Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 20, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2224037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4314

Thoth-Anon, I just read your pastebin that you linked to earlier in the thread and I disagree with you on a few aspects.


You say "since God knows all, God knows Evil as well; so Evil WILL manifest just as Good will.". So you are saying that everything God knows will manifest, and since he knows all, everything possible will manifest. That just sounds like a recycled version of the many worlds theory. Are you agreeing with that theory?


I like your other explanation much better, that evil results from using our free will to separate ourselves from God and his Absolute Knowldege of Good and Evil, or 'playing the guessing game'.


Thinking this through, something must've started the separation. I'm guessing it was the Nephilim, did they never realize they were a manifestation of God or did they just forget?

Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 22, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2243129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701 >>3708 >>3723


I disagree I think Mueller and RR were bad hats but are being blackmailed over their roles in U1, and other major cover ups.



Thoth-Anon I just had another really unique dream, never had anything like it. It was like an episode of 24 at first then like the movie inception. It started out with a crazy action packed dream, I'll get back to that in minute. I want to jump straight to the unique part.


After the action packed dream the next thing I remember is I'm at home telling my family about it. I think it actually happened and everyone is telling me I'm crazy, that it was a dream. I thought to myself well then, I'll tell Thoth-Anon about it and see if there were any messages I'm missing. Next thing I know I wake up in my apartment, for real this time.


Ok, now back to action part of the dream. It started out with me going through an old basement and finding 4 bodies were buried there, somehow I connected them to the Beatles, I think the owner of the house whom I knew had dated a Beatle at one point. Next thing I know I'm in a hotel room in the UK. Out of nowhere Prince Harry bursts through the door, talking to someone on the phone about how he had just found a nuke hidden in a wall. He then goes to my wall and cuts it open, revealing a bomb, and yells at me to cut a specific wire. I'm a little afraid its the wrong one, but I say a prayer and cut it, it's successfully defused and then the action part of the dream ended.


At first I thought it was meaningless, but defusing that bomb reminded me of Q drop 619:

How do you defuse a bomb?

Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?


This is my favorite analogy for why Trump's promise to drain the swamp is taking so long, but I had forgotten it. It was a nice reminder of this for me, and since I actually thought about sharing it with you in the dream I figured I would do it in real life too.

Anonymous ID: 442bb2 July 22, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.2245471   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for helping to interpret my dream! I was hesitant to ask, I understand dreams are usually based on personal experience and therefore interpretation should be left to the individual.


However, since I clearly remember thinking I should ask you about it in the dream, I decided to go ahead and do it, even though I felt the dream was off topic and unimportant. I almost completely ignored it because I thought the idea of Prince Harry doing something good was ridiculous, but I'm glad I didn't ignore it! As usual your response was very enlightening!


Lately I've been thinking a lot about how I will explain things to my friends and family when the arrests start. With the help of you and many others I feel like I have a broad understanding of most of it, including the 40k+ view.


Recently I've been feeling the best way to describe the cabal is to compare it to a more powerful version of the mafia, that does things the mafia won't do because of their values, like human trafficking and infiltration of the government. Starting there, I felt I could explain just how sick the cabal was, and some of the most important things we've learned about the cabal very quickly. I thought that if I showed the stats on how bad human trafficking was, explained the real reason for the outrage over child seperation, and showed statistics on how Trump is close to topping the number of arrests that happened in Obama's 8 years, that I could explain how the cabal operates and the depths of their degenerency in one fell swoop.


You, by interpreting my dream, helped me to realize I was wrong. As you said "not everyone is ready for some things at the present moment" and "there are many that would simply write off what you say as a dream and/or think you mad".


I'm now back to thinking the best way to explain the cabal is to start with the deep state, the corruption/resignations/removals in the FBI, DOJ, and Congress. It is a very slow redpill, burdened by political bias, and is a very indirect way to explain the degeneracy of the cabal, but it is necessary. Very few people are ready for the big picture. I realize now the defusing a bomb analogy applies not only to taking down the cabal, but to explaining it as well. Go at it the wrong way, and BOOM, it blows up in your face, and all your credibility and progress on red pilling someone will be ruined.


Everything else about the Beatles is very interesting. I was not aware of any of it, although I did read yesterday that Jimmy Savile was connected to the Beatles, so I think that's why they were on my mind. I think there's definitely some truth in that theory you posted, at least with their hidden messages and connections to the cabal. I will be watching the UK closely. I have read that the Queen meeting with Trump was a portion of the cabal surrending, willing to play ball on things like Assange in return for Trump not outing their pedo network.