Anonymous ID: 2b5a7f July 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2229066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0765


>All separation from God is imagined.

>one cannot truly divide God for God is Infinite

>thus separation can never be "real"


Would you say that imagination is real? If so, then wouldn't it also follow the separation imagined by some people is, by extension, also de facto real? The imagining of separation from God is God, implying God creates His own separatedness-from-Himself.


>our decisions


Are God's. I've been there done that with theodicy, and the resounding conclusion is God knew ahead of time what we would do, and went ahead and created the world anyway. His omniscience makes Him perfectly culpable for everything happening. By your own metaphysic, evil is a true part of God.


You must grant either your conception of God's judgment is in error, or the idea of "God judging" is meaningless. God judges Himself if He judges us, and if we're evil, then so is He.


>Fools leading the blind.

