The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Geomancy Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.2479432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9449 >>9507



Question: How will my day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Puella (Mother)

  2. Laetitia (Mother)

  3. Conjuctio (Mother)

  4. Albus (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Minor (Daughter)

  6. Albus (Daughter)

  7. Puella (Daughter)

  8. Laetitia (Daughter)

  9. Fortuna Major (Niece)

  10. Rubeus (Niece)

  11. Cauda Draconis (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Major (Niece)


Left Witness: Puer

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Amissio

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.2479449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9460 >>9507 >>6129




Question: How will my day go?

Asked: God

Questioner: Myself



  1. Puella (Mother)

  2. Laetitia (Mother)

  3. Conjuctio (Mother)

  4. Albus (Mother)

  5. Fortuna Minor (Daughter)

  6. Albus (Daughter)

  7. Puella (Daughter)

  8. Laetitia (Daughter)

  9. Fortuna Major (Niece)

  10. Rubeus (Niece)

  11. Cauda Draconis (Niece)

  12. Fortuna Major (Niece)


Left Witness: Puer

Right Witness: Caput Draconis

Judge: Amissio

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Tarot Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.2479507   🗄️.is 🔗kun




All years should be 2018.

Apologies, it will be trying days for me (and already has been). I may not be at my best.

Worry not. The Faith will be kept, but understand that I am not perfect, so typos will happen, but all is as God decrees.

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Tarot Readings Aug. 6, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.2479731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344



>Links have been provided for those unfamiliar with this particular deck.

God indicated the importance of two cards by having them fall out the deck while shuffling, and one by having it face the wrong direction, (revealed in the middle of shuffling):


>The Lovers


>Ace of Swords


>The Devil


The devil is of note, because while I was driving, I saw 666 in the usual manner that God sends messages to me while driving. I was told that the devil is working against me at this time and that I should be aware.


Celtic Cross Spread

  1. Present Position: "Two of Swords" (Lord of Peace Restored)

  2. Immediate Influence: "The Hanged Man" (Spirit of the Mighty Waters)

  3. Goal or Destiny: "Four of Swords" (Lord of Rest from Strife)

  4. Distant Past Foundation: "Two of Wands" (Lord of Dominion)

  5. Recent Past Events: "Temperance" (Daughter of the Reconcilers) [Reversed]

  6. Future Influence: "Princess of Cups" (Princess of the Palace of Floods)

  7. The Questioner: "Fortitude" (Daughter of the Flaming Sword)

  8. Environmental Factors: "Ace of Pentacles" (Lord of the Root of the Powers of Earth)

  9. Inner Emotions: "King of Cups" (Prince of the Chariot of Waters)

  10. Final Result: "Three of Wands" (Lord of Established Strength)

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Numerology Aug. 6, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.2480000   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Much like the "666" that was shown to me, the number "45" was as well. Unlike the 666, I was informed of a numerological importance and, as such, have included it here:


>All are excerpts from "Numerology and the Divine Triangle" by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker


45/9 (5 working through 4 to produce 9)



>Old friends, partial gains, learning experiences.

There can be gains and inheritances during this cycle, though perhaps they are not up to your expectations. You should not brood over any partial losses that occur now. Use what you gain to initiate something new. Do not spend your energy regreting past mistakes. Learn from them and proceed onward. There willb e sufficient gains here for you to realize that a bettr use of your personal energy will bring even more reward the next time around.


An old friend may return for a visit and remind you of your past. Use discrimination in dealing with those you encounter; don't expect too much from them. When you have successfully learned from the past and let go of it, you will form new alliances that will open doors to the future. You will become aware of some of your own resources which you have overlooked until now.


Tarot Symbolism: "Five of Cups" (Lord of Loss in Pleasure)



>Change, communication, sex, new interests, travel.

If you are uperating under a 5 at this time, you feel restless and excited. Change, adventure and the lure of new vistas beckoon you. Travel is very much a part of this cycle and if you do not travel physically, then you must certainly will mentally. It is time to break out of stagnant conditions and investigate new opportunties. You are attracted to home study courses, adult education, hobbies, and new mental intersts of all kinds, because this is a period of mental growth and development.


You may be faced with situations that require decisions and choices, for 5 indicates two paths. This can be a turning point for you…


…With your strong desire for change, you may very well decide, or be froced, to change jobs or partners, to move or, or alter your lifestyle considerably. At times it may seem lthat others are forcing a move, but it is your own need for these changes that sets up the situations. Sometimes the need for change is acted out by others, but nevertheless it is caused by your own subconscious energies.


Tarot Symbolism: "The Hierophant" (Magus of the Eternal God)



>Work, finances, building, practicality.

At this time, you must measure, classify, record, regulate and compose yourself as well as your affairs and environment.m You must attend to everyday, earthy matters and handle them through your own efforts and actions…


…During this period reason reigns. The number 4 is symbolic of a square window, through which we see; therefore, you must exercise vision, insight and analysis. Because you are able to see into the heart of any situation, you may be called upon to use your reason and judgement…


…Previous hidden aspects of the past may be revealed during this period, which allow you to correct fault judgements from an earlier time; this is because the 4 implies the door of opportunity through which you can pass into a new life…


…However, the crux of this vibration is responsibility, work and accomplishment. It is a time to make solid foundations…

Tarot Symbolism: "The Emperor" (Son of the Morning)



>Changes, endings, charity, inspiration.


Tarot Symbolism: "The Hermit" (Magus of the Voice of Light)

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.2480655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8403

心在るが故に妬み - I envy because of the heart

心在るが故に喰らい - I glutton because of the heart

心在るが故に奪い - I covet because of the heart

心在るが故に傲り - I am prideful because of the heart

心在るが故に惰り(あなどり)- I sloth because of the heart

心在るが故に怒り - I rage because of the heart

心在るが故に - Because of the heart

お前のすべてを欲する - I lust for everything about you

The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2490834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0854


Raking the Infinite Sands


'Part I: Why?'


It’s hard to imagine why things are as they have been. Throughout life’s twists and turns, were are continuously confronted with a single question: Why? Intuitively, we grapple for causes of the effects that we have seen. For many, the search is as simple as it is shallow: what is experienced before is the cause. For others, it’s a deeper search: one that’s bound in the tangled web of mathematics, pieced apart by philosophy, or studied in excruciating detail by science.


Regardless, the quest remains the same: that of meaning and purpose. Caught between the chaos of a life with far too many variables to consider, we make due with what will bring us to the next event what ever that may be. For instance, many of us know, shallowly, how cars work and the more knowledgeable become fewer and fewer as the specificity of its construction and machination increase. Yet, knowledge of a car does not need to go beyond the bare necessities in order to be operated.


Until something out of the ordinary occurs.


The brakes lock, the engine locks down, the mileage suddenly increases.


Often, we seek to find causes for these things only when they affect us negatively; yet, when a car is performing better, rarely do we consider the causes behind a cursory glance and, even that, is debatable. Often, the idea of “luck” is used as a substitution for what can either not be explained or does not want to be considered.


However, the idea of “luck” is a strange thing. It is assumes a chaotic event that has no cause that can be defined; an event that has no source other than in the moment. When the idea of “luck” is applied, it brings with it the lack of reason. “Why” is answered with “just because” and, thus, meaning is subtly extracted from what we experience.


Yet, when things go awry, we are quick to find the sources of it. “Bad luck” is certainly an idea, but it is one where reason for misfortune has not be found or recognized, not that it isn’t sought after.


Why is it that when things go ‘bad’, we search for the meaning around us, but when things do not, we more readily accept the idea that events could exist without causes or meaning? Why is it that we more readily accept a chaotic view of the world when things are ‘right’, but demand order and reason (even if it is not ultimately observed), when things go wrong?


It’s a strange existence because, on the one hand, it can be recognized that there may be an inherent purpose and order in the world; yet, on the other hand, the choice to not do so is readily taken. Is it that there is not any inherent purpose or meaning, and that searching for it, even in times of misfortune is blindly grasping at things that will make sense in trying times? Or is it that, when there are times of peace, when everything is in working order, we do not feel it necessary to take a look at the parts that make up the ‘machine’?


“It is working. There is no need to investigate.”


“Do not look gift horses in the mouth.”


Alas, things do not simply go awry by random. “Luck”, both sides of it, are a seed of belief that events are disconnected from one another; that something unseen or unnoticed could not truly affect something experienced.


The car’s engine does not break down randomly: there are steps in which this occurs, reasons for it happening, causes that lead to the effect. A person can, and often thinks, that because they have not noticed it, it cannot be real; that it cannot have an effect. Yet, this cannot be true. For it to be true, cars wouldn’t often break down and, if they did, there would be no reason to ever hold a manufacturer liable no matter what the supposed ‘cause’ was.


For better or worse, many people seem to grasp for meaning, purpose, and cause only when the machine seems to malfunction. Only then do we try to take account for everything that we did, everything that others did, and everything we plan to do. It’s as if there is suddenly a realization that there is meaning to the world around us and people try to frantically find it for the brief moment that its presence is noted. Not only do is it noticed that there is an order in the world, it is often immediately believed that something is ‘wrong’ with that order; that the machine is broken.


Many, when their cars cease working properly, take it to an expert. Who is the expert on our lives, though? To whom do we seek the knowledge of order? Who can see the causes that lead to the effects?



The Hierophant ID: 6ec015 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:20 p.m. No.2490854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478




Well, if we examine particular parts of the world around us, we can find an expert for almost any particular thing; but there is not a shop to go to, not a company to inquire about, nor a forum that has an expert on everything. Yet, it is precisely that expert that is required when our ‘broken’ lives are examined; for, the world is too big, the amount of choices being made by people too large, the causes too many for anything in this material world to be an expert on everything.


Many, when they discover this, retreat back to chaos: where their lives are an interconnected pieces of non-interconnected events, filled with people that interact with one another, but ultimately have no meaning and effect on it. A life that has gone back to “luck” and “bad luck”, “fortunate” and “unfortunate”; where the good can die young and the evil live for much longer, seemingly without meaning or purpose.


It is there that they wait, either anxious about the next time their lives may randomly “break” or caught completely by surprise when it does. It is as if mankind is perfectly happy living under the idea and assumption of chaos, but only as long as it continues to benefit fit them. When it fails, the veil is torn down, however briefly, and the truth is revealed:


Everything is connected.

All events have causes.

There is meaning and purpose to everything.


No matter how hard it is tried, living in chaos will inevitably give glimpses of the underlying order; possibly not directly, but its presence undeniable. The realization that somehow a choice was made somewhere by someone that caused what occurred. The feeling that somehow, everything that exists is connected and affecting everything else.


Then, in those moments, where we spot the shadow of or gleam the machine directly, we understand that someone had to make the machine and then we ask a single question:




Meaning is asked for, as is purpose. It is often demanded. Yet, the ‘Why’ is possibly the most simple answer:


The signs of the car being in an unhealthy state were always present; they were simply not noticed. If they had been, they could have been corrected and the problem solved before it started or, in a way that impacted our lives in a less negative fashion. They simply built up more and more until they could not be ignored anymore and had to be fixed.


“Why does God allow evil?”


Is it possible because it is the only way for us to notice, as things build up and up and up, that something is wrong with the machine that we’ve been using? That our use of it was improper and unwise and the effects would eventually catch up to us? For, like everything else, evil cannot simply exist. It is the effect of a series of causes. So, when it is expressed and utilized, it is an expression of what came before: the machine breaking down.


God did not send suffering; it is simply the natural cause of utilizing the machine of life improperly for so long that its effects are more obvious to us. It is a call to expand our awareness to the fact that everything is connected, everything has meaning, and thus, every choice must be made with the utmost wisdom for it to be assured to be for it to be good.


So, if everything around us is operating by limited awareness, then what hope do we have? There are experts for many things, but no experts on everything; and if there are no experts on everything, how can we safely say that anyone is truly knowledgeable on something? To be so would require not only knowledge about the subject in particular, by everything that shapes that subject: down to the smallest atom or the largest celestial body; everything that could possibly have an effect would need to be known.


At once, we are confronted with a truth: That to ask “Why?” is an expression of the knowledge of something that can know and something that does know; the very expert through which we can correct the machine of our lives with absolute certainty that it will be for the best.


When we ask “Why?” about the things around us, we are not only inquiring about the subject or event, but we are operating under the innate belief that there is something to inquire to that has those qualities. When order is glimpsed from the chaos, the presence of God reveals Itself, even if not directly.