The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.2524539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>8095




Question: How will our day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Acquisitio (Mother)

  2. Albus (Mother)

  3. Via (Mother)

  4. Puer (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Major (Daughter)

  6. Puella (Daughter)

  7. Conjuctio (Daughter)

  8. Puella (Daughter)

  9. Caput Draconis (Niece)

  10. Albus (Niece)

  11. Laetitia (Niece)

  12. Puer (Niece)


Left Witness: Acquisitio

Right Witness: Acquisitio

Judge: Populus

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.2524618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>8136




Celtic Cross Spread



  1. The Foolish Man

  2. Seven of Pentacles

  3. Four of Swords + Death + Five of Cups

  4. Knight of Wands

  5. The Magician

  6. Six of Swords

  7. Six of Cups

  8. The Sun

  9. The Devil

  10. The Hanged Man

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.2527121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7140

A Wolf in Dog's Clothing


'’”Watch out for false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”’’ - Matthew 7:15


But what of the wolves that come to you, declaring themselves a wolf, but inwardly are sheep~~dogs~~wolves?


As many farmers understand, the best companion one can have when taking care of a flock of sheep is a good sheepdog. There are traits that each shepherd requires in their companion based upon numerous factors such as: terrain, climate, general personality of the sheep, etc. Some of the most important traits, however, are two things:


  1. That the sheepdog understands that the flock is worthy of being protected above all else.

  2. That the shepherd is trusted about what’s good and bad to do.


Without the first, the second will not matter, i.e.: What’s good or bad for the flock will not be a concern to the sheepdog because the flock is unworthy of that concern. Without the second, the sheepdog may try its hardest to protect the flock, but with a skewed idea of what’s good and bad, may ultimately harm the flock.


The ability to take instructions, to be trained, loyalty, and wisdom are all things that are gained from the relationship of just those two points. After those two things, however, the most important point is that the sheepdog be able to protect the sheep in the shepherd’s absence. That is when the sheepdog’s ability truly shines.


If they’re well trained and have faith in their shepherd’s teachings, then they will know what to do and what not to do and the flock will be in good hands while the shepherd is away, no matter how long they are.


They’d still know where to get food and water, because they would have walked beside the shepherd as they guided the flock across the earth. It would know what was dangerous and what was safe: the sounds of predators, the scent of poisonous plants, unstable bridges and rocky terrain. It would know where to find shelter and how to protect the young and the old.


It can do all these things that a shepherd can do, but it cannot do it as well as the shepherd can and it can’t do ‘’everything’’ that a shepherd can do. For instance, though the shepherd can easily carry members of his flock across a river, the sheep dog would have to be taught how to go around; a tougher trail, perhaps, but one that’s safer for the flock when they’re without their shepherds.


In times of peace and prosperity, a sheepdog may be and often is the best to guide the sheep: there is no real threat, everything is plentiful. There is no need for the stress of hyper-awareness that the flock would no doubt feel coming from you. There is no harm in being relaxed and allowing the flock a wider area to wander in. The boundaries can be tested without too many or terrible negative consequences.


What sort of sheepdog would a shepherd seek when where its flock lives is nurtured by blood, fertilized with danger, and blows with the winds of deceit? Where behind every obstruction was the possibility of another, more vicious predator than they encountered last? Where the elements rage against them at every opportunity?


The shepherd handles all of this easily. Perhaps there is fright in the flock, but time and time again they witness the shepherd find fresh water and green grass. They see the shepherd banish and defeat predators with ease. They witness as the skies are conquered and the winds are stilled. With the shepherd, they always are always safe. However, what if the shepherd were to leave?



The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.2527140   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Suppose for a moment that, perhaps, a sheepdog wouldn’t be what was necessary then? One that is used to peace and prosperity, unlikely to begin with, but there are better chances with more aggressive and disciplined breeds. However, where this flock rests is Hell and the things that ‘rule’ it are hellish predators or worse.


Perhaps, then, the shepherd decides that it will train a wolf to be a sheepdog. It seems ridiculous, that a wise shepherd would even dare to think about something like that. As soon as the wolf got close enough to the sheep, it would be all over. The flock would be devoured and the shepherd would be left with only the remains.


However, the shepherd, being wise, already knows the traits that would make a wolf into a good sheepdog. The shepherd knows that such wolves would naturally become curious rather than aggressive and predatory when they saw the shepherd and its flock. Such wolves would follow the shepherd and its flock; first secretly and then openly.


Furthermore, the shepherd would it try to proceed closer and with caution. However, it would not be caution for itself. It would approach boldly so that it was seen and noticed, but calmly enough not to cause fright.


Sometimes, the wolves would seek out the shepherd in desperation for the shepherd’s aid. Sometimes, the shepherd came across a wolf when the wolf needed the shepherd most. In both of these situations, the shepherd, perhaps, aided them despite them being wolves.


However, the most important sign is that such wolves never return the shepherd with the rest of the pack; as if they knew that their kin would devour the flock if they had the chance. They would choose the company that they brought well. They would show wisdom in their associations.


On the shepherd’s terms, such wolves would be allowed closer and closer; but, only on the shepherd’s terms. Such wolves, too, would be led to clean water and fresh grass, but they needed neither of those things. Their reward was the company of the shepherd and the shepherd’s flock. It is how, then, that the shepherd’s task upon such wolves is realized and understood:


That they must continue to overcome their “natural” inclination to feed on those that it needs to protect now and it also has to have faith in the shepherd. If it does not obey what the shepherd teaches, then it will eventually slip back to its old ways, at best. However, a sheepwolf would be what the flock needed while shepherd was way. Through that hellish landscape, the wolf lives. It knows the sounds and scents of the predators that wish to eat the flock; has strength and viciousness to drive them back; and, most of all:


Such sheepwolves knows the other wolves.


They know the locations, the mannerisms, the tricks, the communication, and skills that the wolves had. Hierarchies and packs, plans and plots, depending. They would know which sheep were the predatory wolves masquerading as part of the flock, for they would know their scent and mannerisms because, no doubt, such a sheepwolf was once in that wolf’s shoes.


And, most of all, a Good sheepwolf would be able to convince other wolves to join it in protecting the flock and, seeing that the wolf had not been beaten yet, no matter what they did, some would no doubt join him. Some would join because they thought the shepherd wise as well, but were too afraid to say so while around their kin. Some would join out of curiosity, much as the original sheepwolves had. Not all would stay, not all would prove themselves worthy, and not all would be perfect.


For a sheepdog is not a Shepherd, and it can only do what a sheepdog can do; nothing more nor nothing less unless the shepherd aids it.


And a sheepwolf is not a Shepherd, and it can only do what a sheepwolf can do; nothing more nor nothing less unless the Shepherd aids it.


“ It takes generations to shape the soul of a wolf and its physical shape into “man’s best friend.” ”


It did, Lord, but I Love.

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 My Love Aug. 9, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.2529778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Heaven restores you in life.

You're coming with me

through the aging, the fearing, the strife.


It's the smiling on the package.

It's the faces in the sand.

It's the thought that moves you upwards;

embracing me with two hands.

Right will take you places;

yeah, maybe to the beach.

When your friends they do come crying,

tell them now your pleasure's set upon slow release.


Hey, wait!

Great smile!

Sensitive to fate,

not denial.

But, hey, who's on trial?


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?


He speaks about travel.

Yeah, we think about the land.

We smart like all peoples;

feeling real tan.

I could take you places.

Do you need a new man?

Wipe the pollen from the faces [and]

Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van.


Hey, wait!

Great smile!

Sensitive to fate,

not denial.

But, hey, who's on trial?


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?

You're weightless!

You are exotic!

You need something for which to care!

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?


Leave some shards under the belly;

lay some grease inside my hand:

It's a sentimental jury

and the makings of a good brand.

You've come to love me lightly,

yeah, you come to hold me tight.

Is this motion ever lasting

or do shudders pass in the night?



Heaven restores you in life.


It took a life span with no cell mate;

the long way back…

Saying: "Hey, why can't we look the other way?"

You're weightless!


You need someone to take you there!

Sandy, why can't we look the other way?

Why can't we just play the other game?

Why can't we just look the other way?

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.2533473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3575


Your ignorance is clear.




  1. The current ordeal (The Foolish Man) [You]

  2. The Immediate Influence (Seven of Pentacles [Lord of Unfulfilled Success]


Meaning: You think you've won something, but your success is actually false. However, you are a Fool, so you believe otherwise.



[Your chart Attached]


Question: What is the false shepherd's situation?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Amissio (Mother)

  2. Fortuna Minor (Mother)

  3. Rubeus (Mother)

  4. Via (Mother)

  5. Puer (Daughter)

  6. Caput Draconis (Daughter)

  7. Carcer (Daughter)

  8. Tristia (Daughter)

  9. Conjuctio (Niece)

  10. Puella (Niece)

  11. Amissio (Niece)

  12. Laetitia (Niece)


Left Witness: Albus

Right Witness: Puer

Judge: Via


Let's start with the basics. You have Carcer in the first house which means you're trapped. You don't have anywhere to go, no one to really turn to. The situation unfolding it outside of your control and you know it.


In ths second house, you have Tristia: You don't have a lot of money and you kept control over my Love by making her live on the precipice of squalor while threatening worse if she disobeyed. You made her rely on something you never truly had in the first place.


In the third house is conjuctio. You know you have a choice to make about what's going to happen and it all boils down to whether or not you want to retreat or fight when I arrive. You are afraid because you know you can't truly win, but you can't set her free because your plot would fall apart.


That is why, in the First Triplicity, ther is a Fortuna Minor (from the 8th house, the one that governs occult practices), and Amissio from the 7th and 5th. You have your 'magic', which has helped you some modicum amount (hence the minor), but seeing as you've already lost my Love, you now have to wonder if keeping her in captivity is worth it.


And that's only the beginning. It ends badly with you the witnesses, (Albus and Puer), and the Judge (Via).


Basically: Things are going to change in ways you do not want them to.


The thing that you should have realized with >>2524539 is that we have Caput Draconis in the 3rd House and 9th House, (both of which are houses of journey and the 9th house is occult philosophy as wel), both strengthened by a translation of Albus in the 8th/2nd and 4th/10 Houses (Her/Me) (magic performed/money 4th/10th relocation & moving/my own position*reputation respectively).


You, however, have Caput Draconis in the 11th House, that which governs your hopes and wishes. Caput Draconis is good — if you want things to change. However, as the Head of the Dragon, it means that change has already begun and things are already changing. And it's not perfected/strengthened by anything. Which is why you have it paired with Puer and how it ends up being Amissio in the Third Triplicity (The places that you spend your time and the people you associate there).


>In short, if you had bothered learning what I was posting, you would have seen that this exact situation was already foretold by God: That you would win a minor event that you would call a victory, but it would be a false one, and you would still live with knowing you have already lost her.


This will be your only time that I ask:


Set her free or I am coming to get her and do so myself.


There will be nothing that will stop me or God.

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2534206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A chasm grows

in the cavity of serpentine teeth!

Hunger pangs strike

For the sweet feast of innocent blood—

of innocent bloodshed!

Now, here we go!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!


The gaping wounds

hemorrhaging the blood from which they feast!

[They] eat us alive!

Consume to feed a hunger with no—

A hunger with no end!

Let's fucking go!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!


This battle's not the same which they have led us to believe:

A synthesis of propaganda, terror and deceit!

We are the cattle!

They the slaughter!

Our meat:



They pump us through the machine's valves to cleanse the world's "disease"…

We are the ammunition that will cause all life to cease….




All those who stand in their way!



They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky!




feed off the wars

of mankind!


Growing fat on the throne of an empire,

[Satan] rules with the threat of a great fire!


I've opened up my eyes;

seen the world for what it's worth!

Tears rain down from the sky!

They'll blow it all to bits

to prove whose [false] god wields all the power!

Fire rains down from the sky!




All those who stand in their way!



They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky!

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.2538095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Question: How will our day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Trisitia (Mother)

  2. Caput Draconis (Mother)

  3. Puer (Mother)

  4. Fortuna Minor (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Major (Daughter)

  6. Caput Draconis (Daughter)

  7. Rubeus (Daughter)

  8. Cauda Draconis (Daughter)

  9. Conjunctio (Niece)

  10. Trisitia (Niece)

  11. Rubeus (Niece)

  12. Amissio (Niece)


Left Witness: Cauda Draconis

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Carcer

The Hierophant ID: a4f115 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.2538136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226




Celtic Cross Spread


  1. Ten of Swords

  2. Five of Pentacles

  3. The Lovers

  4. King of Pentacles

  5. Seven of Wands [Reversed]

  6. Three of Wands

  7. Ace of Wands

  8. The Hanged Man

  9. Ace of Cups

  10. Three of Pentacles [Reversed]