Not sure. Not sure yet if it's the movie playing out or a move and countermove. Have to wait and see.
KEK. The dumbfuck just wants to play games rather than imitate or whine about personality it seems.
And there he is. Knew I could get the little twerp to do exactly what I told him to do. Sometimes the insult to pride is the best bait.
I like how delusional he is, fluffing the ego of the persona that last year he claimed that I was responsible for destroying. This is hilarious. Fuckin' lunatic.
Angry little retards trying to destroy someone by imitating someone. Anonymously. A person that only posts here and only here for years, well in the bunker on occasion when the board is down. Fuckin' idiots. It's been so successful over the past two years, hasn't it? I'd say your retarded divide and conquer narratives have been falling flat for years and everything you've done here is a fuckin' failure, but that's just me, paid to post clown shills. Ya l'il sniveling ratfuck failures.
Their meltdown is quite the thing to witness. Obsessed and self-imploding on one individual. In a war for the mind, what better thing to sacrifice than a mind?
Are you destroying or amplifying?