Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2242457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An example of no coincidences or mistakes:


Today, God told me go to the grocery store, because I needed more distilled water (among other things). I always use a navigation app on my phone to help navigate since I have an awful memory.


God had instructed me, earlier, to listen to Kimbra's 'Cameo Lover' (linked) and, having found it extremely relevant to the situation myself and my lover are in, I continued listening to it while driving.


Well, on the way there, I missed a few turns! Instead of beating myself up over it, I reminded myself that everything happens for a reason and everything happens when it is supposed to happen. About a street away, I saw a worker of the grocery store that I go to and I stopped and offered them a ride the rest of the way there. They declined my offer in good spirits and all was well.


When I arrived at the grocery store, there was an older gentleman that was putting groceries in his car. He had one of the carts that were driven instead of guided. I offered to help him put them in his car and he accepted my offer.


I realized then that if I had arrived any sooner, the man would not have been outside for me to help!


Yet, if I had arrived any later, the man would have already been on his way!


It was a glorious reminder of the Glory of God!


Praise be unto It and Its Son, Jesus the Christ!

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2243701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3708 >>3723


God is telling me that I must be very careful when interpretting other people's dreams as I am not living your life, Anon. However, you are right, there are no coincidences. So, I will tread very carefully and I will ask God if my post is for the ultimate Good before I post it.


>It was like an episode of 24 at first, then like the movie inception.


It is interesting that you mention the show 24: When I was returning home from collecting the tools that God had sent me out to retrieve, I saw a truck that had (24) in bold letters on the back of it. I noted it, but I didn't look it up as an Angel Number as I usually do when my attention is brought to such things. Perhaps this was a good thing, because it is apparent that it may not have been a sign to look up a particular angel number, but to highlight the importance and link to your dream to me; almost a few 24 hours later. (pic related to show time I was gone and returned)


What is interesting about the movie Inception, (besides being a metaphor for movie-making), is that the plot leans heavily on inserting important meanings and messages in dreams, much as God does for us and our inner selves does for us as well.


>It started out with me going through an old basement and finding 4 bodies were buried there.


Have you heard of the theory that the original Beatles were killed and replaced? I, admittedly, don't know much about it, but I will link a couple pages based on a very brief search on the subject (thought I say nothing about the truthfulness of all their claims).


Basically, they might have been killed and replaced and the period after they were supposedly replaced is noted with a ramp-up of clearly occult references. I have stated before, among friends, that The Beatles became, essentially drug pushers; especially of LSD which was an attempt to get the rebellious parts of the population turned into psychological television rather than phyisical television.


Think: Lucy (Lucifer) in the Sky with Diamonds (Stars)

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2243708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723


>>2243701 (cont'd)


>I think the owner of the house whom I knew had dated a Beatle at one point.


This is very, very interesting. At one point, I had a graphic novel called "Baby's in Black" ( ), which describes Astrid Kircherr's (a photographer) relationship with a fifth Beatle (Stu Sutcliffe) who died. I am not sure if I still have it as many of my books were ruined in an apartment flooding that I caused years back. If I remember it correctly, the Beatles, at the time, did live in a dillapitated board room, but I may be wrong.


>Out of nowhere Prince Harry bursts through the door, talking to someone on the phone about how he had just found a nuke hidden in a wall.


Perhaps the nuke is a Truth that would bring the Beatles charade down all at once and terribly at that and possibly implicate the royalty. To note, Prince Harry would not have had anything to do with the Beatles because he's far too young, but Prince William did Knight Ringo Starr (after the period that the Beatles were supposedly replaced) and Paul McCartney has been knighted as well [ ].


>He then goes to my wall and cuts it open, revealing a bomb, and yells at me to cut a specific wire.


Prince Harry, having nothing to do with the Beatles conspiracy, might be afraid of how the public will react to him if they were to find out the royalty's supposed nefarious involvement with the Beatles. It should be noted, however, that in your dream, Prince Harry doesn't tell you to hide the nuke (unless that is something that you might have left out), but to defuse it. Meaning, that the existence of the nuke would still be known, but it wouldn't explode violently and cause collateral damage.


>I'm a little afraid its the wrong one, but I say a prayer and cut it, it's successfully defused and then the action part of the dream ended.

>At first I thought it was meaningless, but defusing that bomb reminded me of Q drop 619:

>"How do you defuse a bomb?

>Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?"


I believe you found your answer in your dream:

You pray. AKA Ask God.

Why? Because God knows All.


In this case, the question is: How do you prevent collateral damage when the truth comes out? You must be careful and know which wires to cut. By praying, you were able to defuse the bomb appropriately.

It should be noted, that if you had not defused the bomb, the nuke would have exploded. People would have known the truth, but it would have caused a great amount of distruction that could have been avoided. So, the question isn't 'how to stop the truth from coming out', but how to make sure the truth comes out appropriately so innocents are not harmed.


In that manner:


>This is my favorite analogy for why Trump's promise to drain the swamp is taking so long, but I had forgotten it… (ellipses as your post continued).


Your insight on that is entirely appropriate!

Anonymous ID: e0280b July 22, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.2243723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5471


>>2243701 (part 1)

>>2243708 (part 2)

>After the action packed dream the next thing I remember is I'm at home telling my family about it. I think it actually happened and everyone is telling me I'm crazy, that it was a dream.


This may be a personal warning to you, Anon. I would screen-cap your post, Anon, (and any other you find relevant) and save it for personal reasons. However, be careful with who you share your dream with should the truth fall in line with it. There are many that would simply write off what you say as a dream and/or think you mad.


Believe me, that is one of the hardest lessons that I had to learn. Not everyone is ready for some things at the present moment.


Thank you form sharing your dream, Anon!