Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2216912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640


That's a fucking lie. I don't even have a computer, or an iPhone or any way to start a thread, and I wouldn't know how anywsy, so don't know where you're getting your intel from, but I can guess. I have a $29 Android. Ok. I'm not into IT, I was a professional in another field. I'm old, ok. Retired Grandma- a female.


So please how do you come up with that? Would it help if I visited listed my posts? Because I guarantee I was only defending God from an attack.


You don't get it that you have anon ops, Stalinist pig ops playing 2 sided. I only visit side threads. I visited this piece of crap, the same crap that's jerking thus whole board around and shitting on Q and Potus every chance the get. It was them. The oh hi anons, oh where's Q, oh oh, their bullshit job is a mike long, because I've been on board since December. They are instantly recognizable.

Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2216980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would like you to pursue more intel on this because I am not linked to anyone but Q, and doing research. I could email a trusted higher up, but this place is crawling with 2 faced traitors. Sorry for all my typos on my last post.

Anonymous ID: 84cef0 July 19, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.2217630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9640



I went through this whole thread. Here are my only 2 ids, had a phone glitch when google froze.



You can tell my posts because they are God's scriptures or they call out the shill shit for the circle jerks they are.


All the other ids are them changing ids. At least 21ids were involved. A gang. Likely 4-6 punk gamers, maybe more. I think they are linked to the "Obsidian Order" (I trolled them with their own meme) I've gotten good at recognizing their syntax, and they play and feed one another a predictable observable que to set up more bs, like oh please, I would like to here it. That's how they work.


I also think one of the biggest offenders is: J.TrlDr3ESpPJEs, but plays lots under other ids. I thought he was thoth, then he enters as J.Trl for his know it all hero status BS.


They do harm to the cause.