The Great Awakening is that people are waking up to the fact that a group of 20 million people who call themselves Jews, is actually a Criminal Mafia Organization disguising itself as a race and a religion.
Rich people aren't rich without people who have less wealth than they do.
Wealth is a relative thing.
If you don't have more wealth than other people, then you aren't really wealthy, you are just middle class.
They have brainwashed you, good little Goyim.
The Tippy Top of the Pyramid is the Tribe.
All others fall under their jurisdiction and control.
Shabbat Goy.
The first Jew was Jacob whom God called Israel.
Jacob's grandfather was Abraham.
Abraham's wife Sarah had an Egyptian handmaiden (a slave) named Hagar.
So Abraham, the grandfather, of the first Jew, had an Egyptian slave.
Who enslaved whom first?
Adolf didn't kill any Jews.
-it's not the Jews, we are victims
-ok, it is the Jews, but not ALL of the Jews
-ok, so we are all in cahoots with each other
-but some Goyim are guilty too
-ok, so we are at the tippy top, and all Goyim are Shabbat goy to us
-ok, so we do control the world, what are you going to do about it?
Have fun being debanked.
You think de-banking is a joke?
Who controls the banks?
>My family works in the banking industry
Then you are either a Jew, or a Shabbat Goy working for the Jews.
Follow the thread.
Does your little dissertation on ancient slavery also apply to Israelites being enslaved by the Egyptians? We're they just well treated servants with very high positions of authority?
How did that work out for them when Pharoah commanded his soldiers to kill all of the Israelite babies?
You see, you can't have it both ways.
The city councils are unconstitutional.
I call them the Village Idiots, and The Stupid Rules Committee.
The are a bunch of blowhards who are full of themselves and like to make a bunch of unconstitutional ordinances. They are as bad as, or worse than the HOA idiots.
I am sure that many of the Black slaves in the United States were treated very well and had wonderful masters.
They were treated so well, that when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, he was actually doing them a disservice and making them unemployed and homeless.