Anonymous ID: 2544de realness July 21, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.2231510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5278 >>9640


everything is real

nothing is unreal

what is the difference between everything and nothing?

everything encompasses two sets of existences

the known ones and the unknown ones

nothing is absence of existence

something is real when it exists

realness of existence is not caused by ur acknowledgement

u can be unconscious but also conscious of existence

u can also make an unknown existence known


now to the seperation part

u r not god u r part of god u r most likely human

human is fallible human can be evil the divine part of god aspect of the human can judge his evilness conscious or unconscious, this aspect of other humans can as well and together form THE judgement of GOD think hivemind as god is working thru us humans

evil is either absence of good or opposite of good thru conscious effort

question is can the link between human and divine be severed so that the ppl doing the evil dont judge themselves as part of god?

if so is this divine part in the human permanently gone or merely unconscious of itself? (research socio-/psychopathology)

permanently gone would suggest transfer from everything to nothingness

isnt there some natural law that would prevent this?

well my point is: dont make a case that evil ppl dont actually perfom evil things and that its god that is doing thinking of evil

did u even think of the consequences that would have? its basically an excuse for satanists or am i getting that wrong

btw imagination is not the opposite of real imagination is a real concept and can have physical consequences if thats ur imprisoned interpretation of real