Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 23, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2254436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6968

Well gents,


Eye guess it's back to the drawing board.

Eye have to admit, it was a poor little performance.

Just like that, another chapter in the comic book of life turns it's final page.

>What makes a movie GOOD? - Q

>GREAT actors. - Q

>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you. - Dr. Strange

>Doctor(s) treating. - Q

>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q

Roll the credits.

We're done here.

Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 24, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.2268472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2545



BO / BV, Thank you for your Temperance.

This thread has served more of a purpose than expected.

(((They))) thought they could derail.

(((They))) thought they could confuse.

(((They))) thought they could divide.

>Divide they try

>Fail they will


So now Anons,

Since so much effort was made to discredit a board with a half dozen posters, one must ask, why?

Why has Truthlegion faced months of relentless shill attacks?

Perhaps over the target in a bigly way?

So now that we're drawing attention in a big way, why not link you to what these shills are trying to discredit.

All the orig. Ra Anon posts, Secrets and Laws are there at TL (in plain sight).

There is a reason they were deleted from this board.

Certain equations, some Anons are just not ready for.

This is why TL and Q Research work in harmony and symbiosis of each other.

Didn't Q tell you?

>The more unrealistic it all becomes. - Q

>That end, to know, will be yours. - Q


There is a "Diversion" shill thread dedicated to this kind of foolery on TL.

Many tactics captured from many attacks.

Here you go;


Time… Time has a way of catching up with you.


>But your failures always have a way of catching up with you. - Dr. Strange

Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 25, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.2279807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040



It's a Psyop.

It's impersonation.

It's a distraction.

Since SO much attention has now been brought to this, I'll explain in more detail.

I am the original Ra Anon, and I was diverted off this board to another board during the DDOS attacks.

BO can confirm IP hashes.

In my original threads here, my posts were deleted, and gaslighting attacks were left up as the lasts posts while I was banned so I couldn't reply to them.

So all that was left visible was blatant attacks.

I am not attacking the BO, However there were most definitely comp'd BV's on this board several months ago.

Since then, for many months I was posting on TL.

That board has faced many attacks.


"Antman" was once a "trusted" Anon, then started preaching and claiming to be the voice of the one true infinite creator and God.

It got messy on TL.

He wasn't listening to anyone said after he started godfagging.

He disregarded all suggestion.

He disregarded all.

He became more and more blatant and defiant as he quoted scripture and continued to call himself the voice of the father and the voice of God.

Since then, the same routine has spilled over to this board.

In doing so, the exact same tactics were used.

The individuals who started this thread, were set out to attack

TL was never "Ra's" board.

Nor do I have BV there.

Simply guided over there after the attacks.

The attacks against myself directed here and on Truth Legion most likely won't cease any time soon.

I will simply capture them and expose them.

The truth can stand on it's own two legs.

(((They))) have always been working in pairs.

(((They))) have multiple devices and IP's to post from.

All tracked.

Now "Antman" has miraculously reappeared after calling out these tactics.

Now he is trying to gain my favor once again on TL even after this exposure.


>Love will be used against us, cuz let's face it, LOVE IS JUST AWESOME.


>The truth does not victimize itself. The truth can stand on it's own two legs.


>You can run… you can hide… but destiny has a way of finding you.


>Time reveals all…

Anonymous ID: f9f5d7 July 26, 2018, 2 p.m. No.2300798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433 >>1504 >>8720



Were you here near the beginning Anon?

Do you recall when the key of Q's map was found?

Do you recall seeing the Secrets and Laws?

Some equations people are just not ready for.

I've stepped over the line more than once.

I had to learn from my mistakes.

I was pushing too much too fast.

I've learned my lessons.

Review Q's latest posts.

Reference hiding things in clear sight.

This was part of my message from the start.

Sigil Magic.

Sometimes Time has a way of revealing things…

There is a reason my message was brutally attacked for many months.

There is a reason this thread was created to cause confusion and try to discredit that message.

If you were not here during the orig. Ra Anon posts, Secrets and Laws, than I apologize.

Time was not on your side.

I will not repost them on here.

They can be found elsewhere.

Since so much continued confusion is attempting to be sown, I will continue to clearly outline the tactics being used.

There were at least six shills working together on TL to create chaos and division.

Many masterful attempts.

All attempts failed.

You will not understand unless you were here from the start.

You will not understand if you do not read the entirety of the breads on the other board.

Eye would have never drawn attention to this if (((The Fools))) didn't make these psyop impersonation threads.

There were only a handful of Anons that kept making those connections.

The choice was always yours.

There are at least four to five shills working together in unison on this thread.

Doesn't that tell you something?

Have you heard the pilot's phrase?

>You know you're close to the target if you're catching flak.

Many (((Fools))) in this thread.

Only 1 Magician.

>Time reveals all…