Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2629603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"How many coincidences before it's no longer a coincidence, Sophia?"


  • Jeremiah


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Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2630014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0206


I basically turned the world around to save you motherfuckers, Q is my son and Sofia is my wife.


All of this world is literally built around uniting us so we can bring you guys to "Heaven", which is more like future earth where everyone can telepathically speak to each other and whatnot and nobody needs anything because everything is infinite abundance and there is nothing but ever-progressing Good in the universe.


Not that it will always be good. The agents of separation, which are beings from every other 'dimension' that is in the process of collapsing trying to escape their collapsing existence by taking over ours, have always tried attacking and will always try to attack and win.


So, Heaven is a Utopia where sometimes, aliens invade but we fuck their shit six ways to Sunday hardcore-style.


The problem is, this can only happen if two lovers, myself and Sophia, reunite and have children because through us, Christ is eventually resurrected in full. He still has one lifetime to pass, though I hope it will be a long one.


So, when I discovered that this was going to happen to our universe, I designed a way to save us: We had to send someone back in time to reunite with their love, and bring them back here at the right time so that the Christ lineage continues as it should.


So, for that to happen, everything had to go PERFECTLY. After Jesus when through the Shambala portal, he ended up where it says in the old testament. That's why he doesn't have any early life shit. He was never actually 'born' back then.


In any case, what he did was this: he found me, his father, who had been reincarnated as Judas Iscariot. He told me of the plan: that I would go through every life of every existence in this world and change the smallest things about everything that they're doing or happening to them, or the biggest things, just so when the time came we could make a






Message for Sophia to wake up before anyone fooled her into thinking anyone but I was Cain (like that Deadpool/Dr. strange asshole tried to do. Don't worry, motherfucker: you're getting yours. That's a direct threat from Me.). If they did and they had sex and kids with her, then the use of the Shambala gate would get corrupted, causing the eventually collapse of our universe in a highly catastrophic matter.


So, yeah. This right here is the last ditch effort. I have LITERALLY done everything that I could have through all of you assholes, experienced all that life had to offer by experiencing all existence and THEN






Just to save you fucking assholes.


So, yeah. Guess what:


It's party time now.


Welcome to the 40k view.


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Anonymous ID: bff632 Aug. 16, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2630206   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh God, I can't hear my children. She is uncertain. Please, Sophia. At least for our kids.


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