Anonymous ID: 23bbdc July 20, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2224314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9066 >>4442 >>9640


>So you are saying that everything God knows will manifest, and since he knows all, everything possible will manifest.


Yes, but one must remember that there is two "types" of manifestation:


"Real" (Heaven, which is a place in which only God's judgement of what is Good truly manifests)

And "Imagined" (Material world/"Hell" where all is "possible")


The way that evil manifests is purely in the "Imagined" (material) world (held within the God-Mind), because its very existence is to provide a place in which the desires of God's expressions that do not agree with God's judgement can manifest, basically keeping the "real" (Heaven) realm free from evil.


If I had to describe it in a better way: It is less a many worlds theory and more of a filter. Things that go against God's judgement essentially stay in the God-Mind instead of being actualized in Heaven.


In a way, I suppose you could say everything here is a God "Dream" where our minds are 'free' to pick and choose whatever we want from the infinite God-Mind, but it only stays in the God-Mind. (song related)



>I like your other explanation much better, that evil results from using our free will to separate ourselves from God and his Absolute Knowldege of Good and Evil, or 'playing the guessing game'.


Essentially what I am saying. Evil can manifest here because it is a place in which we imagine ourselves separate from God and Its True and Absolute Judgement; a place where our will is free to manifest, with all of its problems and solutions that come with our limited scope.


I am not saying that there is a multiverse and I am not saying that the "unrealness" of the material world makes it unimportant. In fact, by allowing our decisions (thus the possibility and eventuality of evil) to manifest here, we can learn why it God's Judgement is Absolutely True. So, the material world is very important in that aspect! Think of it as a place of learning!


Ultimately, any multiverse that shows up in this 'realm' is just another imagined layer of separation from God.


I am not saying, though, that any multiverse within this realm is inherently bad or good. I cannot and will not judge.


Hopefully, that explains it better. If not, please tell me and I will attempt again. Language can be a messy affair.



>Thinking this through, something must've started the separation.


Correct. Remember: All separation from God is imagined. So, while God inherently knows Unity, it also knows separation. However, separation and Unity cannot coexist on the same level. Additionally, one cannot truly divide God for God is Infinite, thus separation can never be "real". It must always be "imagined".


So, inevitably, if someone or something goes against God's Judgement, they imagine separation from God. That is Satan's role and that is why Satan will always lose: Satan, despite what Satan thinks, is only doing God wills and, ultimately, cannot even truly effect God for Satan's 'kingdom' isn't "real".


Hence, the Prince of Lies.

Separation from God is a Lie. Imagined.


Think of the Fall like this:


God: "This is what is Good. I know this because I know all."


Satan and its ilk: "Through our limited scope, this can't possibly be good! We know what is good better than God!"



>I'm guessing it was the Nephilim, did they never realize they were a manifestation of God or did they just forget?


The nephilim are the children of the Fallen.


You have to remember how prideful and foolish we were. Think of it less as never realizing or forgetting and more about willfully ignoring.


And willfully ignoring works best when humanity is also fooled into thinking they are separate from God as well.


Fools leading the blind.

Anonymous ID: 23bbdc July 20, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.2224998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2217201 (Another bread)

The Q Plan to Uproot Hundreds of Years of Evil


Not my thread and do not take my endorsement as saying as it is the absolute Truth, but I find the contents of that thread ring true from my experiences.