Anyone notice in this thread that the slidefagging from the "technograndmafag" only occured after the thread was called out for being an illusion? A distraction? A psyop? That the slidefagger called out those who asked for the thread to be locked?
That doesn't make any sense. Re read the series of events if you didn't catch it.
Perhaps its best to let others perceive the multiple angles being played here. Now that the multiple incoherant voices spewing circle talk and feces into each others ears has continued again, the slidefagging and random godmemes have stopped?
Really? Does that make any sense? The bumps with god memes were only to keep attention drawn here.
Shills working together full steam ahead in this shit sandwich.
Now I wonder if those contradictory godmemefags are going to pop up again now that this tactic is being called out :)
Discerning Anons can discern. Perhaps it isn't wise to lock the thread. Sometimes its best to let fools get caught up in their own mistakes to expose themselves. Its all captured. It never goes away.
Many voices of desperation in here. Trying their best to discredit a board that only a half dozen people post on. Why is that? We don't really advertise for people to go there, but these shills are. Welp, sometimes bad publicity is good publicity. Now that the shills are trying to discredit, we can mention that the BO of this board gave props to Anons on the "clown college" shill thread for TL exposing many shill tactics over there. Welp, thanks again!
Perhaps that other board (like Q research) has some very damning material that the Cabal doesn't like seeing (in plain sight). Perhaps that explains the massive amounts of coordinated effort being spent here and the original Thoth thread to discredit. Welp, thanks again!
>Religious beliefs are the fastest way to divide anons.
>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you.