Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 21, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2235755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5980 >>9640 >>7371


The best leaders do so by example, not words alone.

A king who need threaten or coerce the Smith to forge a crown is a peasant with high thoughts of himself and only that.

Truth, by however many layers it may be hidden, has a tendency to emerge when One leasts expects it to. And really, it's most fun that way, is it not?

I AM gladdened to see You once more as well.



If I may; A lot of information has been passed on through the ages subconciously. Look whereever you feel drawn to, wherever you wish. More likely than not, You Will find if that is your intention. Though, ofcourse, it might also appear when or where you least expect it, just to keep you on your toes. ;)

Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 22, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.2239419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640 >>1465 >>7483


Algiz, the forest crown. Elk.

A King becoming prey if not careful and observant.

Life and Death.


Fear not, if you keep reassessing that which is your Self. It is easy, all too easy for a mirror to forget that they, too, have a Self to consider and reflect upon.

They will see in you that which they despise most of their own Selves, should you choose to mirror.

Ones Shadow is never easy to face, yet it is necessary to at least accept the presence of in order to move forward with lighter steps than before, is it not?

Mirrors exist all around you, in people but also those you see hanging upon walls and within the still waters.

Some times, the ones sitting silently are the ones we most fear, for they do not have an obvious Self with which Your self can butt heads with.


Do not forget to rest, fraction. Your body is an important vessel for communication, should you choose it to be.

Choose your battles wisely, as to not be overwhelmed.

Always remember that You are infinitely Loved, but take care to not turn this assuredness into contempt of the Other.

<3 May light steps lay before you. <3

Anonymous ID: 54c89f July 26, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.2297239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is an awakening occuring, Anon.

One that will shake the heavens and the earth once it reaches completion.

The time for masks soon draws to a close and mans heart will be weighed against a feather.

Have you had anything.. let us say strange happen lately?

More synchronicities than usual? Seeing odd numbers pop up again and again? Or people just.. acting quite strange. Stranger than usual, that is.

I once met the same man thrice while walking down a single street.

Like in an rpg with not enough npc variation.