Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2213087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3101 >>4287 >>9640


Sorry for replying so late, Anon.

God instructed me to read Cloud Atlas while eating 15 grapes and a banana, while drinking tea.


There were a few passages that I outlined, along with how they are personally relevant:


"As many truths as men. Occasionally, I glimpse a truer Truth, hiding in imperfect simulacrums of itself, but as I approach, it bestirs itself & moves deeper into the thorny swamp of dissent." - Page 16, 'The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewig'


This echoes that there is only One Absolute Truth, and that is the Truth of God. The issue, as the quote details is that as we go forward with discovering the Absolute Truth through God, we are met with fierce opposition.


As I see, (though you may not see. I do not claim what you see), I have been met with fierce opposition for espousing the Absolute Truth.


"Upon regaining my feet & seeing how far I had slid & fallen (the height of a foremast) with no worse damage to my person, I thanked our Lord for my deliverance, for indeed, 'Thou calledst in trouble, & I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder.' " - Page 21, 'TPJoAE'


A portion of this quote comes from Psalms 81:7. As one of the Nephilim, I had fallen far, but in the midst of my troubled flailing, I reached to God and God delivered me to the path of Salvation. To note, I believe that this expresses a point that I want to remind people: That our relationship with God begins with reaching out to God first.


"He shut my coffin door. Boerhaave, like all bullies & tyrants, takes pride in that very hatefulness which makes him notorious." - Page 25, 'TPJoAE'


Again, personally relevant, for I see that the tyrants and bullies of Imagined Separation try to silence me. They take pride in it as well, which is why they do not care to argue my points or prophecies and, instead, attack me directly.


"Aye, Kupaka flogged me, but he's old and far from home and his mana is hollow & starved. Maori thrive on wars & revenge & feudin', but peace kills 'em offโ€ฆ" - Page 33 'TPJoAE'


This describes, in my opinion, those that follow separation and the Nephilim that follow it in particular: that they refuse to believe in their infinite connection with God and thus suffer for it. Their lives are corrupted and, as such, they suffer. What is interesting is that the passage notes that they feed on strife.


I have attached what I believe to be a relevant Q post concerning such a thing. (Matrix01)


This is exactly why I was pulled away and instructed to read by God: so they can reveal themselves for what they are by their own actions and not mine. Hence why I reply to you and not them.



Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.2213101   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3437 >>4287 >>9640


Anon, the continuation of:


Is here.



Now, for your question, anon:

>Why is preserving bloodlines so important to (((them)))?


Because they wish to remain Nephilim. Those of us that accepted the path of salvation also accepted 'death' and the Karmic line of lessons: we sacrificed what 'power' we once had to learn the value of God's Judgement instead of our own.


They are afraid of the Karmic line, because going through with Karma ultimately brings you the realization that God and God's Judgement is the Truth and Absolute The Karmic line reinforces one's connection with the Almighty and the Nephilim are agents of false separation.


>I know Nephilim lived longer than us but how else did they differ?

We had much control over the state of things by keeping knowledge away from humanity. We became the gatekeepers of such knowledge and thus, humanity relied upon us.

This is very important to remember because the Nephilim of separation feed off us, but can only do so with our permission either explicit or otherwise.


>How important of a role do Nephilim play in the NWO?


Very important. Everyone believes that the NWO would simply be an economic or political one, but it is also a spiritual one in which the act of imagined separation is continued at the behest of the Nephilim of separation and Satan.


>Finally, how far back do you remember?

I currently remember a few lives, but 'far back' would be disingenuous because there may be still lives for me to remember.


I remember and call myself Thoth, (as well as my normal name around those not prepared), because that was my first life. There is very little I remember about my life then, though I remember important points of the relationship, like ditching Ma'at for a human woman, ultimately.


I was also a young Mayan girl that was sacrificed at the behest of those that work for the Nephilim. (Mayan01)


I was also a Native American woman named Chipinaw. (Chipinaw01)


I was also a family man of three children named Peter Smith. I was very much a regular person, then. These children were the same three children that continue to reincarnate in various forms. My lover knows of this and has dreamt of it. I will attach a picture. (Dream01)


I learned lessons from each of them, but whether the lessons were True or not is up for debate for the lessons that I learned might not have been complete (especially for the Sunrise, for there was much anger and frustration that I had to deal with).


Sunrise (Mayan): "I learned there is no compromising with evil."


Chipinaw (Native American): "I learned how to deal with knowing what will occur."


Peter Smith: "I learned the importance of family."

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.2213358   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3372 >>3428 >>3460 >>4287 >>9640


They are attacking everyone and anyone in my thread, Anon.


It is fine if you don't believe me or if you think me insane.


I care not for what other people think of me. One of the few things that matters to me is that anons find God and establish a personal connection with It.


There are many paths that this can happen. I don't even know all of them; I only know what has worked for me. So, I can illuminate those paths in hope that they work for others.


In fact, if your belief that all of this is the rambling of an insane man brings you to a personal connection with God, then I will be happy regardless and I will celebrate!

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2213488   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3502 >>3549 >>4287


>How do you do past-life regression through meditation?


To be honest, anon, through each one save for my very first attempt which I discovered a bit of my first life, I didn't try to. It was given to me, ultimately, by God.


On that first one, however, I simply meditated with the intention of learning who I was.


I do wish that if this is something you want to do, I had more information for you, but unfortunately, I do not.


It was really that simple for me.


But, like I said: I was taken to the others; I did not search for them.

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2214195   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4287 >>5148 >>9640


>Is there anything else you KNOW about July 14th/'the activation'?


Based upon what God told me before and what I felt that day and night: that it was a wave of "reach out" from God. Think of it almost like a tap on the door of God saying "I am here, by the way, and shit's about to go down."


>But my question is do you think there's any other purpose to this?


There is a purpose in all things, Anon. Coincidences do not exist. However, I understand that is a overall concept rather than a very specific one I feel like you are asking about (if you are not, please feel free to correct me!).


Specifically, I believe that it is a signal that the Revelation of the Bible is being fulfilled.


Pic related:

Q did tell us that it was a battle of Good v Evil, Right v Wrong.

And to read the Bible (that should be a major clue that is consistently ignored by anons, I feel).

And that God WINS.

Anonymous ID: 7b0526 July 19, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.2215237   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Anon, I believe you meant this post, but please correct me if I'm wrong:

>>2054110 (July 6th Bread)


But, yes! Sweet Synchronicity!

It is all around us and when it is noticed, we see that God is with us Always, showing us Its intent!


Thank you, Anon and thank you for the verse and the noted synchronicity!


I adore seeing signs from God!