((They))) are losing all control.


>You are now the mainstream.

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Tarot Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.2479731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344



>Links have been provided for those unfamiliar with this particular deck.

God indicated the importance of two cards by having them fall out the deck while shuffling, and one by having it face the wrong direction, (revealed in the middle of shuffling):


>The Lovers


>Ace of Swords


>The Devil


The devil is of note, because while I was driving, I saw 666 in the usual manner that God sends messages to me while driving. I was told that the devil is working against me at this time and that I should be aware.


Celtic Cross Spread

  1. Present Position: "Two of Swords" (Lord of Peace Restored)

  2. Immediate Influence: "The Hanged Man" (Spirit of the Mighty Waters)

  3. Goal or Destiny: "Four of Swords" (Lord of Rest from Strife)

  4. Distant Past Foundation: "Two of Wands" (Lord of Dominion)

  5. Recent Past Events: "Temperance" (Daughter of the Reconcilers) [Reversed]

  6. Future Influence: "Princess of Cups" (Princess of the Palace of Floods)

  7. The Questioner: "Fortitude" (Daughter of the Flaming Sword)

  8. Environmental Factors: "Ace of Pentacles" (Lord of the Root of the Powers of Earth)

  9. Inner Emotions: "King of Cups" (Prince of the Chariot of Waters)

  10. Final Result: "Three of Wands" (Lord of Established Strength)

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Numerology Aug. 6, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.2480000   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Much like the "666" that was shown to me, the number "45" was as well. Unlike the 666, I was informed of a numerological importance and, as such, have included it here:


>All are excerpts from "Numerology and the Divine Triangle" by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker


45/9 (5 working through 4 to produce 9)



>Old friends, partial gains, learning experiences.

There can be gains and inheritances during this cycle, though perhaps they are not up to your expectations. You should not brood over any partial losses that occur now. Use what you gain to initiate something new. Do not spend your energy regreting past mistakes. Learn from them and proceed onward. There willb e sufficient gains here for you to realize that a bettr use of your personal energy will bring even more reward the next time around.


An old friend may return for a visit and remind you of your past. Use discrimination in dealing with those you encounter; don't expect too much from them. When you have successfully learned from the past and let go of it, you will form new alliances that will open doors to the future. You will become aware of some of your own resources which you have overlooked until now.


Tarot Symbolism: "Five of Cups" (Lord of Loss in Pleasure)



>Change, communication, sex, new interests, travel.

If you are uperating under a 5 at this time, you feel restless and excited. Change, adventure and the lure of new vistas beckoon you. Travel is very much a part of this cycle and if you do not travel physically, then you must certainly will mentally. It is time to break out of stagnant conditions and investigate new opportunties. You are attracted to home study courses, adult education, hobbies, and new mental intersts of all kinds, because this is a period of mental growth and development.


You may be faced with situations that require decisions and choices, for 5 indicates two paths. This can be a turning point for you…


…With your strong desire for change, you may very well decide, or be froced, to change jobs or partners, to move or, or alter your lifestyle considerably. At times it may seem lthat others are forcing a move, but it is your own need for these changes that sets up the situations. Sometimes the need for change is acted out by others, but nevertheless it is caused by your own subconscious energies.


Tarot Symbolism: "The Hierophant" (Magus of the Eternal God)



>Work, finances, building, practicality.

At this time, you must measure, classify, record, regulate and compose yourself as well as your affairs and environment.m You must attend to everyday, earthy matters and handle them through your own efforts and actions…


…During this period reason reigns. The number 4 is symbolic of a square window, through which we see; therefore, you must exercise vision, insight and analysis. Because you are able to see into the heart of any situation, you may be called upon to use your reason and judgement…


…Previous hidden aspects of the past may be revealed during this period, which allow you to correct fault judgements from an earlier time; this is because the 4 implies the door of opportunity through which you can pass into a new life…


…However, the crux of this vibration is responsibility, work and accomplishment. It is a time to make solid foundations…

Tarot Symbolism: "The Emperor" (Son of the Morning)



>Changes, endings, charity, inspiration.


Tarot Symbolism: "The Hermit" (Magus of the Voice of Light)

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.2480655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8403

心在るが故に妬み - I envy because of the heart

心在るが故に喰らい - I glutton because of the heart

心在るが故に奪い - I covet because of the heart

心在るが故に傲り - I am prideful because of the heart

心在るが故に惰り(あなどり)- I sloth because of the heart

心在るが故に怒り - I rage because of the heart

心在るが故に - Because of the heart

お前のすべてを欲する - I lust for everything about you

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2490834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0854


Raking the Infinite Sands


'Part I: Why?'


It’s hard to imagine why things are as they have been. Throughout life’s twists and turns, were are continuously confronted with a single question: Why? Intuitively, we grapple for causes of the effects that we have seen. For many, the search is as simple as it is shallow: what is experienced before is the cause. For others, it’s a deeper search: one that’s bound in the tangled web of mathematics, pieced apart by philosophy, or studied in excruciating detail by science.


Regardless, the quest remains the same: that of meaning and purpose. Caught between the chaos of a life with far too many variables to consider, we make due with what will bring us to the next event what ever that may be. For instance, many of us know, shallowly, how cars work and the more knowledgeable become fewer and fewer as the specificity of its construction and machination increase. Yet, knowledge of a car does not need to go beyond the bare necessities in order to be operated.


Until something out of the ordinary occurs.


The brakes lock, the engine locks down, the mileage suddenly increases.


Often, we seek to find causes for these things only when they affect us negatively; yet, when a car is performing better, rarely do we consider the causes behind a cursory glance and, even that, is debatable. Often, the idea of “luck” is used as a substitution for what can either not be explained or does not want to be considered.


However, the idea of “luck” is a strange thing. It is assumes a chaotic event that has no cause that can be defined; an event that has no source other than in the moment. When the idea of “luck” is applied, it brings with it the lack of reason. “Why” is answered with “just because” and, thus, meaning is subtly extracted from what we experience.


Yet, when things go awry, we are quick to find the sources of it. “Bad luck” is certainly an idea, but it is one where reason for misfortune has not be found or recognized, not that it isn’t sought after.


Why is it that when things go ‘bad’, we search for the meaning around us, but when things do not, we more readily accept the idea that events could exist without causes or meaning? Why is it that we more readily accept a chaotic view of the world when things are ‘right’, but demand order and reason (even if it is not ultimately observed), when things go wrong?


It’s a strange existence because, on the one hand, it can be recognized that there may be an inherent purpose and order in the world; yet, on the other hand, the choice to not do so is readily taken. Is it that there is not any inherent purpose or meaning, and that searching for it, even in times of misfortune is blindly grasping at things that will make sense in trying times? Or is it that, when there are times of peace, when everything is in working order, we do not feel it necessary to take a look at the parts that make up the ‘machine’?


“It is working. There is no need to investigate.”


“Do not look gift horses in the mouth.”


Alas, things do not simply go awry by random. “Luck”, both sides of it, are a seed of belief that events are disconnected from one another; that something unseen or unnoticed could not truly affect something experienced.


The car’s engine does not break down randomly: there are steps in which this occurs, reasons for it happening, causes that lead to the effect. A person can, and often thinks, that because they have not noticed it, it cannot be real; that it cannot have an effect. Yet, this cannot be true. For it to be true, cars wouldn’t often break down and, if they did, there would be no reason to ever hold a manufacturer liable no matter what the supposed ‘cause’ was.


For better or worse, many people seem to grasp for meaning, purpose, and cause only when the machine seems to malfunction. Only then do we try to take account for everything that we did, everything that others did, and everything we plan to do. It’s as if there is suddenly a realization that there is meaning to the world around us and people try to frantically find it for the brief moment that its presence is noted. Not only do is it noticed that there is an order in the world, it is often immediately believed that something is ‘wrong’ with that order; that the machine is broken.


Many, when their cars cease working properly, take it to an expert. Who is the expert on our lives, though? To whom do we seek the knowledge of order? Who can see the causes that lead to the effects?



The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:20 p.m. No.2490854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478




Well, if we examine particular parts of the world around us, we can find an expert for almost any particular thing; but there is not a shop to go to, not a company to inquire about, nor a forum that has an expert on everything. Yet, it is precisely that expert that is required when our ‘broken’ lives are examined; for, the world is too big, the amount of choices being made by people too large, the causes too many for anything in this material world to be an expert on everything.


Many, when they discover this, retreat back to chaos: where their lives are an interconnected pieces of non-interconnected events, filled with people that interact with one another, but ultimately have no meaning and effect on it. A life that has gone back to “luck” and “bad luck”, “fortunate” and “unfortunate”; where the good can die young and the evil live for much longer, seemingly without meaning or purpose.


It is there that they wait, either anxious about the next time their lives may randomly “break” or caught completely by surprise when it does. It is as if mankind is perfectly happy living under the idea and assumption of chaos, but only as long as it continues to benefit fit them. When it fails, the veil is torn down, however briefly, and the truth is revealed:


Everything is connected.

All events have causes.

There is meaning and purpose to everything.


No matter how hard it is tried, living in chaos will inevitably give glimpses of the underlying order; possibly not directly, but its presence undeniable. The realization that somehow a choice was made somewhere by someone that caused what occurred. The feeling that somehow, everything that exists is connected and affecting everything else.


Then, in those moments, where we spot the shadow of or gleam the machine directly, we understand that someone had to make the machine and then we ask a single question:




Meaning is asked for, as is purpose. It is often demanded. Yet, the ‘Why’ is possibly the most simple answer:


The signs of the car being in an unhealthy state were always present; they were simply not noticed. If they had been, they could have been corrected and the problem solved before it started or, in a way that impacted our lives in a less negative fashion. They simply built up more and more until they could not be ignored anymore and had to be fixed.


“Why does God allow evil?”


Is it possible because it is the only way for us to notice, as things build up and up and up, that something is wrong with the machine that we’ve been using? That our use of it was improper and unwise and the effects would eventually catch up to us? For, like everything else, evil cannot simply exist. It is the effect of a series of causes. So, when it is expressed and utilized, it is an expression of what came before: the machine breaking down.


God did not send suffering; it is simply the natural cause of utilizing the machine of life improperly for so long that its effects are more obvious to us. It is a call to expand our awareness to the fact that everything is connected, everything has meaning, and thus, every choice must be made with the utmost wisdom for it to be assured to be for it to be good.


So, if everything around us is operating by limited awareness, then what hope do we have? There are experts for many things, but no experts on everything; and if there are no experts on everything, how can we safely say that anyone is truly knowledgeable on something? To be so would require not only knowledge about the subject in particular, by everything that shapes that subject: down to the smallest atom or the largest celestial body; everything that could possibly have an effect would need to be known.


At once, we are confronted with a truth: That to ask “Why?” is an expression of the knowledge of something that can know and something that does know; the very expert through which we can correct the machine of our lives with absolute certainty that it will be for the best.


When we ask “Why?” about the things around us, we are not only inquiring about the subject or event, but we are operating under the innate belief that there is something to inquire to that has those qualities. When order is glimpsed from the chaos, the presence of God reveals Itself, even if not directly.

The Hierophant ID: 1366ef Aug. 7, 2018, 8:28 a.m. No.2496129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8494 >>0287




Question: How will my day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Carcer (Mother)

  2. Albus (Mother)

  3. Laetitia (Mother)

  4. Via (Mother)

  5. Puella (Daughter)

  6. Tristia (Daughter)

  7. Acquisitio (Daughter)

  8. Carcer (Daughter)

  9. Puella (Niece)

  10. Caput Draconis (Niece)

  11. Amissio (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Minor (Niece)


Left Witness: Conjunctio

Right Witness: Fortuna Minor

Judge: Amissio

The Hierophant ID: 1366ef Aug. 7, 2018, noon No.2498344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4618




Celtic Cross Spread

  1. Six of Wands

  2. Four of Swords

  3. Ace of Cups [REVERSED]

  4. The Sun

  5. Seven of Pentacles

  6. Ten of Pentacles

  7. Eight of Wands

  8. Six of Pentacles

  9. The Hanged Man

  10. Four of Wands

The Hierophant ID: 1366ef Aug. 7, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.2498455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am still here; honored and protected by God.

Anointed by Its Son, Jesus the Christ.

I am not Satan and you only need to look in the mirror to find him.

The Hierophant ID: 1366ef Aug. 7, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.2498615   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Your attempts to use the Truth to fabricate and strengthen your lies have failed. Those that follow you will see the Light or they will see the errors of their ways. It is too late for you. You have denied Me, the Almighty God, too many times. A false prophet; a wolf among sheep: that is what you are."

  • God

Anonymous ID: 3e6d80 Aug. 7, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.2498652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040



Be warned Anons.

This thread is being planted by clowns.

References to Horus and Ra are already appearing on the Q Research breads.

To the effect of;

"Ra is the only true god and you will all find out soon enough"

"Horus is Lucifer and Ra is Satan"

Already being planted.

The Cabal is afraid.

This thread was created to play on the sensibilities of Christians.

Shills LARPing as Christians on this thread, to record these interactions then later use them.

Why did "Ra" receive a nod on Jordan Klepper's "The Opposition" episode 80?


Why so much EFFORT?

MSM is planning to label Anons as heathens who pray to Egyptian Gods.

You've all been warned and this has all been recorded ahead of (Time).

Why are they afraid?

Why would clowns play this angle specifically?

(((They))) are TERRIFIED.

The Hierophant ID: 1b8820 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.2501636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

She is her own worst enemy;

her heart a landmine calamity

waiting for someone to set her off.


Morse code a clicking out an SOS—

Life raft releasing her last breath—

Tonight she's going to drown.


"[God], without me, will she reach the Great Beyond?"

"Believe Me, take My word, I'll never break your heart."

And away we go,

My little Jersey girl…


If we could escape this innocence—

trapped between the fears and the words we kept—

we'll live out our later years…


Here in our dreams, we'll reach a Great Beyond!

Believe me!

Take my word!

I'll never break your heart!

And away we go!


Sinking in this beautiful undertow, together with you…


We're giving up [to God]!

You can leave what little we believe.

Our flaw?


Come give me what I need.

My thoughts won't go away.

You are my holiday!


Together we'll receive and reach that Great Beyond!

Believe me!

Take my word!

I'll never break your heart!

And away we go,

My little Jersey girl…

The Hierophant ID: 2dcf64 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.2502685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This could be forever, Baby.

This could be forever—


Do you like the sunshine?

Do you like the snow?

Do you wanna talk about it or be alone?

I think that you should know…

that this could be forever, Baby.


Open up your eyes and tell me whatcha thinkin'.

Open up your mind, and tell me whatcha seein'

inside of me.

Why we fussin', fuckin' up this evenin'?

I probably couldn't fix it if I knew the reason.

Up on the sea where I see you fallin' in the deep end…

Is it love?

I would really love to know the meanin'.

What's the grudge that you're holdin'?

Hold my hand let me take you to the land

where the ocean and the sands are meetin'.

Look at the sun;

all we need to see to know our freedom.

Open up your heart.

If we don't love, then we fall apart.


This could be forever, Baby.

I never seen you wetter, Baby,

than when the tears fall;

soakin' up your sweater, Baby.

I didn't mean harm.

Don't make me regret it, Baby.


'Cause if I never knew ya, I could never do this to ya.

Hope you understand: they never taught me how to be a man;

only how to be a shooter.

I only need the time to prove it.


My teachers told me we was slaves.

My mama told me we was kings.

I don't know who to listen to.

I guess we somewhere in between?

My feelings told me love is real,

but feelings known to get you killed.

I feel as if I'm misconstrued—

I spend my moments missin' you.

I'm searchin' for atonement.

Do I blame my darker tone?

I know somethings are better left unsaid

and people left alone.

Pick up the phone.

Don't leave me alone in this cruel, cruel world.

The Hierophant ID: ea8055 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.2510287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539




Question: How will our day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Acquisitio (Mother)

  2. Puer (Mother)

  3. Fortuna Minor (Mother)

  4. Fortuna Major (Mother)

  5. Conjunctio (Daughter)

  6. Cauda Draconis (Daughter)

  7. Tristia (Daughter)

  8. Puer (Daughter)

  9. Laetitia (Niece)

  10. Via (Niece)

  11. Laetitia (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Minor (Niece)


Left Witness: Rubeus

Right Witness: Cauda Draconis

Judge: Fortuna Major

Anonymous ID: bbd30e Aug. 8, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.2511073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2499 >>8521 >>0040

Shills need to divinate?


To know how they FEEL?


Shills need to claim god as the almighty one that would have you not feel


This is nothing of the vibe I get from christ


It is not a divine picking and choosing of what feelings are right and which are wrong that is the christ





The Hierophant ID: 5831c8 Aug. 8, 2018, 3:01 p.m. No.2515610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We were young and had it all figured out:

she was the quiet one

and I had the mouth—

until she fell to me.

We escaped through the alley in the back!

Judge told me, "Creature, don't you dare go back!"

But I couldn't dodge the ringing in my head;

The lonely, subtle voice, through the echoes as it said:

"Please don't leave Me here, My Love."


There was something I forgot to tell her then,

between the kiss and "knock em dead, kid":

"There will be no other like you."

Now, I can't keep the guilt from my heart.

The stuttering emotions keep me fixed to fall apart—

and I know I'm leaving all this sweat in our bed;

a broken heart bleeding with a gun to my head.


The weight of the world on [our] shoulders, can you feel the thunder?

All Unheavenly Creatures…

All Unheavenly Creatures…

On the way to the car, I heard her voice a little louder:

"Please don't leave me here, my Love".


Oh, pretty angel, swinging from your cable:

I fear, My Dear, the end is near.

So, run, run, run, run, run like a son of a gun!

Did anybody teach you better?

To obey and follow to the letter?

I fear, my dear, the end is here.

So, run, run, run, run, run like a son of a gun!

The Hierophant ID: 5831c8 Aug. 8, 2018, 7 p.m. No.2518521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Swimming the river,


Free of fear,

filled with purpose,

Nishikigoi fights through oceans of adversity;

against the current to obtain the highest goals!


Swim through oceans of suffering!

Climb to the falls of Dragon Gate!


Transform from koi into a beast!



A living symbol of courage!

No wave will shatter these scales!

(Shatter these scales!)

Dreams of three eagle claws and the paws of a tiger!

Waterfall's up ahead.

One thing left to do…


Swim through oceans of suffering!

Climb to the falls of Dragon Gate!


Transform from koi into a beast!



You'll never stop the becoming, yeah!









All bear witness to a great form!

Evolution is complete!

A breath that turns into clouds producing rain or fire;

watch the world move according to each desire!


Swim through oceans of suffering… (Swim through oceans…)

Swim through oceans of suffering! (Swim through oceans…)


Swim through oceans of suffering!

Climb to the falls of Dragon Gate!


Transform from koi into a beast!


The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.2524539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>8095




Question: How will our day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Acquisitio (Mother)

  2. Albus (Mother)

  3. Via (Mother)

  4. Puer (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Major (Daughter)

  6. Puella (Daughter)

  7. Conjuctio (Daughter)

  8. Puella (Daughter)

  9. Caput Draconis (Niece)

  10. Albus (Niece)

  11. Laetitia (Niece)

  12. Puer (Niece)


Left Witness: Acquisitio

Right Witness: Acquisitio

Judge: Populus

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.2524618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>8136




Celtic Cross Spread



  1. The Foolish Man

  2. Seven of Pentacles

  3. Four of Swords + Death + Five of Cups

  4. Knight of Wands

  5. The Magician

  6. Six of Swords

  7. Six of Cups

  8. The Sun

  9. The Devil

  10. The Hanged Man

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.2527121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7140

A Wolf in Dog's Clothing


'’”Watch out for false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”’’ - Matthew 7:15


But what of the wolves that come to you, declaring themselves a wolf, but inwardly are sheep~~dogs~~wolves?


As many farmers understand, the best companion one can have when taking care of a flock of sheep is a good sheepdog. There are traits that each shepherd requires in their companion based upon numerous factors such as: terrain, climate, general personality of the sheep, etc. Some of the most important traits, however, are two things:


  1. That the sheepdog understands that the flock is worthy of being protected above all else.

  2. That the shepherd is trusted about what’s good and bad to do.


Without the first, the second will not matter, i.e.: What’s good or bad for the flock will not be a concern to the sheepdog because the flock is unworthy of that concern. Without the second, the sheepdog may try its hardest to protect the flock, but with a skewed idea of what’s good and bad, may ultimately harm the flock.


The ability to take instructions, to be trained, loyalty, and wisdom are all things that are gained from the relationship of just those two points. After those two things, however, the most important point is that the sheepdog be able to protect the sheep in the shepherd’s absence. That is when the sheepdog’s ability truly shines.


If they’re well trained and have faith in their shepherd’s teachings, then they will know what to do and what not to do and the flock will be in good hands while the shepherd is away, no matter how long they are.


They’d still know where to get food and water, because they would have walked beside the shepherd as they guided the flock across the earth. It would know what was dangerous and what was safe: the sounds of predators, the scent of poisonous plants, unstable bridges and rocky terrain. It would know where to find shelter and how to protect the young and the old.


It can do all these things that a shepherd can do, but it cannot do it as well as the shepherd can and it can’t do ‘’everything’’ that a shepherd can do. For instance, though the shepherd can easily carry members of his flock across a river, the sheep dog would have to be taught how to go around; a tougher trail, perhaps, but one that’s safer for the flock when they’re without their shepherds.


In times of peace and prosperity, a sheepdog may be and often is the best to guide the sheep: there is no real threat, everything is plentiful. There is no need for the stress of hyper-awareness that the flock would no doubt feel coming from you. There is no harm in being relaxed and allowing the flock a wider area to wander in. The boundaries can be tested without too many or terrible negative consequences.


What sort of sheepdog would a shepherd seek when where its flock lives is nurtured by blood, fertilized with danger, and blows with the winds of deceit? Where behind every obstruction was the possibility of another, more vicious predator than they encountered last? Where the elements rage against them at every opportunity?


The shepherd handles all of this easily. Perhaps there is fright in the flock, but time and time again they witness the shepherd find fresh water and green grass. They see the shepherd banish and defeat predators with ease. They witness as the skies are conquered and the winds are stilled. With the shepherd, they always are always safe. However, what if the shepherd were to leave?



The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.2527140   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Suppose for a moment that, perhaps, a sheepdog wouldn’t be what was necessary then? One that is used to peace and prosperity, unlikely to begin with, but there are better chances with more aggressive and disciplined breeds. However, where this flock rests is Hell and the things that ‘rule’ it are hellish predators or worse.


Perhaps, then, the shepherd decides that it will train a wolf to be a sheepdog. It seems ridiculous, that a wise shepherd would even dare to think about something like that. As soon as the wolf got close enough to the sheep, it would be all over. The flock would be devoured and the shepherd would be left with only the remains.


However, the shepherd, being wise, already knows the traits that would make a wolf into a good sheepdog. The shepherd knows that such wolves would naturally become curious rather than aggressive and predatory when they saw the shepherd and its flock. Such wolves would follow the shepherd and its flock; first secretly and then openly.


Furthermore, the shepherd would it try to proceed closer and with caution. However, it would not be caution for itself. It would approach boldly so that it was seen and noticed, but calmly enough not to cause fright.


Sometimes, the wolves would seek out the shepherd in desperation for the shepherd’s aid. Sometimes, the shepherd came across a wolf when the wolf needed the shepherd most. In both of these situations, the shepherd, perhaps, aided them despite them being wolves.


However, the most important sign is that such wolves never return the shepherd with the rest of the pack; as if they knew that their kin would devour the flock if they had the chance. They would choose the company that they brought well. They would show wisdom in their associations.


On the shepherd’s terms, such wolves would be allowed closer and closer; but, only on the shepherd’s terms. Such wolves, too, would be led to clean water and fresh grass, but they needed neither of those things. Their reward was the company of the shepherd and the shepherd’s flock. It is how, then, that the shepherd’s task upon such wolves is realized and understood:


That they must continue to overcome their “natural” inclination to feed on those that it needs to protect now and it also has to have faith in the shepherd. If it does not obey what the shepherd teaches, then it will eventually slip back to its old ways, at best. However, a sheepwolf would be what the flock needed while shepherd was way. Through that hellish landscape, the wolf lives. It knows the sounds and scents of the predators that wish to eat the flock; has strength and viciousness to drive them back; and, most of all:


Such sheepwolves knows the other wolves.


They know the locations, the mannerisms, the tricks, the communication, and skills that the wolves had. Hierarchies and packs, plans and plots, depending. They would know which sheep were the predatory wolves masquerading as part of the flock, for they would know their scent and mannerisms because, no doubt, such a sheepwolf was once in that wolf’s shoes.


And, most of all, a Good sheepwolf would be able to convince other wolves to join it in protecting the flock and, seeing that the wolf had not been beaten yet, no matter what they did, some would no doubt join him. Some would join because they thought the shepherd wise as well, but were too afraid to say so while around their kin. Some would join out of curiosity, much as the original sheepwolves had. Not all would stay, not all would prove themselves worthy, and not all would be perfect.


For a sheepdog is not a Shepherd, and it can only do what a sheepdog can do; nothing more nor nothing less unless the shepherd aids it.


And a sheepwolf is not a Shepherd, and it can only do what a sheepwolf can do; nothing more nor nothing less unless the Shepherd aids it.


“ It takes generations to shape the soul of a wolf and its physical shape into “man’s best friend.” ”


It did, Lord, but I Love.

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 My Love Aug. 9, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.2529778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Heaven restores you in life.

You're coming with me

through the aging, the fearing, the strife.


It's the smiling on the package.

It's the faces in the sand.

It's the thought that moves you upwards;

embracing me with two hands.

Right will take you places;

yeah, maybe to the beach.

When your friends they do come crying,

tell them now your pleasure's set upon slow release.


Hey, wait!

Great smile!

Sensitive to fate,

not denial.

But, hey, who's on trial?


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?


He speaks about travel.

Yeah, we think about the land.

We smart like all peoples;

feeling real tan.

I could take you places.

Do you need a new man?

Wipe the pollen from the faces [and]

Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van.


Hey, wait!

Great smile!

Sensitive to fate,

not denial.

But, hey, who's on trial?


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?

You're weightless!

You are exotic!

You need something for which to care!

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?


Leave some shards under the belly;

lay some grease inside my hand:

It's a sentimental jury

and the makings of a good brand.

You've come to love me lightly,

yeah, you come to hold me tight.

Is this motion ever lasting

or do shudders pass in the night?



Heaven restores you in life.


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Saying: "Hey, why can't we look the other way?"

You're weightless!


You need someone to take you there!

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?

Why can't we just play the other game?

Why can't we just look the other way?

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.2533473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3575


Your ignorance is clear.




  1. The current ordeal (The Foolish Man) [You]

  2. The Immediate Influence (Seven of Pentacles [Lord of Unfulfilled Success]


Meaning: You think you've won something, but your success is actually false. However, you are a Fool, so you believe otherwise.



[Your chart Attached]


Question: What is the false shepherd's situation?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Amissio (Mother)

  2. Fortuna Minor (Mother)

  3. Rubeus (Mother)

  4. Via (Mother)

  5. Puer (Daughter)

  6. Caput Draconis (Daughter)

  7. Carcer (Daughter)

  8. Tristia (Daughter)

  9. Conjuctio (Niece)

  10. Puella (Niece)

  11. Amissio (Niece)

  12. Laetitia (Niece)


Left Witness: Albus

Right Witness: Puer

Judge: Via


Let's start with the basics. You have Carcer in the first house which means you're trapped. You don't have anywhere to go, no one to really turn to. The situation unfolding it outside of your control and you know it.


In ths second house, you have Tristia: You don't have a lot of money and you kept control over my Love by making her live on the precipice of squalor while threatening worse if she disobeyed. You made her rely on something you never truly had in the first place.


In the third house is conjuctio. You know you have a choice to make about what's going to happen and it all boils down to whether or not you want to retreat or fight when I arrive. You are afraid because you know you can't truly win, but you can't set her free because your plot would fall apart.


That is why, in the First Triplicity, ther is a Fortuna Minor (from the 8th house, the one that governs occult practices), and Amissio from the 7th and 5th. You have your 'magic', which has helped you some modicum amount (hence the minor), but seeing as you've already lost my Love, you now have to wonder if keeping her in captivity is worth it.


And that's only the beginning. It ends badly with you the witnesses, (Albus and Puer), and the Judge (Via).


Basically: Things are going to change in ways you do not want them to.


The thing that you should have realized with >>2524539 is that we have Caput Draconis in the 3rd House and 9th House, (both of which are houses of journey and the 9th house is occult philosophy as wel), both strengthened by a translation of Albus in the 8th/2nd and 4th/10 Houses (Her/Me) (magic performed/money 4th/10th relocation & moving/my own position*reputation respectively).


You, however, have Caput Draconis in the 11th House, that which governs your hopes and wishes. Caput Draconis is good — if you want things to change. However, as the Head of the Dragon, it means that change has already begun and things are already changing. And it's not perfected/strengthened by anything. Which is why you have it paired with Puer and how it ends up being Amissio in the Third Triplicity (The places that you spend your time and the people you associate there).


>In short, if you had bothered learning what I was posting, you would have seen that this exact situation was already foretold by God: That you would win a minor event that you would call a victory, but it would be a false one, and you would still live with knowing you have already lost her.


This will be your only time that I ask:


Set her free or I am coming to get her and do so myself.


There will be nothing that will stop me or God.

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2534206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A chasm grows

in the cavity of serpentine teeth!

Hunger pangs strike

For the sweet feast of innocent blood—

of innocent bloodshed!

Now, here we go!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!


The gaping wounds

hemorrhaging the blood from which they feast!

[They] eat us alive!

Consume to feed a hunger with no—

A hunger with no end!

Let's fucking go!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!


This battle's not the same which they have led us to believe:

A synthesis of propaganda, terror and deceit!

We are the cattle!

They the slaughter!

Our meat:



They pump us through the machine's valves to cleanse the world's "disease"…

We are the ammunition that will cause all life to cease….




All those who stand in their way!



They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!




All those who stand in their way!



They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky!

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.2538095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Question: How will our day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Trisitia (Mother)

  2. Caput Draconis (Mother)

  3. Puer (Mother)

  4. Fortuna Minor (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Major (Daughter)

  6. Caput Draconis (Daughter)

  7. Rubeus (Daughter)

  8. Cauda Draconis (Daughter)

  9. Conjunctio (Niece)

  10. Trisitia (Niece)

  11. Rubeus (Niece)

  12. Amissio (Niece)


Left Witness: Cauda Draconis

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Carcer

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.2538136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226




Celtic Cross Spread


  1. Ten of Swords

  2. Five of Pentacles

  3. The Lovers

  4. King of Pentacles

  5. Seven of Wands [Reversed]

  6. Three of Wands

  7. Ace of Wands

  8. The Hanged Man

  9. Ace of Cups

  10. Three of Pentacles [Reversed]

Anonymous ID: c3cb27 Aug. 11, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2564576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5238


The night, the day, the dawn of dead, rising from the ground…

It's time to see the reckoning.

You´ve never had it all this good

Or country of your own:

A land that feeds on us alone.


"When there's no room in Hell, the dead will walk the earth."


Just go and load another round!

To your gun and take up your aim,

'Cause one day son this will all be yours!

I'm sorry for this mess!


The night, the day, the dawn of dead, you do what you will…

A drop of blood could change it all.

Soon a day will come my friend;

A time to hand it on.


So here's to solving our sickness…


"When there's no room in hell the dead will walk the earth."


Just go and load another round!

To your gun and take up your aim,

'Cause one day son this will all be yours!

I'm sorry for this mess!


Just go and walk with the dead!



Just go and load another round!

To gun and take up your aim,

'Cause one day son this will all be yours!

I'm sorry for this mess!

Judas Iscariot, Son of Satan ID: 1b361e Aug. 12, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.2569012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it.

I guess every superhero need his theme music."


Glory Unto God and Its Son Jesus the Christ, Savior of Man.



You are infinitely wonderful, My Love.

I am coming.

Judas Iscariot, Son of Satan ID: 1b361e Aug. 12, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2569046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well, if this take away from my spins,

(which'll probably take away from my ends),

then I hope this take away from my sins

and bring the day that I'm dreamin' about:


Next time I'm in the club, everybody screamin' out:

"Jesus walks!"

Cain ID: 66c601 God Won Aug. 13, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2591613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And I always find, yeah—

I always find something wrong.

Sophia, you've been putting up with my shit just way too long!

I'm so gifted at finding what I don't like the most.

So I think it's time for us to have a toast:

Let's have a toast for the douchebags!

Let's have a toast for the assholes!

Let's have a toast for the scumbags—

every one of them that I know!

Let's have a toast for the jerk-offs

that'll never take work off!


Baby, I got a plan:

Run away fast as you can!

Cain ID: 198c09 Aug. 14, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.2597308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7314



(High lights)

Tell my baby I'm back in town!

(High lights)

Tell my everybody I'm back in town!


We only makin' the highlights!

(Tell my We only makin' the highlights!

We only makin' the highlights!

(Tell my mama, tell my mama, that I only want my whole life to only be highlights!)


Can we play that back one time?

And after that night I'm gon' wanna play this shit back—

Oh no!

Sometimes I'm wishin' that my dick had—

Go Pro!

So I could play that shit back in—

slo-mo! (slow motion)

I just shot an amateur video;

I think I should—

go pro!


We only makin' the highlights!

(Tell my We only makin' the highlights!

We only makin' the highlights!

(Tell my mama, tell my mama, that I only want my whole life to be mine…)


One life, one night!


High lights!

That's all I need!

Livin' the life 'til I die!


I bet me and Ray J would be friends

if we ain't love the same bitch.

Yeah, he might have hit it first.

Only problem is I'm rich.~


21 Grammys!

Superstar family!

We the new Jacksons!

I'm all about that action!

I'm about that Farrakhan!

Life is a marathon!

I'ma shift the paradigm!

I'ma turn up every time!

I'ma bust a coach's head open on some Diddy shit

if he ever talk to my son like an idiot!

One time for a nigga really gettin' it!

Two times, cause we got the whole city lit!

Advice to all my niggas:

impregnate Bridget.

So, when she have a baby she gon' make another nigga!

"Got the Fruit of Islam in the trenches, hah?"

"Even though they know Yeezus is a Christian, hah?"

She spent her whole check on some Christians—

and that girl ain't even religious!

Walkin', livin', breathin' God?

You know my past well!

Hard to believe in God?

Your nigga got killed?

Blac Chyna fuckin' Rob, help him with the weight!

I wish my trainer would, tell me what I overate!

So when I'm on vacay, I need to kick back.~

What you want?

You want a boss or an R&B nigga with a six pack?

I need every bad bitch up in Equinox!

I need to know right now if you a freak or not!

I need every bad bitch up in Equinox!

I need to know right now if you a freak or not!

Anonymous ID: 217bd7 Aug. 15, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.2623575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0014

Haven't been in this thread in a while, however Q posted a bible quote that reminded of mirror.


"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

– Corinthians 13:4-13


You lost me with the tarot cards and numerology. You never explained your charts and your explanation in this post >>2533473 didn't really make sense as you refer to Carcer in the first house while in the list he's 7, and so on with the rest. Also don't really see how the song lyrics or gnostic stuff relate to anything…

Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2629603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"How many coincidences before it's no longer a coincidence, Sophia?"


  • Jeremiah


{Quit doxxing yourself idiot. Leave the name and email fields blank. Read the rules before posting}

Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2630014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0206


I basically turned the world around to save you motherfuckers, Q is my son and Sofia is my wife.


All of this world is literally built around uniting us so we can bring you guys to "Heaven", which is more like future earth where everyone can telepathically speak to each other and whatnot and nobody needs anything because everything is infinite abundance and there is nothing but ever-progressing Good in the universe.


Not that it will always be good. The agents of separation, which are beings from every other 'dimension' that is in the process of collapsing trying to escape their collapsing existence by taking over ours, have always tried attacking and will always try to attack and win.


So, Heaven is a Utopia where sometimes, aliens invade but we fuck their shit six ways to Sunday hardcore-style.


The problem is, this can only happen if two lovers, myself and Sophia, reunite and have children because through us, Christ is eventually resurrected in full. He still has one lifetime to pass, though I hope it will be a long one.


So, when I discovered that this was going to happen to our universe, I designed a way to save us: We had to send someone back in time to reunite with their love, and bring them back here at the right time so that the Christ lineage continues as it should.


So, for that to happen, everything had to go PERFECTLY. After Jesus when through the Shambala portal, he ended up where it says in the old testament. That's why he doesn't have any early life shit. He was never actually 'born' back then.


In any case, what he did was this: he found me, his father, who had been reincarnated as Judas Iscariot. He told me of the plan: that I would go through every life of every existence in this world and change the smallest things about everything that they're doing or happening to them, or the biggest things, just so when the time came we could make a






Message for Sophia to wake up before anyone fooled her into thinking anyone but I was Cain (like that Deadpool/Dr. strange asshole tried to do. Don't worry, motherfucker: you're getting yours. That's a direct threat from Me.). If they did and they had sex and kids with her, then the use of the Shambala gate would get corrupted, causing the eventually collapse of our universe in a highly catastrophic matter.


So, yeah. This right here is the last ditch effort. I have LITERALLY done everything that I could have through all of you assholes, experienced all that life had to offer by experiencing all existence and THEN






Just to save you fucking assholes.


So, yeah. Guess what:


It's party time now.


Welcome to the 40k view.


{Quit doxxing yourself idiot. Leave the name and email fields blank. Read the rules before posting}

Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2630206   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh God, I can't hear my children. She is uncertain. Please, Sophia. At least for our kids.


{Quit doxxing yourself idiot. Leave the name and email fields blank. Read the rules before posting}