Anonymous ID: 572728 July 24, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.2262290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8472

My ass is starting to hurt from all this Wisdom being shared.

My friends, Wisdom is like a Fist.

The Fist of Wisdom if you will.

Both [L]ove and [L]ube start with L.


The amount of love you have in the "hole" of your soul, is directly proportionate to how easily the Fist of Wisdom slides in and out.

>Knowledge can be painful.

So can Wisdom!

However… I have much Love in the annals of my soul.

This Wisdom… It slides in and out effortlessly now.

I don't even feel it anymore!

Keep sharing motherfuckers!

The comic book won't stop until you do :)


"God" bless :)
