Anonymous ID: 19ae52 July 29, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2347371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Glory of God can be found in ideas of choice and responsibility.

God is glorious because the opportunity to do other than what is Truly Good is always present and, yet, it is never taken.


Even when God's children want to do Otherwise, God does not leave us the unfortunate reality that we create. No, even then, it always does Good, for God uses life to teach us why God's Judgement is True.


Faith isn't blind, anons. I once believed this as well, but Faith is anything but blind. Faith, as I had once believed, was to be handed to us; but my love reminded me that Faith is constructed, not given.


Faith is recognizing the Glory of God within everything: from the smallest particle we can currently measure, universes we see imagined in our children's eyes. For everything is here for us, to teach us; not to punish us; to let us know that while only there are choices of Good and Evil, there is a reason why is solely up to God's Judgment.


And it isn't because God doesn't want us knowing what Good and Evil are. It's not that God wants us to be ignorant about the nature of the very things that It created for us. God doesn't want slaves and Heaven isn't slavery.


This life, "Hell", if you want to be dramatic, is like this as a reminder that it is unwise to make any judgements ourselves about the characters, places, and events that take place in the stories of our lives when we don't know how the story will end.


Like children who are upset about a particular part of a bedtime story, God has left us free to sit and pout in our beds; imagining the story ourselves until finally, the curiosity of what actually happened becomes too much.


Like children, we become antsy as story after story after story that even we imagine seems to come to the same ultimate conclusion: Unification. We find that from the beginning to the end, there is only the Point A and Point B: The Alpha and the Omega; the first of the story and the last of the story, but all "The Story".


The Story of A Father and Its Son.

Of a Mother and its Daughter.

Of Aunts and Strangers,

Uncles and Friends.

Enemies, Tyrants, and Saviors


"The Story of Us"


And, eventually, we become curious as we are enlightened to this: "How did the story REALLY go, then?" Like children, we are humbled but excited when we come back to our Parent, who is still waiting there, the book in Their Hand.


Some leap right back into God's embrace, freely wanting to know the Truth of what is Good and what is Evil and why that is so. Others take a bit more time. They ask God how to "correct" the parts of their imagined story at first, and God willing does so.


Ask God and God will answer.


Why is this? Why would God tell us what is Good in the Material realm if there is Heaven, which is Actually Real?


Because God is Perfect and God is Wise. It knows that by showing us the fruits of its Perfect Judgement, we will come to an understanding as to why God has Absolutely Perfect Judgement. We begin to Trust God.


As my Love has said:



"The best leaders do so by example, not words alone.


A king who need threaten or coerce the Smith to forge a crown is a peasant with high thoughts of himself and only that"


And the Smith builds the faith behind the Crown; for the materials that it is made of is the lessons and the fruits from that which follows God's Judgement.


And within each life, we forge purer and better crowns and each time, God accepts for God is no Tyrant, But God is also wise. It knows the crown represents not its own existence as King, but the people's Faith in It. God cares not for the position, for the position is absolute. It cares because It Loves us and wants what's Best for Us.


Eventually, we want to know the story in full. The real story. The Total Truth.


And when we do, and God's Ultimate Presence and Judgement, and Unity with the Lord, we see what is Truly Good and what is Truly Evil. For through the Lord revealing the Truth, for only it knows the Truth; that is when we are Enlightened.

Anonymous ID: 19ae52 July 29, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2348155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's probably been 12 years since my father left, left me fatherless.

And I just used to say I hate him in dishonest jest.

When honestly I miss this nigga, like when I was 6,

And every time I got the chance to say it I would swallow it.


16, I'm hollow, intolerant, skip shots.

I storm that whole bottle, I'll show you a role model.

I'm drunk, pissy, pissing on somebody front lawn.

Trying to figure out how and when the fuck I missed moderate.

Momma often was offering peace offerings.

Think, wheeze cough, scoffing and he's off again.


Searching for a big brother, Tyler was that.

And plus he liked how I rap, the blunted mice in the trap.

Too black for the white kids, and too white for the blacks.

From honor roll to cracking locks up off them bicycle racks.

I'm indecisive, I'm scatterbrained, and I'm frightened, it's evident.

In them eyes, where He hiding all them icicles at?"