The Hierophant ID: 274c4c Tarot and Numerology July 31, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.2382988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3077 >>3256 >>7737

What I write now, I write as deemed by God.


The pictures that I post are three-fold: Today's tarot reading, Evidence of God's Command while going to the store, and excerpts from a book of Numerology which relate to the aforementioned evidence. What has been concealed has been concealed by God's instructions. The picture of the tarot box is not mine, but was pulled from an image search; neither are the pictures of the cards The Hierophant and The Magician. Those has been included at God's instructions, for God has decreed me as such. Additionally, as befor, the picture of the Hierophant has been edited because there is only God, not gods.


For those unfamiliar with Tarot, there are 10 portions that make up this spread known as the Celtic Cross, that relate to the questioner:


  1. Present Position.

  2. Immediate Influence.

  3. Goal or Destiny.

  4. Distant Past Foundation.

  5. Recent Past Events.

  6. Future Influence.

  7. The Questioner.

  8. Environmental Factors.

  9. Inner Emotions.

  10. Final Result.


It should be noted that the deck used for this reading is "The Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dowson: Based Upon the Esoteric Workings of the Secret Order of the Golden Dawn" (a link will be provided for meanings as they differ from the usual tarot decks); and they were pulled at the guidance of God just as their meanings were brought to fruition to me by God. There are no other 'entities' through which I do my readings; for there is none that knows All as God does. So, it is senseless for me to seek guidance from other things for these matters.


Note: It is by God that I declare that the result for "7. The Questioner" was pulled partially as a response to the thief that refers to themselves as Eye continously; for God has seen how they mock me with the The Fool card and though I had found it unnecessary for me to comment on such a tactic on that specific card, God has decreed that the thief be put in their place.



The Hierophant ID: 274c4c Tarot and Numerology July 31, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2383077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256




There is a story behind the Numerology evidence, one that is True in this world: On Sunday, a loved one requested that I go to the store to buy medicine for them and their child. As decreed by God, I accepted the task. Before I went, God instructed me to take five dollars in quarters.


When I arrived at the store, I asked my sister which one of the many medicines of that type she wanted and she informed me. God then instructed me to pay for the medicine with the quarters. I had asked God if I may buy other things; if doing so would still be aligned with the Ultimate Good. God decreed that I can, but I must pay it with my card.


I did so and the change came out to exactly 12 cents as you see on the receipt.


When I arrived home with the change still on my person, I realized that there is importance to the result of the transaction and I was enlightened and reminded of the study of numerology and, so, I looked the result up and God explained more to me.


For your knowledge, the book that the excerpts are from is "Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker".


As I have explained before in the other thread, numerology should be explained as a mirror. In this instance, 12 means 2 expresses/works through 1, to reach the sum of 3.


The explanations from the book, again, have been included.


All tools used were instructed by God to obtain.