Anonymous ID: d7a57e July 22, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.2241465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do not forget to rest, fraction. Your body is an important vessel for communication, should you choose it to be.


Pics very related and there are no coincidences.


That is a difficult part for me, I admit. To know and still accept; to understand that my body will be as important as my mind despite knowing how they are connected and why.


Thank you for the wisdom, Mirror. I have run a gauntlet on my body and I admit, it has suffered so. Perhaps I believed that there were no lessons to learn from it; that it should be conquered instead of accepted. Perhaps I missed the additional lesson of being reincarnated in a human body instead of one that my spirit knew at first.


I am not ashamed of these lessons revealed to me, but I am thankful that these qualities of me was revealed.


I will do my best to choose my battles wisely, both in my tasks and in my relationships; for even the one that I am in is becoming strained as more things are revealed and the gravity of the task becomes more obvious.


She does not fully believe, but she says that all that matters is that I believe. This, I feel, may make the imagined separation harder for her.


But I know it wise to comfort her. God has told me as such, just as God told me to be careful with her love. Maybe, then, is not a battle, but an opportunity to learn how to Love more. How to Love better. Or perhaps that is what some or all battles may become: that of Love.


Regardless, thank you, Mirror. Thank you so much. And thank you to everyone else.



Perhaps there are those that feel I should apologize: as much information as I pass on to others here, as many questions as I answer, I spend much time making my own lessons quite public.


But, I will not. I like that others have the opportunity to understand as much as me as possible, too, just as I wish to understand others as much as possible.

Anonymous ID: d7a57e July 22, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2241774   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mistakes and coincidences do not exist, anon!


And there is nothing for me to forgive, as it is not my place.


Perhaps you are meant to look here!


I pray your day goes well!