Muh chemtrails!
>30 minutes later
Another kek!
May 11, 1944
The bombers and hundreds of fighters flying escort, forming two missions four hours apart, filled the sky with contrails. Researchers from Lancaster University and the Environmental Agency in the U.K. combed through military and meteorological records and determined that the vast cloud cover created by aircraft condensation trails or contrails slowed the rise of temperatures on the ground that morning.
Dense and persistent condensation trails or contrails were produced by daytime US Army Air Force (USAAF) bombing raids, flown from England to Europe during World War II (WW2).
World War II contrails: a case study of aviation-induced cloudiness
>because of muh condensation.
Because of muh Internet!
Schmidt in Germany (1941) and Appleman in the United States (1953) independently developed the currently accepted theory of contrail formation. Their theory showed that the threshold temperature depended on the ambient pressure, temperature and humidity outside of the aircraft, and on the ratio of water vapor and heat released into the atmosphere by the aircraft exhaust. From this theory, Appleman developed a graphical method to determine when an aircraft would or would not form a contrail.
> A psyop to cover for their use of created cloud cover,
Kek. Try it yourself. Combust a liquid hydrocarbon fuel in cold air. Get off the couch for once.
>Contrails last less than 60 seconds
Under certain conditions, contrails can result in the formation of cirrus cloud cover. Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals and occur above 6 km, covering approximately 30% of the Earthโs surface. On balance, they absorb solar radiation and lead to warming. Air travel-induced cirrus clouds therefore significantly increase the climate effect of flying. Research shows that the influence of contrails and cirrus clouds on the climate is growing significantly, but that it is still difficult to model the overall effect well
If the conditions are right, these ice crystals grow and spread across the sky as a cloud. This happens when a plane travels through an area where a cloud was waiting to form, with the ice crystals forming behind the plane, triggering the formation of a larger cloud.
Clouds created by aircraft have a bigger impact than the emissions they emit
Contrails are trails of water vapor emitted from aircraft engines that condense and freeze around suspended particles at high altitude under certain atmospheric conditions. As can be observed when looking up at airplanes in the sky, contrails are not formed on all flights, and instead only when certain atmospheric conditions, including temperature and humidity levels, are present. Research suggests that aviation-induced cloudiness, or cirrus clouds caused by persistent contrails from aircraft, is estimated to be the largest contributor to warming by non-CO2 emissions, but with large uncertainties in the magnitude of the warming.
Negative. Insults are ineffective. I'm an Anon. Read a couple of the links on aircraft contrails and cirrus cloud formation. Reading them may help you understand the issue in greater depth.
Anons used to write that a lot. Eventually it became apparent that NewFags sincerely needed the help. Let me help you, Anon. Visitors and NewFags often resort to insults, invective, ad hominem, and ridicule when they have failed to prevail with logic and reason.
>patriots dont always look like mel gibson
Excellent point, Anon. Anyone in doubt should have the opportunity to visit RTC Naval Station Great Lakes on a Friday.
>I'm a descendant of people that freed slaves and stopped the holocaust
Have you been to any of the great monuments their descendants erected out of gratitude to your people, Anon?
>TRUMP's Pick.
The quote simply demonstrates that the Sheriff is aware of Federal responsibilities. Counties don't have the budgets or jail space to enforce Federal immigration laws without significant Federal assistance. As it is many county law enforcement agencies barely get any cooperation from the Federal government on immigration-related issues.
Made in America. Better than anime pussies from Japan.
>so that means he still won't
On the contrary. A new job brings new job responsibilities.
A sheriff has to manage county-wide law enforcement issues from traffic laws to homicides to illegal immigrant scumbags violating his perimeter and his citizens' daughters while running a jail overcrowded with illegals that kill his budget because now he has to provide translators and multi-lingual jail signs while being disrespected for the uniform he wears to work every day.
His new job will let him smash bad guys.
>declined by over 10 million since the start of the 2014 crisis following the Maidan coup
>without even taking into account the war-associated losses and emigration
Rural culture is resilient. What Ukrainian culture remains survived centuries of slave raids, the Russian civil war, the Revolution, The Holodomor, Nazi invasion and occupation, the Soviet era, the post-Soviet years, and, remarkably, one can still find videos on how to make authentic borscht on YouTube. The future of the culture depends on the post-war rebuilding and the potential fulfillment of the dream to make a new Jewish homeland in what is left of Ukraine.